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^^ He is right.


That is Six Flags fault, not Vekoma's.


Vekoma builds the ride, and thats it. Six Flags hires a different contracter for everything else, like queue, scenery, building. But Six Flags would have to contact Vekoma to get permission and make sure everything is ok, so when a guest exits, he wont get hit by the next train.

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I always thought the handicap entrance takes you under the towers and up the ramps with the rest of the people. There is the open side of the ramp that is accessible. My opinion on handicap entrance for Deja Vu... Let them wait in the line with everyone else. If they have a pass, they should be in a wheelchair becuase if you try SFMM on crutches, you're insane. That line is 100% accessable to wheelchairs.

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restarting the party...I was in that single rider wheelchair access queue in June along with a few others (none of us in wheelchairs though). The ride ops would only let single riders on in 2's and we watched many an unoccupied seat go by. That was novel...........!

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Hey All... wasn't quite sure where to put this question. Hope it's OK here :?.


Does anyone know how averagly busy Six Flags MM is. Like queue times for X, RR, Superman and all the recent and decent coasters? I'm going on either the 23rd, 24th, or 25th is that's any help?


Cheers in advance.

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And Deja Vu has been open more this year than it has been closed.

I hope so, because that's not particularly impressive!


I have seen a few rides that have a dedicated elevator for wheelchair access. Thunder Dolphin at Laqua, for one. Isn't that the setup for Goliath at MM as well?


Chris B

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^^What month?


If it's September, that weekend should not be busy at all.


Still, you need to be in line to get into the park NO LATER than 9:30am if you want to ride X. Run straight to X when the park opens.


After that I would go back to Deja Vu, if it's open and has a line, use the Single Rider line. It's your friend.


If both are up and running at park open you should be able to do both by 11:00 or 11:30.


From there just make your way to Riddlers, Batman, etc, etc, etc.


Be aware that some rides are subject to be closed because of whatever the hell they are building up on the hill.

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They probably didn't install a lift, because the majority of 'handicapped' is punks who just rent a wheelchair and then abuse the system. Theres nothing worse than when I lose my spot to some guy that just gets out of his wheelchair and walks over to the vehilce...




...you know who you are....

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They probably didn't install a lift, because the majority of 'handicapped' is punks who just rent a wheelchair and then abuse the system. Theres nothing worse than when I lose my spot to some guy that just gets out of his wheelchair and walks over to the vehilce...




...you know who you are....


they're not cheating the system, there is such a condition where you can walk but only a limited amount. and sfmm is a lot of walking my friend.

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Oh please. When I am walking around and I see a handicapped person stand out of their wheelchair, so their friend can sit down (and so they can push it)....or when people are racing in wheelchairs. . . its pretty evident that they are BS'ing it. I see it all the time.


All you have to do is rent a wheelchair, and they can't deny you a handicapped pass.

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