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Better Themeing?

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Hmmm, this is a tough one, there both pretty mediocre attempts at theming but if I had to choose one it would have to be Kingda Ka.


At least it tries to fit in with the surrounding area instead of sticking out like a sore thumb ride in the center of the park.

I've never been to either park but that seems to be my own personal impression.

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Definatley Kinga Ka!!!


TTD is a poor, poor attempt. Racing themeing is such a cliche on launched coasters nowdays. After Xcelerator you'd think they'd go for something different than some other car race.


Kinga Ka looks intruiging though. A jungle kinda theme is a extremely rare theme, and never done on a launch coaster. The station looks great, and all together I think it's far from mediocre. It's fab!

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^Don't forget though, Top Thrill Dragster was the first racing themed coaster. Xcellerator is just themed as old cars, not racing.


It is racing theme actually, but very vaguely, the only way i think of it as racing is from the website. It actually says that your racing for pink slips. So in a way its racing themed, but not as much as TTD.


As for TTD vs. KK, i throughly enjoy KKs better, it just plainly blends in more with the surroundings, then the 420 ft. sore thumb known as TTD

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I think both parks did a great job with their respective themes. I like TTD back when it had the full funny car effect, with the engine sounds, grandstand area, and spoiler and tires.


Great Adventure did a great job theming the whole area of the Golden Kingdom, very Animal Kingdomish. The permanent queue for KK is great, even though no one will see it again for quite some time. The KK trains are less than spectacular though, and I cannot understand the whole back car situation. I don't quite get KKs theme itself either.


My vote for best theme, Olympia Looping Dragonheart Fire found at the Wisconsin State Fairgrounds!

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Coasterlover420, KK is definatley not a copy. Its not themed after drag racing, its faster,taller, it has different colors, there is a bunny hill after the top hat, and it has more cars on its trains, it has a dual, loading station, and it has 4 trains.


If KK had none of that, and if it was themed after drag racing, than it would be a copy.


Cars per train-

Dragster - 5

KK - 5


Hmm, equals out.


90 degree twist up




270ish down




Number of trains

TTD - 6 (5 run normally though)

KK - 4


Wait times

TTD - Under 1.5 hours

KK - Over 1.5 hours




The actual core ride is very similar, definatly a "rip" of Dragster but with its own twist...or should I say, hill. Sure theres tons of other things different, especially different things, but Ive ridden both and they are pretty much the same thing except one is very smooth with no shuffle and good airtime and the other has insane shuffle but better airtime.



Im not opposed to either ride nor do I have a favourite. KK has potential to be better but its going to take alot of time and tinkering. Frankly, I never liked the dual station and the line doesnt seem to move nearly as fast as Dragsters which is somewhat a defining factor. If Im riding a ride that short (but intense) I definatly dont want to spend all day.

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Coasterlover420, KK is definatley not a copy. Its not themed after drag racing, its faster,taller, it has different colors, there is a bunny hill after the top hat, and it has more cars on its trains, it has a dual, loading station, and it has 4 trains.


If KK had none of that, and if it was themed after drag racing, than it would be a copy.


For KK, Intamin used the layout of TTD to create just a different colored ride with a hill, the trains have no more seats than the ones on TTD, it doesn't matter how many trains it has, it has a crappier theme, though, it has brakes where there shouldn't be brakes, the dual loading station adds nothing to the efficiency of the ride, and the front seat on TTD is raised and KK's isn't. You're right! it isn't a copy, it's a downgrade!

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Have you ever even ridden either of them? Or both? Doesnt seem like you have...The OTSR's have no effect on airtime. I got just as much as I would with a lap bar because it presses INTO YOUR LEGS and comes no where near your shoudlers or neck.


Your ignorance of both the rides and the posting procedures here at TPR is quite annoying. Grow up.

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