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What are you thankful for...

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I'm glad that Kennywood has done a great job maintaining its classic wooden coasters -- they were all running very well this season.


Also, although not specific to the industry, I'm thankful for Robb indirectly introducing me to Carrabba's years ago through his trips, and now I've had great meals at multiple locations throughout the USA. The atmosphere is typically warm and cozy, prices are reasonable, and the menu top-to-bottom looks good. The grilled chicken breast is easily the best I've ever had! If I'm traveling and there aren't any one-off landmark restaurants or unique foods I have to seek out, my next step is to see if there's a Carrabba's nearby. They tend to pop up not far from some big amusement parks, and they make for a reliably good meal on the road.

Edited by Samuel
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I'm thankful for TPR. Because of Robb and Elissa I have been able to travel all over the world seeing beautiful parks, ride some amazing coasters and become friends with some awesome people.


Thank You


THIS! Many members of TPR are basically extended family at this point...all thanks to Robb and Elissa.

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I'm thankful for TPR. Because of Robb and Elissa I have been able to travel all over the world seeing beautiful parks, ride some amazing coasters and become friends with some awesome people.


Thank You


THIS! Many members of TPR are basically extended family at this point...all thanks to Robb and Elissa.




And Sex! Lots and lots of sex! With Robb and Elissa and basically my whole extended TPR family. And if I'm not having actual sex with you, then I'm eye f*@k!ng you. Yeah! That's right! You can't escape me! Bet your sorry now for asking me this question. But I'm thankful you did. Cause I needed to get that off my chest. Mmmmmm chest! Boobs!

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I'd like to also hop onboard this "thankful for TPR" train. Of all the forums that I've tried to have decent conversations with about the industry, none of them rank as well as this one. Plus, outside the forums, everyone here has been the nicest and most accepting (compared to others where I've had less favorable experiences). Most notable ones were how open and friendly members were during coaster events both hosted by parks and one hosted by TPR I attended back in 2012. Thank you to all of you, and thank you to Robb and Elissa.

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