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The "Rant" Thread


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My rant. Well Ihave a sleeping pattern of an american . (I'm from the uk) I fall asleap at 6.am here and wake up at 5pm, I start college again on tuseday . Im going to be a zombie for like a week . And I dont do do well with no sleep i turn into a crazy cat lady .. with out the cats.


Also I'm so hungry I would eat fruit .... I despise fruit.



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So one of the conditions of going on the NE trip next year is that my son get's good grades in school. He's the type of student that can get B's and C's with VERY minimal effort. He will ace all of the tests with no problem, but for some reason he has issue with the homework/classwork part of it.


So we figured with the incentive of doing the NE trip and knowing that if he doesn't get good grades we aren't going that would be enough. Fast forward to getting a call from his math teacher today ... not even 2 weeks into the school year telling us that he's not turning in homework. He's damn lucky she called before progress reports came out so he can fix it.


You would have thought being grounded from playing video games for the last 3 months of last school year and not being able to play during the week now would have taught him.

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I was also a real slacker in High School. It's not that my grades were bad, it just is that when I figured out I could get a 3.0 GPA without any real effort that was good enough for me. Because of my decisions there I ended up having to go to community college for two years, which actually really helped get me focused and make me serious about school.

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^ Not to mention save you a ton of money. Diana is going to community college right now so she can get her General Education done for less while she lives at home. When I was in high school, I got through with a 3.2 average---enough to graduate with honors.


As for a rant, I really don't have one at this time, but I'm sure I'll think of one. Check back later.



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Today, one week before classes start, I get an email that the textbook posted for one of my classes was incorrect. So now I have to order new books online (because it would cost 5x more to get them at the school bookstore) and try and return or sell the wrong book that I already bought weeks ago. This would be a lot less annoying if the incorrect posting had been corrected back in July, as opposed to sitting around unnoticed for two and a half months.

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You know what.


I'm just coming here to vent because I don't want to speak word of this where the community I'm in now can see it.



You know what, trolls are always going to be scum of the internet. They say when you get pissed off at them, they win. Well my good friend Jes has been getting e-stalked for several months now by several obsessive trolls. Me and Jes are pretty soft people, so have this rain of stalkers and trolls are really messing with us.


Now it has got to the point where they are sharing personal information, addresses, phone numbers, and other harassments that are being towards her.


What she did you may ask? Well she turned them down on e-dating, and she apparently black mailed someone a month and a half ago.



Trolls are scum, but they are still people behind the curtain. Why the hell can't they think and have there morals.



EDIT: Now they are going after me, and another friend of mine. Ain't the internet a great place to be in....

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^^College textbooks are the worst. I just spent $666 for my freshman year books, and I'm totally serious. So evil.
Whoa that's insane! Freshman year I think I only spent about $200 my first quarter...and then got $14 and change for selling the few books the school was actually taking back. Ugh. Lesson learned from that one was don't buy from the school unless you have to. Amazon and Chegg are the best.
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^^ Saying "queue line" for "queue" or "line" is the same as people saying "ATM machine" for "ATM." Or "10 a.m. in the morning."


It's redundancy. And it also drives me crazy. One time I saw a shirt that I thought was hilarious---it had a giant seal for a fictional "Department of Redundancy Dept." seal on the front of it.



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Example of when trolling is funny = going to an anime forum, and being like "ANIME SUCKS" and getting 90 posts dedicated to you.


Example of when trolling is not funny = When you are all most 18, consider trolling a hobby, spend your time looking for personal info such as phone numbers and addresses, and attacking the "victims" friends and family.


Don't know how many of you know this guy, but my good buddy who goes by the name UltraRobbie, he is even affected by this. He is a part of the coaster community, not this small youtube community.


This pisses me off, it really does.


This is why we can't have fun.

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^^ Saying "queue line" for "queue" or "line" is the same as people saying "ATM machine" for "ATM." Or "10 a.m. in the morning."


It's redundancy. And it also drives me crazy. One time I saw a shirt that I thought was hilarious---it had a giant seal for a fictional "Department of Redundancy Dept." seal on the front of it.




Honestly, I can tell you that I've seen the term "Queue Line" in print on one of my park maps. Said something along the lines of "No Smoking in Queue Lines."


On that note of redundancies and oxymorons, my biggest rant is when people write or say "Blu-Ray DVD." Since when did HD DVD and Blu-Ray become hybridized? I must have been under a rock this whole time.


Also my last rant for now: It's now fall and finally the summer heat is kicking in full force. Why couldn't this happen when it was summer? Instead, our summer consisted of morning fog, breezy clear afternoons, fog roll back in around 5:00 in the afternoon. Now that school has started for everyone is when the heat wants to start up.

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Like five minutes ago i typed a post in the wtf is it thread and for whatever reason it added something about my touching small children.

I dint add that myself but after I submitted the post it added it to it.

I don't really know why but i don't care i just want it gone because I'm only 14 so I don't want to grow up with people who share the same interests as me thinking im a sex offender.

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