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What Was the Last Beer You Drank?


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ADMIT EDIT: One simple rule about this thread:

"If you are posting about drinking and you are underage, your account will be banned."


Might want to reconsider that post...


As for me, I didn't have much beer this week, a La Roja for my 100th beer in the Taco Mac passport club was pretty much the only thing new to me and noteworthy

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Went to Bar Louie with a few friends for dinner tonight. It wasn't until I got there that I saw they switched out their Sam Adams seasonal brew to the White Ale, which I've been wanting to try for a few weeks. I really enjoyed it. Had a nice, light taste and went down very smooth. Looking forward to when some of the stores start to get it in.

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What'd you think of it Joe? I've not yet had it but I really liked the only Jolly Pumpkin I've had (Luciernaga, The Firefly)

I really liked it, but it was a pretty standard sour ale. Nothing really unique about it compared to the others I've had, just the typical tart and earthy flavors. Mind you, I still haven't had a RR sour

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^ I've only had one RR sour, Sanctification, and it was awesome!

The reason I liked Luciernaga so much was because there were qualities in it that I hadn't ever had in a Saison before, very interesting and complex. I hope to try more Jolly Pumpkin beers soon.


If RR decides to ship their sours again within California I'd be happy to give you my address to have them send it to me and then I could forward it on to you like I did for Derek and Heath last year. This is a pretty expensive method though!

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Thanks, but I actually bought some stuff from Healthy Spirits so I can use them if I really want. I must have been the first customer from GA too since they had to check if they could ship to me


And I know what you mean about the saison, after reading about the saison w/Brett from Boulevard in BA mag, I'm hoping to score some of it when I go out that way soon!

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^ I have a bottle of that Boulevard Saison-Brett. You can get it shipped to you from Beertopia (The store I went to on my trip to Omaha, NE) Great people, well run store and they don't charge an arm and a leg for packing/shipping.



I also got Boulevard Imperial Stout and Boulevard Double-Wide IPA. Can't wait to try them

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^ FWIW, I was saying I agreed with the holy crap this is hoppy part, not the potential drain pour part. Personally, I do prefer my barley wines to not be so hoppy though, but if one is over the top hoppy I still like it.


Anchor Old Foghorn is probably my favorite and that's pretty dang sweet.

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Time to catch up on some more photos. Just going to post the bottles of stuff I've been drinking lately as well as a trip to BJ's.


I have a special post coming soon with an event I hit recently that I will post along with pictures of the bottling day on my Stout coming up here pretty soon.


And I hope you can tell by my facial expression here that it received a good score. An A+ (4.6)


Finished up last night with a St. Bernardus Abt 12. Reviewed it on BA for the first time also.


Is all this Pliny making you guys jealous yet? =P


Last night I finished off my last Pliny from the Whole Foods run. That head looks enticing doesn't it?


Proper glassware would have been nice, but at least we served it at the right temperature. For some reason, I liked it a little more this time than last. My uncle agreed with me on that. Terriffic.


And then we'd open the first Abyss I've had since the one Justin gave me last season. I have 3 more bottles left.


All about the grapefruit and raw bitterness in this one, but also an amazing malt backbone.


Split a Deschutes Inversion IPA on Friday night.


I forgot how in love I am with this beer. It's very sweet, and has lots of boozy alcohol character with an earthy finish. It does finish pretty hot but I can't get enough.


Later that night on Thursday I had a North Coast Old Stock Ale I've been aging from 2007.


Overview shot from our seat. I totally forgot to take a picture of the chicken dish I got but it was fantastic. Their food rocks.


I'm sort of willing to look past that though because their beers are actually quite good. This is their PM Porter on Nitro, very sessionable and nice flavor profile.


The fake grain silo of doom. The fact that they have all this fake equipment everywhere to make it look like they brew on site bothers many people, including me.


Finally back at BJ's in Cupertino on Thursday night after a long hiatus.


I was actually thinking my expectation might be too high, setting myself up for dissapointment. However, when I smelled the beer I immediately knew this would not be the case. It's an AMAZING porter. The thing that sets it apart from most is the dry roasty flavors that counter balance the chocolate and coffee.


Tuesday would bring another beer from the shipment, Arcadia's London Porter. Highly rated and I love porters so I was understandably excited going in.


People seem to have a lot of mixed opinions about Boulder's hoppy beers but I love them. Yes, they are grainy and it's a little rough around the edges, but I don't mind that at all. The hop flavor is pretty ridiculously awesome, with a good balance of the usual hop flavors, very vibrant.


On Monday I'd have some Mojo Risin' DIPA from Boulder. Also from the Omaha beer shipment.


It's been a little while since our last one and I must say, this stuff is still tremendous. Huge pine and grapefruit with a malty alcohol note that sits well.


It was a burn night, so we enjoyed a nice fireside sipper, Moylan's Hopsickle Triple IPA.


I'll miss you Jubelale, please sell out of this stuff now Bevmo so we can actually get some Buzzsaw Brown this year...


Perhaps our last Jubelales of the season.


A really well done beer by Russian River, but it's just not that exciting compared to all of the other crazy stuff they make. Still very enjoyable and a nice way to start the night.


And now some Damnation the next night from the recent Whole Foods shopping trip.


While the Rasputin was no slacker, we definitely agreed that Yeti was much better overall. It's smoother, more velvety, and more complex.


The uncle wanted to see how it held up to Rasputin since we were surprised at how much Rasputin blew Ryan Sullivan's away.


Drrr... Dat dere is some good stuff! I'm really happy with this Imperial Stout. All of the flavors I am looking for, and my uncle loves it too, he has declared it his favorite beer.


Ooooh Great Divide made a sexy new Yeti label. This beer can only mean one thing, my shipment from Omaha has arrived.


The chocolatey flavors paired really nice with the chips. Awesome.


Starting out at the Uncle's last weekend. We'd finish off the sixer of Black Butte Porter, paired with Honey Mustard Dirty Chips.

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Long time lurker on this thread. I am just starting to get into the many different types of beer so I am not to comfortable doing reports and all that yet. Anyways, I saw this on CNN.com. Oregon is planning to raise the tax per barrel 1,900%. That is not a typo. Apparently Oregon is planning on raising from a couple of dollars a barrel to 49 dollars a barrel. Its just a video so I'll post the link to the vid.




Also, Bubba how did you get a shipment from good old Omaha? Did it come from a friend, or did Beertopia ship it out?

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