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2020 TPR Coaster Poll!

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Didnt submit my rankings last 2 years so really need to get on this. Oof....I forgot how hard this was! Esp as I've added 75 incl lots of quality ones. Basically started from scratch as I feel too overwhelmed XD Then will just update the list each year but dang this is gunna take some time. How do people with hundreds rank em especially when you get to the middle? 

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Submitted last night! My ranking is pretty much identical to 2019, except I added in West Coast Racers and rearranged a couple coasters in the middle of my list.

Thanks to all involved with this. I am curious to see how much this list changes from 2019, if lots of people didn't do much traveling in 2020.

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I haven't been on the forums as much lately so the poll snuck up on me this year. Almost missed it! No newcomers in the top 25 pictured here, but I had a few important additions like Candymonium, Boardwalk Bullet, and Wonder Woman (SFFT). Thanks once again for keeping this going! 


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17 hours ago, JJLehto said:

Didnt submit my rankings last 2 years so really need to get on this. Oof....I forgot how hard this was! Esp as I've added 75 incl lots of quality ones. Basically started from scratch as I feel too overwhelmed XD Then will just update the list each year but dang this is gunna take some time. How do people with hundreds rank em especially when you get to the middle? 

One thing that people like to do is group their coasters in batches. So, you have your top 25. Then, for your next batch of coasters that you really like but can't put in order, mark them with rank 35. Then the next batch 45, the next 55, and so on.

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7 hours ago, A.J. said:

One thing that people like to do is group their coasters in batches. So, you have your top 25. Then, for your next batch of coasters that you really like but can't put in order, mark them with rank 35. Then the next batch 45, the next 55, and so on.

That is actually what I ended up doing! Its just too maddening otherwise 

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