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Kolmården Discussion Thread

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I honestly don't think Robb is hinting or has been hinting at anything. I don't know Robb personally but I think it's safe to assume that he takes his relationships with Parks seriously! I don't think he would hint or do anything to even slightly risk jeopardizing that.

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Δ Beyond true! Look at Outlaw Run. Its a short ride but boy is it one hell of a ride! Honestly if it were much longer it might actually be too much.

Exactly! Just rode it yesterday, and it was intense. If the ride was longer the "novelty" would wear off, and it wouldn't be as good of a ride. Sometimes, the longer a coaster gets, the worse it gets. I see no point for a designer to make a ride long just for it to be long and have the overall ride experience hurt in the process.


Anyways, Only a few more hours 'til the announcement! Can't wait for this one!

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The same is true for Goliath at SFGam. Last fall when they announced it, all people could say was how it could have traversed the perimeter one more time given the space they have, or other things along those lines. I305 is another prime example. Do people complain I305 is too short nowadays? Not really.

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I like short rides, I think that bombastic but short rides are the "modern way" for a lot of great coasters. It comes up in 90% of new ride announcements though, I remember people calling I305 too short when it was announced, even though it is in the top 10 longest rides of all time.

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By no means is I-305 short. Quick is the word that should be used, because like Fooz just said above me, it's one of the longest coasters in the world. The only thing that makes people say it's short is that it's so fast, it's over in a heartbeat.

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I honestly don't think Robb is hinting or has been hinting at anything. I don't know Robb personally but I think it's safe to assume that he takes his relationships with Parks seriously! I don't think he would hint or do anything to even slightly risk jeopardizing that.

This is correct. I have honestly not hinted at anything in this thread at all. The only thing I've said that has any semblance of truth is that I think this project is going to be FANTASTIC!

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RCDB is known for never ever guessing...

To be fair, RCDB is wrong more often than you'd think. Just on our recent Japan trip there was loads of stuff there were things he had down as operational that weren't or rides that had updated theming, or rides that weren't listed, etc.


I realize it's not his fault as it takes a LOT to operate a database of that size, especially when most of his content is user submitted, I'm just saying that RCDB is actually NOT the end-all, be-all of roller coaster information.


I'm not going to say if his entry is right or wrong, because I'm under NDA and I'm going to stick to my promises with the park.


No no definitely not the end-all be-all, but I can faintly recall plenty of times on new coasters where Mr. Marden just won't post anything speculative about the projects.


And of course, there's a big difference between getting it right on fairly no name Japanese jet coasters and posting the manufacturer of a major new coaster early. Legal issues, snowballing crazy rumors, loss of credibility etc. I'll be stunned if this isn't a wooden coaster.

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^ I hear you. And my point was just that it's not always right. If it turns out to be a wood coaster it will be either a very good guess or someone has leaked it to him and if that's the case it will be a little disappointing that he chose to post it, because I know that very few people know what the project is.


There's been quite a few times where we've been given leaked info or had people post things and we've chosen to remove them out of respect for the park who should be the first people to announce a project.

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Thinking about doing a late night chat starting at midnight for everyone waiting up for the Wildfire announcement: http://www.themeparkreview.com/forum/chat/index.php

Sorry, been out of the loop on this announcement, what time will it be announced? If it's midnight eastern time I'm considering staying up.



officially announced via live stream tomorrow morning at 10am Stockholm time. (4am EDT, 1am PDT) here:



I'll be watching...will you?

Edited by robbalvey
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Thinking about doing a late night chat starting at midnight for everyone waiting up for the Wildfire announcement: http://www.themeparkreview.com/forum/chat/index.php

Sorry, been out of the loop on this announcement, what time will it be announced? If it's midnight eastern time I'm considering staying up.

I think its 4am Eastern time!

Darn. Guess I'll check when I get up at 6.

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I think I'm too curious to sleep.


Whatever this is may seriously impact the first-time Liseberg trip I have just started planning for this August.


It's not a trip I will be able to make twice so... do I proceed with my plans? Or do I wait until 2016?


So happy they are announcing this now and not in 3 weeks (when it would have been too late to switch to plan 'B').

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