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Busch Gardens Williamsburg (BGW BGE) Discussion Thread

P. 469: Hard-Hat Tour of the Wolf's Revenge

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I went Sunday and I saw the markings where Big Bad Wolf was, but I also noticed A LOT of silt fencing and what appeared to be new chain link fencing along the banks of the Rhine river. I think the fence may be there as a safety precaution for the firework launch site, but I don't know for sure.


The park was packed for a Sunday night, I think Illuminights has really worked out well for the park. David Cook of American Idol was there Sunday as well, so that may account for the crowds.

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Busch Gardens released the website for Christmas Town 2010 today:




As far as the ride selection goes, it looks the same as last year, with Griffion being the only coaster running.


I was a little disappointed that the entire park wasn't going to be used. Italy, Fiesta Italy and the area around Pompeii are omitted from the map again this year. Sesame Street Forrest of Fun and Land of the Dragons (the two children play areas) are also both not on the map.


If you go to the interactive park map section you will notice that Katapult is missing. I know first hand that Katapult was running during last year's Christmas Town because I rode it and froze on it. Looking at the map, it looks as if the park ends around the swings.

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I went to the park today to have a last trip for the summer...


Markers are popping around Katapult. There are two, #4 & #5 inside the ride area and a few red dots in a line and an orange dot...


outside the ride closer to the Waveswinger, is #3. They form a weird triangle. there are a few Blue dots in a row next to #3.


I got on last ride on Katapult, I don't think it will be there come October.


Also, I saw a few orange flags/markers pop up around the BBW ride area (seen from the queue of Autobuan)

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Well according to the clueless media about coasters, my local newspaper (The Roanoke Times) claimed that Griffon "plummets nearly 500 feet into the park's Rhine River". So according to these guys, Griffon is the tallest coaster in the world and first drop goes right above the park's Rhine RIver. Are you kidding me?!?!

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That article is a complete joke. It would be chill if he hadn't exaggerated it to 500 feet or said that he heard rumors that Drachen Fire injured a rider and they were going to sue. I just emailed the reporter. It frustrates me that it's so terribly hard to check the "facts" that you put into an article.

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That article is a complete joke. It would be chill if he hadn't exaggerated it to 500 feet or said that he heard rumors that Drachen Fire injured a rider and they were going to sue. I just emailed the reporter. It frustrates me that it's so terribly hard to check the "facts" that you put into an article.


I'm glad you e-mailed the reporter, I think I might do the same. I also forgot to mention the Drachen Fire part. Geeezzz... You could find out the answer to both of the major mistakes in less than 2 minutes by just checking it out on Google...

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  • 3 weeks later...

^I don't think B&M designed the entire ride with the zero car in mind. From the article, it sounds like that the zero car was a last minute addition? And, I've never seen a 9 row B&M... The weight might be too much, especially for the speed of Alpengeist. BTW, anybody been to BGW lately? Any Der Fallinfast news?

Edited by KDcoasterMAN
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