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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

p. 776: Rapterra wing coaster announced for 2025!

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^ Huh, my criteria for "best amusement park in the world" is when two major rides closed in the middle of the summer season.


In fairness, Drop Tower was down because of wind, but it did finally open for the last few hours of the day. However, Volcano was a major fail. They sent countless empty trains around the circuit, but were never able to open it with people. Not sure what the problem has been with that ride this year. I mean sure it's Intamin, but there's no cable involved!

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Volcano and both Drop Tower were closed.


Yeah, that was a big bummer. I was anticipating those two so much. It's kind of weird that three people went on the same day though.


Onto my experience. I started off with I305 and the first thing I thought was #1. It was great and more intense than MF even WITH trims. I also got a solo front seat ride on Anaconda. It was so weird being the only ones on the ride. I then went to Volcano, got in line, and neared the front only to hear it CLOSE DOWN. :C


All in all though, I had a great day. Rebel Yell was disappointingly bumpy in the back seat, and I don't wanna talk about Shockwave, but otherwise it was great and I look forward to revisiting.


It's kind of weird three people went on the same random day though...

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^^But there are several Intamin cables nearby. Maybe one shredded and took out Volcano with flying scrap metal.


No, it's that Volcano's boats were too big for the track.


(How come Xcelerator only gets mentioned as an Intamin screwup? What about STR?)

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Kings Dominion is about two hours away from me, and has always been a good place to spend the day at. I'll be there next Friday to ride Intimidator 305! There's not a whole lot of bad things that I can say about Kings Dominion. After their installment of their new roller coaster, it's hard to know what they'll do next.

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Nope I wasn't carrying anything... did have a pacman shirt on but I saw the person with the green TPR bag too. They were in line for I305 when I was in line for the front row.... they sat in the 2nd row I believe when I was still a good 8 rides away from getting on.


haha That was Kerry and I ..... http://www.themeparkreview.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=56002


Oh, we sat directly behind the kid that had the melt-down. After the drop, both hands up and he was totally loving it.

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Should be making a trip u there next week. The only rides I have yet to ride are Shockwave and Hurler. And I don't plan on. Do you think they're worth the credit?


Shockwave may be worth the ride but hurler is a complete waste of time.


I've been thinking of ways that they could fix hurler by reprofiling the first drop to go straight off the lift instead of turning & then connect the "new" track with the existing "death curve" that is currently at the bottom of the drop.

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^ I saw ya'll there. I rode in the second row a train before ya'll. I believe in the photo of the front row seats you caught my friends knees and hands....


Very cool! Feel free to say hey nexy time. I hope there is a next time that day was amazing.


^Hurler and Shockwave are definitley acquired tastes. We went all out and rode the back of Hurler for memories sake and it was just as horrible as the first time, given that it is still fairly rough.

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I don't understand why people seem to hate this park.


It's kinda been my homepark for the last 8 weeks as I've spent a rather long holiday here.


Intimidator is pretty rubbish, but Volcano and Flight of Fear are really awesome. Grizzly at night is like a mini Beast. I like Anaconda too. I think it's a decent park with a good and varied lineup. Too many parks have the same things.... B&M inverts are everywhere, and there's people in here wishing Volcano was removed for one? Seriously? I like having the tower to go up and catch a breeze in this heat, they really add a lot to KD and KI. It's also nice that KD couldn't be more different from BGE if it tried. I think those living in VA are lucky to have two very different, but very good in their own ways, parks locally.


But, yeah, Intimidator isn't very good. The whole blacking out thing is a nuisance and the drop is possibly the worst drop on any coaster I've been on. Of course, I never rode it before the trims were added. The turns towards the end of the ride are the highlight and the new restraints enhance this.

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^ To answer your question, trims!


^^ I wish I rode Grizzly at night, but I left early. People say the Beast is faster at night, is Grizzly's tunraround faster? Also, people are saying they would prefer a B&M because of reliability. Trust me, I'm with them. I lost my Volcano credit because it broke down.

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Going this week.


Just to add a new conversation, why do you guys think Drop Zone's been having a gradual decrease of popularity? I've gone to the park 5 times this season and it's been a walk-on every single time.

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^^ I wish I rode Grizzly at night, but I left early. People say the Beast is faster at night, is Grizzly's tunraround faster? Also, people are saying they would prefer a B&M because of reliability. Trust me, I'm with them. I lost my Volcano credit because it broke down.

It's no where near as good as Beast, of course, but it's good at night for the same reasons Beast is good at night. Grizzly ain't a bad woodie. I like the tunnel.


As for Volcano's reliability - not had any issues with wanting to ride it and it being broken down in the 8 weeks I've been here... It's queue is a bit nightmarish, though, and a B&M's throughput would be nice. But still... Every large park has a B&M invert and I think one of KDs best features is that they don't!

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^^ I wish I rode Grizzly at night, but I left early. People say the Beast is faster at night, is Grizzly's tunraround faster? Also, people are saying they would prefer a B&M because of reliability. Trust me, I'm with them. I lost my Volcano credit because it broke down.

It's no where near as good as Beast, of course, but it's good at night for the same reasons Beast is good at night. Grizzly ain't a bad woodie. I like the tunnel.


As for Volcano's reliability - not had any issues with wanting to ride it and it being broken down in the 8 weeks I've been here... It's queue is a bit nightmarish, though, and a B&M's throughput would be nice. But still... Every large park has a B&M invert and I think one of KDs best features is that they don't!


Don't get me started on that queue! Gum everywhere, I'm not a claustrophobic guy but man, it almost got me!

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