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Elissa Alvey On ThrillNetwork's In The Loop Radio Show!

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Hanging packs, yes....with other girls...not always. Most of the time you will see us wandering around with guys who we may act sightly ashamed to be seen with. The reason for this: We are trying to convert them out of dork mode into cool mode. It's a challenge, but we can do it.

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Very funny, the girl;s did a great job!!!

How come there arent any girls like these at any ACE events??(lol)


Because certain males in the community do a really good job of being total girl-repellent!


When I used to actually go to ACE events and theme parks, I always made sure there was a guy with me at all times.


To be sure, I use the same tactic at anime conventions and LAN parties.

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Over the last few days I have been flooded with emails about Robb being banned on In the Loop. I think we might have to have a chat about this on next weeks show.


Kenshinmac: Thanks for the comments. Its funny you bring that up because the show started as a 10 min show months ago. We bumped it up to 15 because it just was not enoght time. Over the last few months I have chated with many people tied in with the show and they all said "make it longer" and I told them that 15 min was somthing easy to listen to and over all would make it a better show then one hour of talking about coasters. Its really hard to sit for one hour and listin to anything (more so when its not funny... Thats the "buzz" anyway).


Don't forget about the In the Loop, Daily News show also. Its not as funny but its very informitive. It can be found on the same site as the Weekend Show.


Thanks guy and ladies

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Over the last few days I have been flooded with emails about Robb being banned on In the Loop. I think we might have to have a chat about this on next weeks show.


Kenshinmac: Thanks for the comments. Its funny you bring that up because the show started as a 10 min show months ago. We bumped it up to 15 because it just was not enoght time. Over the last few months I have chated with many people tied in with the show and they all said "make it longer" and I told them that 15 min was somthing easy to listen to and over all would make it a better show then one hour of talking about coasters. Its really hard to sit for one hour and listin to anything (more so when its not funny... Thats the "buzz" anyway).


Don't forget about the In the Loop, Daily News show also. Its not as funny but its very informitive. It can be found on the same site as the Weekend Show.


Thanks guy and ladies

Good to hear that you aren't going to go with a longer format. I love things the way they are. Besides it would get hard to keep it funny if it was any longer. Heck I like the single theme and single topic. If people keep asking for more maybe you should go for a midweek show to keep us going till your weekend show(maybe just record both shows during the weekend then release one during the week). I'm sure you could find someone who would do it.


Beyond that I do subscribe to the daily news. Did you guys submit that to the iTunes site as well? It is nice to have the stuff quickly come up when you search but only the weekend show comes up so far.

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I know they submitted the daily show into iTunes, but it hasn't been picked up as of yet. Thanks for all the kind words, and keep listening we love the people that do!!



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I've just downloaded it...it'll give me something to listen to at work tomorrow

I listened to Robb's interview today and had to try not to laugh when hearing about fat people can't ride Intamins and Robb's rumors of being banned at SFMM and stuff but my co-workers would look at me like I"m nuts. Now, just to load this into the iPod!

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That was rather funny. I like anything talking about girls and juices.


And *sigh* yep, you (girls) are better than us (pigs.. I mean men). I reckon the only chance I've got of finding someone is if I have a sex change operation and become lesbian.. :shock:


Ok I'll force myself to appear happy, by laughing in graphical form:

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Guys! We need your help for IN THE LOOP! Yes thanks Robb we got all of your 6 calls for the show tomorrow!


If you can before 1230am We need your input! Tonights poll is which coast has the better selection of coasters! When you call leave your name and email address as well as your message. We just need your permission to air it on the radio is all! 212-875-4844


Everyday will be a new question. Even if you call after 9pm on your cell it's free, so just leave one! You know you want to hear your voice on the podcast, Just kiddin!


Katie, the rumor chick


Thanks for all the support for In the Loop, we really appreciate it!

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