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Six Flags Darien Lake (SFDL) Discussion Thread

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^Wouldn't it be bad for business if Darien Lake offers free tickets for bad weather and/or ride maintenance?


Somehow i'm thinking that that weather and ride service guarantee thing is going to "hurt" Darien Lake in some way!

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I thought the same thing but another poster brought up the good point that it will virtually guarantee that person will come back to the park and spend money on parking, food, and merchandise. It's a good move as the park's rep will go back up after this season. (Well hopefully go back up). No good rep means less guests which means no Lake Monster.

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^Wouldn't it be bad for business if Darien Lake offers free tickets for bad weather and/or ride maintenance?


Somehow i'm thinking that that weather and ride service guarantee thing is going to "hurt" Darien Lake in some way!


No, I don't think so. The weather needs to close rides for 90 minutes before that guarantee is activated, and usually most storms pass over within that time frame. Plus if someone already bought a ticket and decides not to stay for the day because of a ride being closed or weather, the park has already made the money off the ticket sale. By having them come back as others have mentioned and staying all day because the weather is nice or a certain ride is open means they will spend more money in-park on food, games, etc.

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I got my letter yesterday as well. The new guarantees are very interesting. They are definately there to drive business or repeat business to the park. I would be interested to see if these policies are in place at other HFE run parks or just specific to DL. Also I would like to see how often they were used.


My guess with these new policies they spent their yearly budget on fixing any small issues with any and all rides and coaster trains. I think it shows a real commitment to customer service this year to get people happy and then put in something good next year and bring the happy people back

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The park said it was supposed to be a secret. They're not too good at keeping those


I think Darien Lake had "spilled the beans" on the Nik Wallenda performing a a high wire motorcycle stunt, so therefore that's no longer a secret. On the other hand maybe they're keeping 'Cuda Falls' replacement a secret!

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The park said it was supposed to be a secret. They're not too good at keeping those


I think Darien Lake had "spilled the beans" on the Nik Wallenda performing a a high wire motorcycle stunt, so therefore that's no longer a secret. On the other hand maybe they're keeping 'Cuda Falls' replacement a secret!


Though I highly doubt that they can just remove the slides a week ago, and then repair the plot of land and replace the slides in time for the season to start without causing complete chaos... It would be nice to walk into Darien and find some return rides like UFO and Scrambler back for the season. sure its not new, but with some touch up work and maintenance that would be pretty cool and much more possible than something brand new this close to opening day.


^It's nice to see Darien doing some work on the campground section of the park too. its the little things that really give guests a good experience! Especially since I recall that people were complaining about the condition of the campers / RVs there for quite some time now.

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^ yes as great as that would be, I really think they are looking at next year already. If they are planning something big they could expand that entire area where cuda now is and behind and bring back rides like scrambler and UFO in that new area and possibly bring in a used ride from celebration city along with a new flat and a coaster and could easily pawn it off as a major expansion with a new coaster and 3-4 "new" rides


What is happening this year is set and we will have to wait until next year for anything else at this point.

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Sorry to post so close to my previous post... but:


Speaking of this year! I recieved a little pamphlet type thing from Darien Lake that has a list of their 3 "guarantees" for the 2014 season which I found pretty exciting - I'll list them all here:


Sunny Day Guarantee: If you experience 90 minutes of continuous rain or weather interruptions that restricts rides, attractions, and your fun - stop by guest services to receive a complimentary admission ticket good for any 2014 operating day. Season Pass holders receive another Bring-A-Friend ticket!


Short Line Guarantee: If you experience a 45-minute-wait in line for any family or thrill ride, stop by guest services and receive a 'Front-of-the Line Pass' good for later that day or anytime throughout the 2014 season.


Ride Service Guarantee: If during your visit you experience select rides out of service for four or more hours - stop by guest services to receive a complimentary admission ticket good for any 2014 operating day. Season Pass holders receive another Bring-a-Friend ticket!


Pretty cool that they're actually guaranteeing customer satisfaction in such a generous way! Do any other parks offer this same type of deal? I know that Cedar Point for example specifically states that they do not offer "rain checks". Regardless though - the thought of it does seem pretty beneficial to the guests of the park! Now all that's left is to see how it plays out!

