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West Coast Bash 2010! Register Now! See Page 1

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Hey if any of you are traveling from the San Francisco CA area I have a question. Or if you know the answer thats great too. What's the best way to prepare for filling up at gas stations along I-5? My worst fear is traveling that way and running out of gas. I doubt I will have a problem but if anybody has any tips that would be much appreciated.

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Anyone ever stay at the nearby cheapies in Santa Clarita? I'm talking about the Super 8 (Soledad Cyn Rd), Santa Clarita Motel on San Fernando, etc? I'm pretty much ready to just throw down $100 and stay at the Hampton Inn or the Holiday Inn Express right by the park.


Marlon Scott


I've stayed at the Santa Clarita Motel before, its very inexpensive, clean, and super close.

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Hey if any of you are traveling from the San Francisco CA area I have a question. Or if you know the answer thats great too. What's the best way to prepare for filling up at gas stations along I-5? My worst fear is traveling that way and running out of gas. I doubt I will have a problem but if anybody has any tips that would be much appreciated.


I've done that drive many times and there are gas stations within ever 30 to 50 miles away from each other. You will be fine. No worries.

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I haven't heard anything about sell-outs... are there still tickets available for the Knott's day? If so, how late could we register? My girlfriend just informed me that she might be interested in coming with us to the Knott's day, even though she just had surgery last Friday. So she won't be going on many coasters, but she want's to just tag along so as not to spend a whole 2 days by herself in the hotel.


Anyway, just wanted to know if there are tickets still available, and if you could let us know if there are any left from SFMM as well, just to kill 2 birds with one stone.

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I haven't heard anything about sell-outs... are there still tickets available for the Knott's day? If so, how late could we register? My girlfriend just informed me that she might be interested in coming with us to the Knott's day, even though she just had surgery last Friday. So she won't be going on many coasters, but she want's to just tag along so as not to spend a whole 2 days by herself in the hotel.


Anyway, just wanted to know if there are tickets still available, and if you could let us know if there are any left from SFMM as well, just to kill 2 birds with one stone.

There are actually tickets still available. But not many. I think last time I checked the store inventory it was less then 25.



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If you have the ability to stay at the Holiday Inn Express I would choose that and pay more for that over the Super 8 or Santa Clarita Motel.


Agreed. If you have the funds to spend on the Holiday Inn Express, then definitely go for it.

But if you're looking to save some coin, then I'd recommend the Santa Clarita. Its about one step up

from most of the motel 6's I've stayed at on tour.

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Any bad news regarding today's earthquake causing structural damage to any of the coasters?

Also, will late pickup of packet stuff be available at Knotts Sunday AM? I'll be arriving from a Valencia hotel with a 12 y.o. girl who may not do well with only about 5 hours of sleep. Approx. a 1 1/2 hour drive from Valencia to Knotts at that early an hour? Just read on M.M. website that Saturday is also a Physics Day for kids. That might make Qbots more essential for rides between ERT sessions. Also noted a new Platinum Qbot (that can't possibly be needed in March, could it?) Thanks in advance for any help. Clueless in Massachusetts about all things SoCal.

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^Your right. The rides at KBF are alright as the park is open and the rides are all in operation.


On a side note, I sure felt it this morning. Woke me up right in the middle of a dream and couldn't go back to sleep

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sooo, who's excited for this!!!! i am so pumped, I can't wait. I'm getting a 4 day vacation out of it so it's even better, but man, all the coaster time is going to wear me out! I think I will have to try out some of the non-coaster rides at Knott's this time. I went for my first time ever last summer, and I spent the time just knocking out all the coaster credits that I could.


Josh "super bummed about xcelerator but still insanely excited for WCB2010" Kaufmann.

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If anyone is making the early Sunday morning drive from Valencia to Buena Park & has an

extra seat-I am trying to find a ride. I will be happy to pay for gas! I'm staying at a hotel

right across from Magic Mountain and need to go to a hotel right by Knotts.

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A 4.4 earthquake in SoCal really isn't that big of a deal. I didn't even know about it until a whole bunch of people were posting it on their FB pages.


SFMM is about 50 miles from where it was so I'm sure most people there didn't even feel it.


I'm totally stoked about Saturday. It's going to be a fun day!

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I guess I'm in the minority of people that's driving to Knott's the night before instead of waiting for the morning. Our hotel is not even a mile down the street from the park. I figure I'm less likely to run into traffic at midnight than early in the morning, and I can sleep in a little later Sunday morning rather than waking up at the crack o' dawn to drive there.

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I guess I'm in the minority of people that's driving to Knott's the night before instead of waiting for the morning. Our hotel is not even a mile down the street from the park. I figure I'm less likely to run into traffic at midnight than early in the morning, and I can sleep in a little later Sunday morning rather than waking up at the crack o' dawn to drive there.

I am also driving down to Knott's that night.


I really do STRONGLY RECOMMEND getting to Knott's early!


Especially if you have any interest in the backstage tours.


I have a feeling that most people will get there late and those who do the backstage tours first thing in the morning will probably have a longer time inside the ride.



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Hey guys,


A couple quick questions about the SFMM day:


Are the three tours different (and very short), or the same tour with staggered start times?


Are breakfast and lunch included in the price?





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Hey guys,


A couple quick questions about the SFMM day:


Are the three tours different (and very short), or the same tour with staggered start times?


Are breakfast and lunch included in the price?





The same tour with staggered start times.


Yes, breakfast and lunch are included.


Dinner is optional.

Edited by robbalvey
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