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Busch Gardens Williamsburg (BGW BGE) Discussion Thread

P. 469: Hard-Hat Tour of the Wolf's Revenge

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Ok 1 what does heart lined even mean?


Whenever a train rotates/twists through an element, if it is heart-lined, the vehicle and track rotate about an imaginary center axis that runs through the center of the train at the height of the rider's heart per say. The difference is a much smoother and fluid/natural ride with minimal lateral forces. Most Arrow coasters are not heart-lined, but Tennessee Tornado is. A quick look at a POV of TT vs. any large Arrow looper will clarify this well.

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^Because, if it is well done, the "non-heartlining" can create other interesting forces. For instance, Helix's twist into the actual helix (which I haven't ridden) seems non-heartlined which means you get a bit of negative Gs while doing it (at least that's what I read in some reports)

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Also, the craft of heart-lining coasters was made possible with the advent of computers. You can see traces of heart-lining on some Schwarzkopfs, but it was not common practice until the 1990's when B&M and Premier's heart-lined loopers eventually doomed Arrow in the marketplace. Tennessee Tornado was a last-gasp effort by Arrow, but they were behind the times for too long that they simply could not compete with the newer and smoother coasters.

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Hi all,

I posted a couple of weeks ago for advice about the Quick Queue. The responses were very helpful, thank you. I have one more question. My visit to BGW is next Monday. I emailed guest relations about the opening times for the different sections of the park. I got a very informative email back detailing the typical opening schedule for July. Since I'm mainly interested in the roller coasters, this is the info I got:

9:45 - England (Loch Ness Monster)

10:00 - France/New France (Griffon)

10:30 - Germany/Oktoberfest (Alpengeist & Verbolten)

10:45 - Fest Italia/Italy (Apollo's Chariot)

My plan is to hit each of the coasters as they open, though I realize this could very well be too ambitious. I could also skip some rides to wait for others to open and be among the first riders of the day. Or, perhaps the park will be quiet enough and operations quick enough that I'm simply over-thinking this and none of this planning is necessary. Do any of you locals have advice for this newbie? Thanks! I can't wait for my first visit to BGW.

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Also, the craft of heart-lining coasters was made possible with the advent of computers. You can see traces of heart-lining on some Schwarzkopfs, but it was not common practice until the 1990's when B&M and Premier's heart-lined loopers eventually doomed Arrow in the marketplace. Tennessee Tornado was a last-gasp effort by Arrow, but they were behind the times for too long that they simply could not compete with the newer and smoother coasters.


What kinds of models/coasters are heart lined and how can you tell that they're heart lined?

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What kinds of models/coasters are heart lined and how can you tell that they're heart lined?


Most modern coasters have some level of heart-lining as it has become the industry standard. Inspecting the shape of the track and, even better, riding the coaster are great ways to tell how well (or not well) a coaster is heart-lined.


Continuing with my use of Tennessee Tornado as an example. Below is a picture of it's drop off the lift. Notice how the track swings to the left before turning right. This swings rider's lower body to the left and keeps rider's heads from knocking the restraints.



Versus Vortex, an older Arrow at Kings Island. The track simply banks right and turns like most Arrow's. Non-heartlined maneuvers like this cause rider's heads to knock against the restraints.


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So random surprise trip, I'll be going to BGW for the first time on Thursday. Two questions:


1.Being Insane I'm planning to do BGW and then a twilight admission at Kings Dominion arriving around 6PM (leave BGT between 4:30-5) just to get the Backlot Express and Intimigreatness credits I don't have (and hopefully Volcano/FOF/Anaconda/Avalanche). Quick Queue level one looks very doable at only 20 bucks, but should I expect walk on morning waits on a potential afternoon-storm day?


2. What is the absolute best thing to eat at BGW? One unique thing? What is the highest quality show, if I have time?

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Heartline doesn't affect headbanging necessarily. If the track is straight and then banks without heartlining, the trains will pivot around the track, whereas heartlining pivots the track around the trains. This prevents the rider from experiencing unnecessary lateral forces and whip.

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OMG what if for 2015 they put in one of those s&s spinner prototypes (does anyone know what I'm talking about REMEBER when theme park review posted that video of that place in Utah where it was snowing and it was almost like a zacspin?) because it's a straight line and idrk just throwing that out there.

I'm wondering why no one is looking at this. It might be deemed as a low-capacity ride, but with the only other option people are going for is a Premier Superman clone, (which also wouldn't have a good capacity,) I feel BGW would want something unique other than a clone. I can see S&S making their first free-spin 4D coaster here. Besides, with this ride they could put in multiple 8-passenger cars rather than 1 (or 2 with dual station) 12-passenger train. That does help with capacity issues.

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So random surprise trip, I'll be going to BGW for the first time on Thursday. Two questions:


1.Being Insane I'm planning to do BGW and then a twilight admission at Kings Dominion arriving around 6PM (leave BGT between 4:30-5) just to get the Backlot Express and Intimigreatness credits I don't have (and hopefully Volcano/FOF/Anaconda/Avalanche). Quick Queue level one looks very doable at only 20 bucks, but should I expect walk on morning waits on a potential afternoon-storm day?


