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Manual or Automatic?


Manual or Automatic Transmission?  

70 members have voted

  1. 1. Manual or Automatic Transmission?

    • Automatic- Shifting gears is WAY too complicated!
    • Manuafluffy, fluffy bunny filled with medicine and goo I'm a control freak, with a stick in my hand!
    • Doesn't matter to me, I can go both ways!

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Manual is fun, but sometimes it's nice to just put it in gear and go---especially in traffic.

I agree completely, manuals suck in traffic, but then again, anything sucks in traffic......I get sick of traffic after 5 minutes. Lucky me, seeing how I live in Southern California too.

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I have always driven a manual stick - but when I've rented cars in the past, I always got automatic, which I considered to be a Bonus Vacation Benefit as part of whatever driving trip I used to do, lol.

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I can go both ways. my Dad and sister have a manual transmission car, and my Mom and I both got automatics. So I was taught on how to operate a automatic and manual transmission. It's important that people learn how to drive a manual, since sooner or later you'll end up having to drive someones car that is a manual.


Craiggers "best place to learn is an empty parking lot, that's where I learned to drive a manual on my Dad's 1987 Plymouth Colt" K.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I definately prefer manual, but I drive an automatic. I don't really intend on getting a manual until the day comes that I can afford to buy a brand new car, otherwise it's just too much of a risk. You never can tell what kind of condition the clutch is in when you buy used. Manual is just so much more fun though. It takes some of the bore away when driving.

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Current car: auto, I didn't have much of a choice since I didn't buy it!


I prefer: eh, doesn't matter. Depends on the vehicle (aka I'm going to try to get a Sky when it comes out and there's no way in hell I'm going auto!)


Where's the "ManuMatic" option? It has the best of both worlds! Ease of use of an automatic along with the perception of control!


- Joe, who loves that feature on g-ma's BMW

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They come on the 5-series cars too, like I said a few posts back my grand mother's car has it (she drives a 525) and it comes with the hybrid gear shit system, and for about half that price


I don't see what people are giving Saturn a hard time about their reliability, that's one of the reasons I went with Saturn and I'm approaching 100k and haven't had any problems whatsoever.

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I think their initial run of cars was very poor, and unfortunatly gave them a bad rep. Personally, their cars seem cheap, and in my old town, only hippies drove them. That may be changing, but I had friends(yes, they were hippies) that said they needed maintinance at least once a month, and many parts just didnt last. Im open to their future though, and will always give car companies a second chance if they honestly try to turn around(like Hyundai).

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