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TPR New Front Page In Development!

Which version of the new TPR Front Page do you like better?  

311 members have voted

  1. 1. Which version of the new TPR Front Page do you like better?

    • Option 1
    • Option 2

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  robbalvey said:
So, let me ask another question....


Those of you who voted for Option 1, for example, could you live with Option 2? And vice-versa if you voted for Option 2?


I guess what I'm asking is there anyone who voted for one option over the other because they felt VERY STRONGLY against the other one?




I voted for Option 2 because the large picture dominates and I liked that. Yes, you'd need a stock of large pictures, but is that really a problem these days with all the high-res photography equipment out there? If a park doesn't provide a large picture, would they really provide just one small one? Wouldn't they provide a few smaller ones that could be pieced together to create one large photo? That wouldn't need drastic alterations, and the park would be pleased that TPR readers could see all the smaller images at once, would it not? Not trying to tell you how to run TPR Robb, just putting out the questions/answers that ran through my head when I was picking which one to vote for.


That said, if you went with option #1, I think it would be just fine. Anyone who vows never to log into TPR again because you went with the option they didn't vote for has to be extremely petty to have that kind of reaction. Doesn't sound like the kind of person to be too concerned about.

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I like option 1. I could live with either. The look of option 1 is cleaner and you see more of the page at once. I don't use twitter but I think it's great for those who do, and you will see them as they come in. Happy new year to all.

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  robbalvey said:
So, let me ask another question....


Those of you who voted for Option 1, for example, could you live with Option 2? And vice-versa if you voted for Option 2?


I guess what I'm asking is there anyone who voted for one option over the other because they felt VERY STRONGLY against the other one?




Voted for option 2, but I like both of them. The twitter bar just seems unnecessary to me, hence my vote.

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  nrs2420 said:
I voted option 2 because I'm strongly against twitter. I'd be fine if it was filled with something else, but I'm tired of my favorite sites being taken over by twitter and facebook.

I'm not sure what to say about this. I mean, I support Facebook and Twitter as much if not sometimes MORE than the website because we actually now have more active members on those two platforms then the forums. While I wouldn't look at it as "taking over", I think it's more of an "extension" of the site. Just like the video link now goes to our YouTube channel instead of CoasterTube. We pretty much HAVE to stay current with social media otherwise TPR would just become obsolete.


  PeoplemoverMatt said:
Yes, you'd need a stock of large pictures, but is that really a problem these days with all the high-res photography equipment out there? If a park doesn't provide a large picture, would they really provide just one small one? Wouldn't they provide a few smaller ones that could be pieced together to create one large photo?

To be totally up front, I wouldn't have said it if it wasn't an issue. If look look at our current front page, sometimes to make our image, which is only 150x75 pixel, we can take a much bigger image and create a small thumbnail out of just a part of it. Here's a perfect example:



Came from this:



The small thumbnail works perfect for the current front page, and the larger picture works perfect for the update, but it might not work perfect for the new front page. (I realize this isn't the best example, because we are using that same image on the new front page and it looks fine, but I just needed a quick example!)


It sometimes is already a bit different to come up with compelling thumbnails, but it's easy because they are so small. A crappy picture can actually look "ok" when it's that small, but when it's blown up to the bigger size, you really do need to make sure you have a GOOD image.


And as far as piecing together other images, well, that's more work on us, and while I don't mind doing it, sometimes we just need to get things on the front page ASAP. And having to make a "collage" out of photo for the front page pic, I dunno, that just sounds like having to force a solution into a problem I wish I never had to have. Make sense?


  rcdude said:
Voted for option 2, but I like both of them. The twitter bar just seems unnecessary to me, hence my vote.

What would you rather see in that spot?

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I prefer option #2 - and that opinion is wholly based on the visuals. I love a large featured image and I think its a cleaner approach. From a functional standpoint - I understand having the Twitter ticker. And while I think #1 looks a bit busier, its not to the point of feeling cluttered. I think both layouts work great - but if the question is which looks better - I prefer #2.

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  robbalvey said:

I'm not sure what to say about this. I mean, I support Facebook and Twitter as much if not sometimes MORE than the website because we actually now have more active members on those two platforms then the forums. While I wouldn't look at it as "taking over", I think it's more of an "extension" of the site. Just like the video link now goes to our YouTube channel instead of CoasterTube. We pretty much HAVE to stay current with social media otherwise TPR would just become obsolete.



I understand this, but you don't put it in my face (if you do, I don't notice it). So while I know you use those platforms, I don't think about it when I come to the site. If it's on the front page, it's in my face (kinda like news sites cramming it down my throat when I go to their sites). While I don't like it, I understand the times.

