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SFGadv Question

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My college (University Of Delaware- go Blue Hens!) is having a day trip to Six Flags Great Adventure, and I'm trying to decide whether I should go or not.


The main thing I'm worried about, as I have never been to this park before (at least as far as I can remember), is what the crowds will be like.

The trip is set for September 26, which even though it is a Saturday, it is also the evening before Yom Kippur, so I have no idea what to expect.


If I go, I will NOT be purchasing a FlashPass/Q-Bot, as I am a college student, and therefore basically broke.


Can anyone provide with some information? This way, I can decide if I will go on the trip or not. I need to know as soon as possible, as registration begins tomorrow, and the trips that are offered tend to fill up quickly.

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I went on Saturday September 20th last year. It was jammed. Nitro was in the switchbacks (30+ minute wait), Superman and KK had huge waits. The only coasters under 10 minutes were Scream Machine and Runaway Mine Train.


On Saturday the 27th, I didn't go but the park was empty due to horrible rain and they closed at 4:00. It was a bad weekend for weather though, Friday the 26th was Family Fall Fun Night (passholder event) and barely over 400 people showed up so they closed at 7:30 instead of 10 and on Sunday the 28th they also closed early due to rain.

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I am going to suggest that you go solely for the reason of........






















BIG MIKE WILL BE THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



After we missed each other at the hot dog eating contest, we need to try again!!!



Actually, ACE has the Running of the Bulls event that day and I just signed up, but guessing the crowds between summer and fright fest is tough!


I agree with everyone else, seems like too fun a time to pass up!



Peace, Big Mike

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I would say if you have the money, go. This is a great park, and should not be missed. I went last year for Labor Day weekend expecting some big crowd's but surprisingly there was barely anyone there. The longest wait I had was getting through New York traffic lol. I don't know about your case with the events planned, and the time you are going, but if Big Mike is going you should too lol. Have fun if you do go, and make sure you ride El Toro.

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After careful consideration, I decided that I will go in the trip with my school. After all, the ticket was only $30, and that includes both the park admission AND transportation in a snazzy coach bus!


Hopefully, with the ACE event there like Big Mike mentioned, the lines won't be too crazy and I'll actually get on a decent amount of rides. I also hope the lines won't be too long, as I only will have a limited time in the park itself. Thanks to everyone for the advice!

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