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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

p. 776: Rapterra wing coaster announced for 2025!

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^^Sounds like a great activity for TPR Quest at East Coast Bash--the first one to find a protractor and measure Drop Tower accurately gets five points!


^Why would anyone be in a hurry to get on Anaconda?

Edited by cfc
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About Drop Tower or whatever it's called now. I didn't find it all that intense. Height does not mean intensity! Sure, it's one of the taller ones I've ridden but the drop was anything but intense. You kind of glided down in a calm, serene manner. I can think of many drop towers that are more intense. Detonator at Thorpe Park is the most intense I've ridden and it's so intense that I refuse to ride it. It may only be 115ft tall, but it packs one hell of a punch. Don't get me wrong, I loved Drop Tower, it just wasn't as edgy as I'd hoped.

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^I agree. AtmosFEAR at Morey's Piers in Wildwood, NJ is by far the most intense I've ridden. Drop Tower did not give me the stomach dropping sensation of a lot of smaller towers. I do, however, love the seating design on Drop Tower, and I wish that more drop towers had the capacity of this ride.

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Got board so thought I post this Video of The Crypt I shot with my Cell Phone.....





Did they add a fastlane line to anaconda? it sure looks like some of the anaconda pics were taken from a different angle/location since the main queue is visible in a couple of them.



I didn't see any Fast Lane signs near Anaconda on my last 2 visits. As far as those pics believe they were either shot in the Que line or at the outdoor eating area right beside the exit for Anaconda . I know I said this before if someone wants to pay $55 to get the fast lane then so be it . I believe there doing this for those just passing thru for a day or on there only trip of the year. I have season passes so I don't see me paying for it unless I go by myself for a day with no kiddos and Girlfriend ...

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^I agree. AtmosFEAR at Morey's Piers in Wildwood, NJ is by far the most intense I've ridden. Drop Tower did not give me the stomach dropping sensation of a lot of smaller towers. I do, however, love the seating design on Drop Tower, and I wish that more drop towers had the capacity of this ride.


Wanted to ask you how the ticket deal was up there? My girlfriend is origanally from Wildwood NJ and she asked me if I would take her up there. Told her there is a catch I get to go to SFGA ...

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I was at the Saturday of opening weeking. I thought Windseeker was a pretty fun ride experience. Also, did anybody that went that day notice one of the Dominator trains were missing.


I went Monday then Saturday last and not sure if Dominator has 2 or 3 trains but only saw 2 trains on each day. Now there was something covered up on the outside rail in the train house that I saw.....

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^^I rode:

Intimidator 3x- walk-ons

Flight of Fear 2x- 5-minute wait

Volcano 2x: Beginning of the day was a 20-minute wait, later on was a 5-minute wait

Anaconda: walk-on

Backlot Stunt Coaster: 10-minute wait

Avalanche: 10-minute wait

Boo Blasters: 5-minute wait

Ghoster Coaster: walk-on

Dominator 2x: Walk-ons

Shockwave: 15-minute wait. Loading/unloading was an absolute nightmare.

Drop Tower: 10-minutes. Only half the seats were open.

Grizzly: Walk-on

Ricochet: 10-minute wait

Hurler: walk-on

Rebel Yell: Walk-on

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I was at the Saturday of opening weeking. I thought Windseeker was a pretty fun ride experience. Also, did anybody that went that day notice one of the Dominator trains were missing.


I was there that same day & noticed it as well,not to mention the missing blue train on backlot.

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I got 31 rides on Intimidator with the longest a 2 train wait!


SO JEALOUS. My visit on Saturday 4/7 I rode it 9 times in a row with walk-ons at first, but then the line got up to about a 5 train wait, so I decided to go get a ride on Windseeker before the crowds really started to come in (the park eventually got packed like the previous day).


Still, 10 rides over 2 days on Intimidator 305 is a great way to kick off my 2012 coaster season!

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I got 31 rides on Intimidator with the longest a 2 train wait!


SO JEALOUS. My visit on Saturday 4/7 I rode it 9 times in a row with walk-ons at first, but then the line got up to about a 5 train wait, so I decided to go get a ride on Windseeker before the crowds really started to come in (the park eventually got packed like the previous day).


Still, 10 rides over 2 days on Intimidator 305 is a great way to kick off my 2012 coaster season!

I am jealous of both you I tried the test seat and no green light for me..

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^ For a source to what he just said... In The Loop Rebooted Podcast - Clint Novak


Very excited about this!


Also, rumor has it on Saturday KD "hole punched" your Fast Lane wrist band once you rode Volcano which only allowed you to ride it once using the Fast Lane pass... -according to somebody on the park's Facebook

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^ For a source to what he just said... In The Loop Rebooted Podcast - Clint Novak


Very excited about this! Also, rumor has it on Saturday KD "hole punched" your Fast Lane wrist band once you rode Volcano which only allowed you to ride it once using the Fast Lane pass... -according to somebody on the park's Facebook


This should eliminate alot of the incessant bitching!!!

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