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Universal Hollywood's Halloween Horror Nights (HHN) - 2009

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dripping blood on you
Blood sprays on passing maze visitors.
water misters spray visitors as they pass.
Blood is spraying all over people.
And, of course, you’re covered in blood.


And that's just in one House! Looks like I'm taking a poncho for this year. Here's a hint Universal, it's not scary, it's fucking annoying getting soaked in every one of your goddamned mazes. /Rant




Other then that it actually sounds pretty cool.

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^^I think it's really all in how it's done. How realistic is it for a body that was supposedly just killed to NOT be dripping blood?


I think the problem is when the performers control the water effect...of course they are going to go overboard with it.

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Haha That's the excuse your entertainment friend gave you last year (at least that's what you posted). A few instances of it are fine, my problem is it was in EVERY SINGLE HOUSE last year including the terror tram. Orlando didn't have nearly as many (I don't remember getting soaked going through those houses aside from getting dripped on in the sleepy hollow house which I thought was fine, it added to the creepy factor having the hanging severed heads be soaked). And maybe it was the scareactor controlled ones that were the most annoying, but most of the ones in the Saw house sound like they will be bad.


I'll still probably head out to the event, and it's probably one of those things that I'm overreacting to, but it annoys the crap out of me, and if that's my only real complaint then they must be doing something very very right!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Here are some pictures from the event so far. I will continue to update this thread so keep an eye out!


Yay we are here at Universal Studios Hollywood for Halloween Horror Nights!


I wonder if we are cool enough to be with these guys???


Uh oh...looks like we better behave!


Eyegore awards...cool...bring on Horror Nights!!!


Yay! We have been let into the red carpet! They know a true celeb when they see one!


Check me out! We're officially press now!


GGGRRRRR! I'm crazy press pass eating William! Gimme some candy!


All of these people are far more important than us!


I don't know who this guy is but he MUST be important!


"Do you know who this guy is? Mr neither...so here's a sign!"


"Hey Jeff!!! You're the best!!!"


These guys need no sign!


Spanish DirecTV viewers may know this person.


God damn, they'll let ANYONE into this event!


Drew Daywalt - He won the Eyegore competition! Congrats!


John Murdy - Creative Director for Universal and Halloween Horror Nights chats with Theme Park Review!


Dead chicks...hot

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Every Halloween the Studio Tour is converted into something more terrifying!


Insane Chainsaw Clown Posse!!! F**K YEAH!




Got any vacancies?


Oooh...this place looks family friendly!


This man is less insane than Tom Cruise.


Does anyone want to play airplane? If you do EMAIL DAN! Mrt0ad13@aol.com


I wonder how long their flight was delayed for...


These evil chainsaw clowns are everywhere!


Dammit! Where am I supposed to put my Blazin' wings!


Suck it baby!!! Suck it!!!


Stop killing all the hot chicks dude!!!


Old and stupid.

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Theme Park Review's Halloween Horror Nights 2009 Report has been posted!




Once again Universal Studios Hollywood's Halloween Horror Nights reigns as the best Halloween event in Southern California! You will not find an event this intense anywhere in So Cal! Every maze will leave you feeling like "OMFG HOW DID I SURVIVE THAT?!?!"


If you live in Southern California and you're going to any other Halloween Event...you've gone to the WRONG EVENT!!!



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^I've purchased front of line passes for friday and saturday night, is that Gate A?


We think alike, there is no way I'm coming all the way from Australia without doing as much as possible to guarantee I can get everything I want done.


I know there is no flash photography or videos allowed, so I will have to experiment with low light settings so I can get some OK photos. Any tips?

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