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Universal Orlando Resort (USF, IOA, Epic) Discussion Thread

P. 625: Harry Potter Ministry of Magic revealed!

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Some more from Fear himself!!!




This one too. Best look at Fear yet at 1:00.




Cannot wait


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Wow, awesome videos! I really liked the teaser, and the second one was an awesome insight with clips of how epic the event really is. Every time I read this topic I get so pumped for next week!




My friend invited me to the Team member preview, would it be worth going to check out? I heard that its not as good as later on, but I really want to check everything out, any advice?

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For the singing one, I think it was SACRIFICE, it's easier if you use a microphone to sing along. Otherwise with your mouse you just rapidly click while your supposed to "sing." If it's green you're doing it right.


As for some other questions, pretty sure that Rockit will be open as it was last year. However it can only be open until 10 if I remember correctly. It's lame, but people complain about the noise from screaming riders. Also about Stay and Scream, tried it a couple years ago and while some think it's nice to get some houses in early, I completely regretted it. It seems that it takes a while to get the houses fully staffed so the first few houses I went through were missing a lot. Just be aware of it and I don't recommend getting your favorite house out of the way first. The lines at Harry Potter should be less insane so I wouldn't hurry over to HHN. IOA is open until 7-8pm and HHN starts at 6:30. Save some cash by getting Stay and Scream unless you're a Florida Resident, then it's the same price. If you can afford it, get express for the busy nights and get them early because they sell out quickly.


Strange how little information there is this year. The other years we knew so much way earlier. Here we are less than a week away with only names and descriptions of houses and scarezones. No locations yet? Also noticed a description mentioning Cindy. Seems we will finally meet her.

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As for some other questions, pretty sure that Rockit will be open as it was last year. However it can only be open until 10 if I remember correctly. It's lame, but people complain about the noise from screaming riders.


Rockit was not open last year. Its fate this year is still TBD, but I definitely wouldn't hold my breath on being able to ride it the first weekend, unfortunately, but who knows. It is listed on the map posted over at HHNRumors, but I guess that could be subject to change.

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It was open last year. I know because I rode it. However it closed very early because of noise. Was unaware of the recent closing, so it may be closed this year, but hopefully they will get it going again soon. Still remains that if it does open again in time, it will probably be closing early and the lights will probably be off. Also I believe it was at 10 that the ride was completely shut down meaning if you aren't in line an hour and 1/2 before then, you might not get on.


P.S. Thanks for the link to the locations.

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I attended the event around 7 or 8 times last year, and I do not recall HRRR ever being open. I got there when the event started, and was usually one of the last to leave. I remember once I was in line for the Dracula house, and they were sending cars through...but they were dark and empty. Perhaps it was on one of the weekends I did not attend, but I also avoided Friday and Saturdays, so maybe they ran it then.


I hope it is open this year, so people will go wait in line for it and not the houses Seriously though, I really do hope its open...because night time rides on HRRR are pretty awesome. Looking out over everybody waiting for the Chicago concert to start was sweet looking. I can't imagine riding it at midnight and looking out over the event, especially on the first mcbr.


Roughly 5 more days!

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I saw somewhere they were installing nets under part of HRRR this year where it goes over one of the haunts was that correct? I'll be really surprised if at opens at all for quite a while.


Is Jaws fun at night? I've done it during the day, I thought it was fun even though it's hardly cutting edge technology. I guess if it's on the Express pass I'll do it anyway.

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^That was definitely a bonus last year! I had never done jaws at night and I'm a huge fan of the classic rides. If you don't mind getting the potential lap full of water, that far left edge provides awesome views. Jaws only had a 5 minute wait, so we thought we'd try it out and it's something I'm definitely going to do again this year.


As far as HRRR goes, no telling how long it will actually be down for...but I do know earlier this year they did install a net on that over bank (treble cleff?) element. That could be what it's for, but they would need quite a few more. The line for all three of those main houses (last year being Wolfman, Dracula, and Frankenstein) go right underneath the track.


Off topic a little bit, but can anybody confirm or deny the rumor of HRRR updating the tracks, quite possibly with more music? I also noticed the last time I rode it (a week ago) some touch screen panels had a red frame, others had yellow. Could they possibly have been already replacing the screens or am I just now noticing the different colors?


p.s.Sorry if this post is too long or irrelevant. I want to contribute intellectually to the boards with out responding poorly. Thanks for any advice!

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^I have no idea about the music tracks on HRRR; however, I truned on news 13 earlier this afternoon and they were talking about the coaster.



Universal Orlando's Rip Ride Rockit roller coaster has a mechanical issue that's spinning the heads of technicians.


A Universal Studios' Florida spokesman said the closure is due to maintenance, but News 13 has uncovered a memo from the manufacturer of the roller coaster asking parks across the world who have similar models to close them.


The letter from the German manufacturer Maurer Sohne advised all theme parks with a ride - like Universal's roller coaster to shut down the coaster immediately.


The problem is a coupling bar. It's the part of the ride that connects the two cars together. The manufacturer believes there are several places where the coupling bar may crack.


The memo goes on to say a re-design of the coupling bar will take two to three months and the ride should be shut down. The company says the ride should remain closed and stay that way IF parks like Universal should discover cracks.


The memo from Maurer Sohne came out on Sept. 2.


Yet, Rip Ride Rockit closed this past Wednesday.


A spokesman at Universal said all rides are inspected daily.


In a written statement he said, "We are obsessive about safety. Anything in a manufacturer's advisory would have been dealt with weeks ago."


Hollywood Rip Ride Rockit is temporarily closed for unrelated maintenance."


News 13 called Universal to ask specifically about the results of their testing following the advised service inspection.


So far, calls have not been returned.


article available here:





It looks like Universal is going to try and open the ride sooner than later and it may only be down for a small refurb (Maybe relevant to HHN?):


A spokesman at Universal said all rides are inspected daily.


In a written statement he said, "We are obsessive about safety. Anything in a manufacturer's advisory would have been dealt with weeks ago."

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Is Jaws fun at night?


Yes, yes it is. Especially if you do the chant.




Best Jaws ride ever!





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In 2000 (HHNX), when Jack was introduced, they renamed Jaws "Bloody Waters". It was mostly the same but, in the boathouse, Jack came out, did a speil, and sprayed the boat with water. It was pretty sweet!


They did something similar with Earthquake that year too. Fun times.

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After the latest news story I am hopeful it might be open for Horror Nights. Maybe we will know more on Saturday...can't wait . Even if it is closed there is plenty to do and Mummy is right next door, assuming it is open (this is my first HHN).



Last year was the first year I attended, and Mummy was in fact up and running. The line got a little bit long most of the nights, but it's a nice break. Last year the only rides open were MIB, Simpson, Rotm and Jaws I believe. It was nice when it started to rain, we would just go hit up a ride till it stopped.


I'm really wondering if the HRR thing is unrelated and just a refurb before hhn like mentioned above. Something still sounds very weird about it, but I guess we shall see.

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^^ In 2009 the park didn't do anything different to Jaws, but TPR did.


Basically - we took over almost an entire boat (that poor group in the front row) and basically had a blast. There was chanting, laughing, mocking, chanting some more... We had a great "guide" who definitely played along.

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