2. What is the absolute best thing to eat at BGW? One unique thing? What is the highest quality show, if I have time?


Holy moly goodness gracious where to start!


Ok u r so nuts for doing both parks in a day because 1 the parks ARE NOT that close together distance wise.

2 idk where you're from or what your local park is, but I just went to sfa for the first time, and it is TINY compared to either bg or kd. Like bg and kd have such huge land masses, that it takes a really long time to get from one side of the park to another, let alone from coaster to coaster. So really, to enjoy each park in its entirety, I would say split the trip into 2 days, one park per day.


One of the best places in bg to eat is trappers smokehouse. It's so good. Really idk many shows, I don't do that often, and the only places I really eat are Italy and France. But that's another thing, if u plan to so bg in less than a day, then you might not have any time for shows. But that's just me.

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Trip Report!


This doesn't have any photos, so thank you in advance to those who actually read it.


I went to the park on the 21st of July. We came to the park at around 9:50 am. We rode the tram to the front gate. This first thing I noticed was how massive Apollo's Chariot was it. When we got into the park, I was hoping to ride AC first, but that section of the park was closed until 10:30 am. So, I headed to the Scotland section first to ride Loch Ness Monster. I stood in line for about 20 minutes before it was my turn to ride. The ride was quick. After I got off, I headed toward the Jack Hanna's Wildlife reserve to see some of the animals.


After passing through that section, we were in France. We decided to ride Griffon since it was a walk on. We rode it twice. After that, we headed to the Oktoberfest section of the park to ride Curse of Darkastle. This was also a walk on. After riding it, we took a break. I went into the shop nearby to get a souvenir. I got the 'Fury 5x' magnet listing the names of the park's largest coasters. I left the shop and headed over to ride Verbolten. The ride wasn't a complete walk-on, but I only had to wait about 10 minutes to ride. After that ride, I got some lunch from 'Pretzels and Beer'. I got some cinnamon pretzel bites and an Icee.


Once I finished eating, I headed over ti the Festa Italia section of the park to ride Apollo's Chariot. The line was only about 20 minutes. After getting off AC, I took the train from Festa Italia to New France. I got off and headed to the Jack Hanna's Wildlife Reserve to catch 'The Secret Life of Predators' show. It was done in about 15 minutes. I enjoyed it.


I headed back over to the Germany section to ride Alpengeist. It probably had the longest wait at the park, but it was only about 20 minutes. Once I was done with Alpengeist, I headed back over to Verbolten, my last ride of the day. Once I was done, we left the park.




Loch Ness Monster: This ride was okay, but not too thrilling. It was smoother than most Arrows I've been on.


Griffon: I loved this ride. The first drop was amazing! I felt weightless.


Curse of Darkastle: I was impressed by the effects. Watching a video of it and actually riding it are two different things.


Verbolten: This was my 40th coaster and my first launch coaster. I loved the indoor portion. I've seen the POV many times, and I was pleasantly surprised by the drop-track. I didn't know about that feature. This was probably my favorite ride at the park.


Apollo's Chariot: It's a decent B&M, but I didn't find it as forceful as it's cousins to the south (Intimidator and Goliath).


Alpengeist: This coaster was fast and forceful. I loved every second of it. But I'm glad it was one of the last rides I rode. It was very dizzying and I probably would've stopped riding things at the park. Lol.


So overall, Busch Gardens is a very good park. Griffon and Verbolten are must-dos IMO.

Edited by tarheel1231
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I have to give a shout out to an alpengeist ride op named dan. He's so nice.mhe pointed out my tpr shirt while our ert session during the insider tour. H told me about how much he loved tpr and how he's going to a bunch of places soon. So dan if you are reading this, I am that kid you saw on alpengeist wearing that tpr shirt

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I'm heading to Busch next month and was wondering how frequent are Mach Tower's breakdowns? I haven't heard much about the ride over the past year or so, so I'm hoping no news is good news since I missed it in my last visit.

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Can anyone provide any insights as to how intense Verbolten is? We are visiting next week and have a young girl who is a bit of a coaster newbie. She has done (at WDW) Thunder Mt w/o any issues. Tried Rockin Roller Coaster to mixed results. How would Verboltem stack up in intensity and the queasy factor w/Thunder Mt, Exp. Everest, Space Mt, RRC etc? Any other milder coasters at BGW she should attempt? TIA

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Can anyone provide any insights as to how intense Verbolten is? We are visiting next week and have a young girl who is a bit of a coaster newbie. She has done (at WDW) Thunder Mt w/o any issues. Tried Rockin Roller Coaster to mixed results. How would Verboltem stack up in intensity and the queasy factor w/Thunder Mt, Exp. Everest, Space Mt, RRC etc? Any other milder coasters at BGW she should attempt? TIA


I'd say that it's closest to Expedition Everest. Verbolten is a great ride, and a really nice starter coaster for someone new to the hobby. I think it's my favorite family coaster. She could also give Lochness Monster a try if she's ok with inversions. I'd also try to get her to ride Apollo's Chariot, because it's not all that intense, but gives a great ride.

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