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Halloweentime at Disneyland

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From the LA Times...




Disneyland is adding a "Ghost Galaxy" overlay to Space Mountain to give it a Halloween theme. This was done at Hong Kong Disneyland for the first time last year.


I've been hearing rumors of this for a long time, great to be able to confirm it, new Halloween fireworks sound amazing! Can't wait till the fall!


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As if I couldn't be any more excited for the upcoming Halloween season.. man! Lol.


I was nervous about this at first, because I just didn't get the whole 'ghosts in space' deal. After reading about it more, it sounds really promising. From what I read, the Hong Kong version is great and the story the comes with it actually works, so that has me excited. I'm (probably one of the only.. lol) a Rockin' Space Mountain fan, so I guess another Space Mountain overlay is good.


I'm excited for the new Halloween fireworks, also! I find it intriguing that Jack is going to be narrating..

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finally ! they're bringing something from hong kong disneyland to disneyland in california !

did you guys ever realize how disneyland in hong kong goes super crazy during the halloween time ? even their commercials dont seem disney . it really looks like something out of a horror movie .

haha, but anyways about this ghostly galaxy, it looks like a good addition for their halloween time and i cant wait to see how it turns out . and a new firework show again ! with jack skellington oh yes ! can't wait until the fall ! i have a feeling halloween time for 09' will be insane .

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Haunted Holidays will still be there right?(Nightmare is one of my favorite movies of all time) This sounds like a cool idea, though. I love the fact that Jack will host the fireworks show and the concept of Ghost Galaxy. This thing is going to have some killer lines, lol.

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All of the POV videos I have seen of Ghost Galaxy are too dark to make anything out but the music definately sounds good!


I can't believe HK Disneyland has two walkthroughs for Halloween, I wish they would do one here! Indy's queue is certainly long enough for it.

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That commerical is impressive! Thanks for that.


I also wish DL & DCA would step up their Halloween efforts for the states. A few of their attractions already revolve around horror themes, so it wouldn't be too much of a stretch.

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Such a cool commercial! I would love to see Disney do something like that over here (even though I'm sure they never will).


The whole Space Mountain overlay and Halloween firework show is a step in the right direction though. Disney has been needing more specifically themed attractions/shows to bring people in for the Halloween season. Just another thing for me to be excited for in October!

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That commercial is awesome. I'd love to see Disney take Cali adventure and do the extreme haunts like USH and keep Disneyland toned down.


Haha I've thought about that idea. While it's a great idea I doubt Disney would ever do that... ever. But it would be awesome if they did. Imagine scares like you get at Knott's or USH, but with the quality theming of Disney. My imagination is going crazy, haha! But like I said it's never going to happen.


I'm excited to see what to do with Ghost Galaxy, though. A Halloween themed ride in the Space Mountain building sounds amazing.

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SoCal members: How annoying is it to be an regular visitor to DLR right now? It seems like something major is closed all the time. Installing this overlay -- which does sound awesome -- will close Space Mountain for another couple weeks, overlapping with the Mansion's closing.


I want to go out there this year or early next year, but I'm apprehensive to do so until the big DCA revamp is finally done. I guess the resort plays more to a regional audience that makes more than one trip a year, but for those of us here in the Midwest who don't want to shell out WDW money every year, all these closings are frustrating.

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^ It's hard to say... I mean the major attractions being closed sometimes doesn't bother me at all, but maybe it's because I can pretty much catch the ride open another day easily since I'm a 'local'. However we do bring family members from other states to Disneyland occasionally and when a big attraction is closed, it's not much of an annoyance because there's always other fun things to do.


About waiting 'till DCA is fully complete, that's not going to be until 2012, so if you really want to go next year, I'd at least wait until World of Color debuts. Right now, that area is full of construction walls, but next year there will be far less walls in that area and you'll have an amazing new show to watch.

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SoCal members: How annoying is it to be an regular visitor to DLR right now? It seems like something major is closed all the time. Installing this overlay -- which does sound awesome -- will close Space Mountain for another couple weeks, overlapping with the Mansion's closing.


I want to go out there this year or early next year, but I'm apprehensive to do so until the big DCA revamp is finally done. I guess the resort plays more to a regional audience that makes more than one trip a year, but for those of us here in the Midwest who don't want to shell out WDW money every year, all these closings are frustrating.


Space will close sometime in September as will Mansion, I don't know if they will be down at the same time, but I hope not. The park would be crazy if they were both down.


I agree, don't wait till 2012 when DCA is supposed to be finished, come next year after the opening of World of Color in the spring. Or come twice! Once this October and and once next spring!


And with the attractions closing, a quick look at the Disneyland Calander can help you avoid missing the rides you care about most. The holiday season is pretty big now at the resort, I don't think much would be closed if you came during October. This year in October, there are 3 rides down at Disneyland: Casey Jr., Storybookland, and The 50 First magical Years...not too big of attractions.

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  • 1 month later...

I just finished working an after-hours EMV cycling shift at Indy and as me and several other CMs were heading back to our cast shuttle stop, we were surprised to see that the new Halloween Screams fireworks show was testing! The fireworks themselves weren't going off but all of the spotlights, projections, music, and of course, ZERO the flying ghost dog all looked AMAZING!


I was extremely impressed with the scale of the show and I haven't even seen the fireworks to go along with it. Zero is very cool (and huge!) and all of the music goes along with the villains theme perfectly. The show also features segments based on DL's "haunted" attractions such as Haunted Mansion and Pirates of the Caribbean. This is going to be a great Halloween at DLR, don't miss this show, it's starting real soon!


I will let you know how Ghost Galaxy as soon as the opportunity becomes available, shouldn't be too long now!

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The songs I heard for sure were...


This is Halloween - Nightmare Before Christmas

Grim Grinnin' Ghosts - Haunted Mansion

Cruella DeVille - 101 Dalmatians

Poor Unfortunate Souls - The Little Mermaid

Captain Hook's Crocodile Song - Peter Pan

Heffalumps and Woozles - Winnie The Pooh



As I was leaving there were several other songs but I'm not sure what they were.

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