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So with less than two weeks til opening day, anyone plan on going? If so please write a trip report and take pictures of everything any anything that is new. The giant wheel may be a great spot to get a good look at the old barracuda Bay Area that should now be under construction as well.

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Yeah, like if the wood they sell you at the campground shop doesn't light on the first match, or if you have to pack up your tent soaking wet, or if they sell out of batteries for your flashlight. Oh, by the way, all these things really happened to me and my family last year!

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It almost seems like the park can lose money doing this, most rides are going to have a 45 minute wait on a typical summer day, and at least one ride will be closed every visit more than likely.

But it is good for visitors


This is what I think of Darien Lake's "happiness guarantee" thing, park visitor would be like while the park management would be like because the park is going end up losing money from giving away free tickets to visitors who stop by the guest service center because of bad weather or lots of rides down!

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The park might have cleaned things up in the offseason, but this plan can still burn them. Even though the people will come back to the park, the park loses the admission fee. Food and games for one person most likely won't add up to $40. What happens if a ride is closed all season like RoS? Does everyone basically get a season pass because they can keep getting free tickets?

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If you enter the park on a comp, for sure they won't give you another one. You'll only be able to get a comp on a full price ticket, maybe not even on a discounted ticket, that's why I'm not sure if it will work for campers. Campers already get free admission to the park, be sure to read the fine print.

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I'm going to the season pass holders' preview day this Saturday. The weather may be iffy, but if I can I'll ride the wheel and take some pictures of the Barracuda Bay site and anything else that may be of interest.


I'll give you some suggestions of points of interest at Darien Lake for you to take pictures of, Galaxy Theater, the coasters and rides!

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After much debating, I ended up going to the season pass preview day. I did not take any pictures, because it wasn't really worth it, and another member already said that they would. Here's a trip report.


Ride of Steel: Closed all day. A group of ops were standing around not knowing what to do. The blue train was on the track, with the red nowhere in sight. Yet. Also, the food stand in front of RoS was in the midst of being painted.


Predator: One train op. I had a decent two rides today. No signs of Lake Monster.


Blast Off: Nothing special, got one ride before it closed.


Mind Eraser: Wasn't able to ride before it broke down.


Viper: One ride. The ride ran decent, and it will run two trains this year as the side accents on this train were blue. The entrance sign got painted, and the mini golf course is still abandoned.


Boomerang: Did not ride.


Motocoaster: Closed


Twister: The ride today was EXTREMELY WEAK. No flips, and a boring cycle. The gondola brake even had trouble stopping the ride.


UFO: Ride pad still empty, no movement.


Ranger: Actually running, and an 8 flip cycle.


Cuda Falls: The area has been completely cleared. The slides and supports are gone, and the pool has been filled. To one reader's excitement, Floodgate Falls is still standing. The bridge is also still up, as well as the locker building. The hill is not that large, but the area is actually smaller then some are hyping it up as. A small coaster like a Eurofighter would fit no problem, but more work would be needed for a large attraction.


Galaxy Theater: The building is still bare, and the front was painted an ugly indigo color. Major work is still needed for when Nik Wallenda's show begins in June.


Overall, some aspects of the park look better, but a lot still needs work. I hope that the five year plan includes a lot of attractions, because the park is starting to look more bare year after year. I covered everything that I recall, but don't hesitate to ask any questions.

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I was also at the season pass preview day. The hours were 12-5. ROS was down for the majority of the day.


At 4:40, the sun came out, and after some more ROS tests, the handful of us that were there were let in to board at literally 4:59. They were nice enough to run the ride until about 5:15 and cycled maybe 6 rides, which I got 3 of with having to walk around.


It was pretty gloomy and windy and sprinkled on and off, with some heavier rain for about 5 minutes at one point. I got on each of the coasters except Motocoaster, which looked like it had the flywheel running and had ops in the station, but I never saw it run.


I rode Mind Eraser totally alone, as no one was really in that area of the park.


The free Tim Horton's for the season pass line before opening was really nice. The park looked decent. Viper has a nice newly painted sign.


All in all, I was just glad they worked to get Ride of Steel open even when the park was only open for another 10 minutes. It ran super slow, but it'll get there when it gets warmer out.

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