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The Bag-Of-Crap Giveaway Thread!

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Oh, that was different than before.


Two could mean that the ride was constructed by one manufacturer, than picked up or modified by another.

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Two lift hills?


Now, that is a good guess.


Two lift hills?! The Beast?


Yes, correct.


Now a reminder:


You will not win this contest by guessing the name of the coaster randomly. For each round, I will give points to whomever guesses what each clue means. For instance, Skycoastin' Steve has gotten a point because he guessed that the first clue meant that there was two names.

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Has it operated at two separate parks?



Oh, that was different than before.


Two could mean that the ride was constructed by one manufacturer, than picked up or modified by another.


It could.


Clue #2: Extension


Here is the score after one round:


Skycoastin' Steve: 2

A.J.: 2

atem122: 1

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Extension could mean that a ride's layout was modified by adding extra length.




Extension - the ride is longer than it was when it first opened?




The 2nd lift hill is an extension to the ride.




Was the train extended?



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Powder Keg

Two is manufacturers, S&S and Premier I believe. Also has two propulsions, Lift and Launch, and it was extended from original layout with the lift hill.


I will give you one-word clues every few minutes. The clues will start out hard and get easier as we go on. Each clue will count as a round. I will reward points to the person(s) who come closest to guessing what each clue is referring to. This means that you will probably not win by simply blurting out the names of coasters. You will need to figure out what each clue means. (i.e. park names, coaster manufacturers, etc.) Even if the correct coaster is guessed before all the clues will be given, the game will go on. The winner will be the one with the most points in the end.



PLEASE follow the rules!

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Skyline could refer to a roller coaster that's been painted a different color so it doesn't affect the skyline (like Stealth, Wild-Svinet, or Rita).

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Skyline could refer to a roller coaster that's been painted a different color so it doesn't affect the skyline (like Stealth, Wild-Svinet, or Rita).




Only the two lift hills of Beast show up on the skyline, one of them being the 2nd one which extended the ride.


That is true, but you aren't on the right track.


It's build next to some power lines?


Um, no.

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The coaster fits in as part of its city's sky line?


You are sort of on the right track with your guess.


The ride could be the only roller coaster in the park that affects the skyline (everything else being below the trees).



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