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Coaster Cow

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^^Congrats (although I already saw that on FB haha)!

^Great job man


I ran a 5:41 mile on Thursday and a 12:52 two mile. I'm actually pretty happy about it because I hadn't run for just about the whole week before, and then only had 3 days to train prior to the meet.

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After my operation 3 weeks ago, I started running again on Saturday : a short test run of 5 kms.

Yesterday I ran 16.1 kms (10 miles) : 1h21. Not too bad although the pace was over 5 minutes/km while my normal average pace is 4'50" per km.

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Finished the Avenue of the Giants marathon in 4:13:15 last Sunday. Not the greatest time, but not bad for just my second one. I went into it feeling really under-trained, too.


Must say, this is one beautiful coarse. Running along the Ell River, in the Giant Redwood trees is really increadable. I highly recommend this race for any 10K, 1/2 Marathon, or Full Marathon runners!

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  • 2 months later...

How's everybody doing on their training?


I'm doing pretty good, trying to get ready for the 1/2 marathon Labor Day weekend. Instead of doing 5-6 miles 5 days per week, I'm doing 2-3 miles twice a week, 4-5 miles twice a week and then 8-9 miles once a week.


I think Saturday I'm going to try for an even 10 or 11 miles. We are going to my MIL's for lunch so I think I'll just run there while the rest of the family drives. I don't want to do that far within a month of the 1/2 so I think this weekend is all there is.

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I've been pretty bad. I haven't run since before the Europe trip. It is way too hard to run during a TPR trip for me so I don't even pretend to try. For the past three weeks I've redone our entire front yard and have lost 7 pounds. Needless to say, I'm too exhausted to run after working all day in almost 100 degree heat. I know, poor me.

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^ Yeah, that's the only thing that concerns me about doing the NE trip next year. It's roughly a month before the Disneyland 1/2 (which I plan on doing again) ... but I figure after almost 2 years of running I will have a few weeks to get back up to speed after the TPR trip. Plus, you do so much walking (but also so much eating ... LOL!!


Oh the little sacrifices we make.

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I'm doing two 5-6 mile runs per week, plus one long run (9 miles, last week,) or 5-6 mile speed workout (alternate weeks.) I'm also doing an aerobic cross-training workout with weights, twice a week, in between runs. With the high heat and humidity, I've been taking it pretty slow, and only going out before sunrise/after sunset.


I work 12.5 hour shifts, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday nights, so I can't do anything on Saturdays and Sundays.


I have 2 half-marathons coming up on October 2nd (Jacksonville Marine Corps 1/2,) and Thanksgiving day (Outback Distance Classic,) and 2 full marathons on December 19th (Jacksonville Bank Marathon,) and February 13th (26.2 with Donna - National Breast Cancer Marathon.)


I'm fighting the urge to do WDW, but it's only 3 weeks after the Jax Bank, and 4 weeks before the 26.2 with Donna. I think that would be overdoing it!


eta - I log my workouts on dailymile.com, if anyone else is on there. I have the same username. Also, we're starting South Beach diet, again, after my birthday tomorrow! My weight has stayed exactly the same, since I started running last September. Very frustrating. I just want to lose 10 pounds, so it seems that hardcore dieting will be required. My husband wants to lose 40 or so pounds, so it will probably take us the same amount of time.

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^^ Bring your running gear on the NE trip Gregg. We have to do a run together while on the trip


In the meanwhile I'm running for 2.5 years now.

My goal for this year was running 1000 kms in total. But since I'm already above that barrier since mid this month, I'm pretty sure I will end up above 1000 miles this year, probably even very close to 2000 kms)

Also, 1 month I decided to do something I should have done long before : quit smoking. Yes, until 1 month ago, while not running, I was smoking

I never believed smoking had such an impact on my running capabilities, but man, I couldn't have been more wrong. Already after not even 24 hours, it felt like having more breath and it was easier to keep the pace while running.

2 weeks ago I focussed on my fastest times and I improved all my record times by several minutes.