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I definitely favor option one. I don't use Twitter, but the slideshow on option two is too big, like others have said. I could live with either one because I check the front page once a day at most. I mostly just stay on the forums. I actually like the current layout because the updates and park reports are the only things I look at on the front page.

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  robbalvey said:
  rcdude said:
Voted for option 2, but I like both of them. The twitter bar just seems unnecessary to me, hence my vote.

What would you rather see in that spot?


That's part of the issue...I don't think the twitter bar fits, but I don't really know what would. The only thing I can really think of would be something for the forums such as a list of that day's most popular topics (not new topics to keep any pointless/spam threads out), or simply a featured thread of the day.


I don't know if this would be possible, but if the twitter bar was removed and the picture enlarged slightly (about half way between the two options) and centered I think it would look pretty good. I definitely prefer the image with nothing beside it from option 2, but it's just a little too large.

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  rcdude said:

I don't know if this would be possible, but if the twitter bar was removed and the picture enlarged slightly (about half way between the two options) and centered I think it would look pretty good. I definitely prefer the image with nothing beside it from option 2, but it's just a little too large.


I think we're onto something here.

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  rcdude said:
I don't know if this would be possible, but if the twitter bar was removed and the picture enlarged slightly (about half way between the two options) and centered I think it would look pretty good. I definitely prefer the image with nothing beside it from option 2, but it's just a little too large.

The big image above and the smaller image below are the exact same aspect ratio so that we only have to upload one image and it works for both spots. So if we change the size of one, that means we either need to make the bottom one smaller (and I'm going to place bets that people will then say it's too small) or have two separate images.


Again, this goes back to creating more work for the people who update the front page, and I worry that the more work that it is (and it's already more work that it currently is), we might not get the front page updated as often.


Every layer of work that is put on top of it distracts from getting the job done. Not trying to sound lazy, it's just the reality of what goes on.


I'm thinking that we will either have to "live" with the twitter feed or have the giant image. It can't be both. Not unless we want this to take another two years.

Edited by robbalvey
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I could live with either one of the options but I'm going to stick with option #1. I like the twitter feed being there because there is a lot of different vines and pics that are posted to Twitter that I may not have seen posted on the TPR forum.....or if they are posted somewhere on the forum there may be some delayed posting to a Trip Thread.

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  robbalvey said:
The big image above and the smaller image below are the exact same aspect ratio so that we only have to upload one image and it works for both spots. So if we change the size of one, that means we either need to make the bottom one smaller (and I'm going to place bets that people will then say it's too small) or have two separate images.

You could make the large image slightly smaller and have the arrows to advance the slide show on either side of the image, as opposed to inside of it like it is now.

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I'm torn because I already follow the Twitter account in my Twitter feed, so it doesn't help or hurt me to have the tweets on the front page. Still, others may not be near their phone or wherever they read their followed Twitter accounts, so I'll vote for


Option 1



Both are good, though.

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Wow. I'm not bashing anybody but I'm surprised at the number of people who don't use twitter. I'm required to use it for work and it's amazing the network I have built that way. Even in the amusement industry, I communicate with some parks that way (and get quicker replies than I do through any other outlet). I'm not trying to persuade anyone to use it, I was just kind of shocked.


Back to the real topic at hand, what I don't like about option 2 is that I have to scroll more than with option 1. Besides that, option 2 does look cleaner. What would really sell me on option 2 is that if the updates/news below the big picture banner were horizontal instead of vertical. If the content for the updates/news could be shrunk down a bit so the top 3 or 4 were on the bottom then you could 'swipe' left or right to get to more topics, that would be awesome and I think it would look the cleanest.

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I voted for Option #2. The design looks cleaner and I like the larger photos for the features. I would be happy with option#1 as well. The twitter feed is cool. My only comment is the font used for the menu bar. Maybe it's my computer, but it doesn't match the font used for "Official TPR Updates" and "Theme Park News". Looks a bit out of place.

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Option 2 solely based on page load times. If option 1 would load faster, that is the one I'd go with. I'm not sure if it has to do with extra plugins related to the twitter feed or what, but it almost seems like something is broken while waiting for it to load.

Using latest version of Firefox.

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I picked Option 1.




I don't use Twitter, so having your live Twitter feed is a nice touch.


The main article picture is a much nicer size than on option 2.




I don't like the scroll bars on the "Official TPR Updates" and "Theme Park News" sections. It's too much scrolling for my liking


The Twitter feed doesn't seem to have a down arrow on the scroll bar.


Can you put a direct link to the main forum on the home page?

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