Last Saturday I decided to focus again on endurance and ran 1/2 marathon without any problems (and of course in a new personal best 1h44'53"). The next weeks I'm planning on running 1/2 marathon every weekend. And the rest of the week 3 or 4 times a shorter run between 3 and 6 miles.

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^ Congrats on stopping smoking Benny!!! That's awesome!!!


As for my yearly goal, I had set a goal of 750 miles for the year, I'm close to 500 now so that seems pretty attainable. I had a far-off goal of 1000 miles but I don't think I'll get there. But who knows.


We'll certainly have to try and do a couple of runs during the NE trip ... even if it's just around the hotel(s) or something.

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With the Europe trip and then being sick, I had to take some time off from running, but I'm almost back to normal now. I usually try do 5-7 miles nearly every day, with one longer distance on the weekend. I have a half marathon on Sunday, which I don't fully feel ready for, but I should be able to get through it ok.

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I did my longest run yet today (7.5 miles in 1 hour 15 minutes).


I've been going about 6.5 to 7 miles for awhile now, but I haven't been able to get past that 7 mile mark (while still keeping my 10 minutes per mile pace). It feels good.


Doing a short run tomorrow, taking Friday off and then will do 8 (or 13) on Saturday. Depends on how I feel at the 8 mile mark I guess.


For the first time I feel confident I'll be able to do the Disneyland 1/2 within my target time of 2:30 hours. Anything less than that is just icing on the cake. Mmmm ... Cake.

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I was a big running nut in high school....I got up to running 40-60 miles per week and doing XC, track, and indoor track. My best times were a 5:06 mile, 11:00 2-mile, 18:12 5-k, and 30:20 8-k. I always had dreams of running under 5 and 11, but fell jsut short, partly due to injuries and my first ever bout with spring time alergies my senior year. I ran up through my first 2 years of college, though my community college did not have a team. I've been off and on for the past 2 years, but have been doing cross training stuff (including an amazing program called P90x if anyone is looking to do something different), weights, raquetball, and basketball instead.


I think I'm going to sign up for the VA Beach Marathon Yeungling Marathon next year....so perhaps I will get back into hard-core running training like a few people are on here. I ran a marathon in Baltimore (very hilly) in 2005 and ran in just over 4 hours. I've been kind of wanting to see if I can get under 4 ever since, so we'll see!


I'm not sure if anyone here has mentioned it, but one of the best running books/programs was a book called Jack Daniel's Running Formula (unfortunitely it has nothing to do with Whiskey!). However, it's a pretty amazingly researched book that a lot of XC coaches have used. I would recomend it if anyone is serious about really improving.


And amen to whoever said running is the greatest sport in the world! One of the oldest, most challenging, and world-wide sports ever. My friends are always giving me crap like "running isn't a sport," but I think anyone who has tried it competetively and actually TRIED would say it is one of the most challenging individual competitions out there.

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Gregg - you should have no problem doing the 1/2 in less than 2:30.


I did the Breast Cancer 1/2 in 2:25, and the Princess 1/2 in 2:29 (ran the first few miles with a slower friend,) earlier, this year, and my training pace was in the 12 minute range.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ran 10.6 miles this morning in just over 2 hours. This is the furthest I've ever run in my life. Even going back to HS and football/basketball practice.


Feel good so far ... nips are good so far. I found some band-aid friction stick at Target. It's like deodorant for your nips, but it protects them too.

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^^ & ^ : great job.


I ran 25 kms / 15.5 miles yesterday. My goal was 30 km but had a nip problem too during the run. In fact, lately, I have this problem during every run. Too bad we don't have Target out here. But next week the peeps of the running shop behind my corner are back from holiday. They will have a solution for it I hope.


Next Friday/Saturday, I'm doing a 100 km/ 62 miles run/walk. It's called Dodentocht (Death March) and over 10000 people will participate and do the 100 kms in maximum 24 hours. I'm not going to run that much anymore till then I think.

Edited by Groteslurf
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