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*** THE BEBES *** Rainbow Magicland ITALY TR

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DAY 4: Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk

Wednesday August 18, 2009




DAY 5: Monterey Bay

Thursday August 19, 2009



After bidding farewell to Gilroy Gardens at around 4pm, we hopped in the Jellybean and headed out through the twisty mountains on a journey toward the Pacific Coast.


And after stuffing ourselves silly, we hopped in the Jellybean for the long 5 hour ride home. Thus putting an end to TPT:P3 (Theme Park Tour: Part Tres) and our 2009 Theme Parks.

See you again in 2010!!!!


Mr. Bebe rocks out with some crab.


Walter followed us from the Lighthouse Lodge and joined us for lunch. How nice!


Is that Walter down there??? “Hey Walter! Up here!”


There were sea lions sunbathing on rocks in the bay.


This was our AWESOME view from our table.


The aquarium was NOT the best we’ve been to by a long shot and definitely NOT worth $30 (in our opinion).

Another coupon opportunity brought us to Fish Hopper for lunch.


Lady Bebe is a rebel. The sign says: “Please don’t flash the octopus.”




Lady Bebe LOVES seahorses.


We had an opportunity to get REALLY CLOSE to this injured Albatross as they transported it to a demonstration. Sweet!!!


Lady Bebe insisted there were sharks, but Mr. Bebe never saw any.


Hi Fishy!!!!


Admission to the aquarium is a steep $30 per person, and we couldn’t find any discount coupons anywhere. But some guy approached us as we were heading toward the box office and offered us his TWO DAY tickets (He had gone the previous day) FOR FREE!!! That’s a savings of $60. Thanks Dude!!!


Now that we are tipsy, it’s time to hit the aquarium.


We went directly to A Taste of Monterey, where we had a coupon to try four different wines for $5. Yummy.


Bull Wacker’s.

tee hee!!!


We checked out and headed for Cannery Row. Our plan: A little wine tasting, Monterey Bay aquarium, and lunch.


There’s our room from the outside and our PRIMO parking spot.


This seagull sat by the window watching everyone eat. He pecked at the glass a few times. We named him Walter.


The spread. Breads, danishes, cereal, some scrambled eggs and sausage.


In the morning, they served a deluxe continental breakfast in the clubhouse by the heated pool and Jacuzzi.


We stayed at a boutique place called the Lighthouse Lodge. This was our room. It was OK. We got in really late and went right to bed.


Farewell Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk! We had a great time and will definitely return. Now it’s off to Monterey for the night!


…By a LOT!!!!


Guess who won???


It’s one of those ‘shoot the targets’ rides, where you compete for a high score


There was a whole lot more at Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk than we anticipated (most not included in this report). We finished our night at 11pm with Ghost Blasters.


Lady Bebe and Puff pose for a picture.


Credit #3: Dragon coaster


We realized just how different a ride program can be on Fireball. Usually these rides rock back and forth more than they spin, but this one actually did quite a bit of spinning and it did it in very specific spots. Nice Ride.

FYI - Wipeout at Knoebel’s was intense and forceful while the same ride at Waldameer was tame and forceless.


“I think I might pee myself a little on this one.”


Giant Dipper at night (Yes, we rode both day & night)


The Bebes stole this on-ride photo. TRES OLE!!!!


The dipper releases you into a really long, dark, winding tunnel before sending you up the lifthill and into the ride. It was quite smooth and full of great forces and nice airtime. This was a VERY GOOD wooden rollercoaster and finds a spot in our personal top 10. And with a fairly short line, we rode it numerous times in numerous seats. Always a good ride.


The train on the Giant Dipper is obviously not an original train. It was quite comfy.


Another informational sign


Celebrating its’ 85th year of operation, making it the 6th oldest in the U.S.


The walls were flooded with plaques and facts for this classic wooden coaster.


We actually had a bit of trouble finding the entrance to the ride, but eventually we found it.


Let’s head for credit #2, the main reason for our visit!!! SCBB’s Giant Dipper!!!


Credit #1: Hurricane. It’s a strange steel coaster with three-car trains that sits on the rooftop of the arcade. The line was a bit lengthy and the ride was ho-hum, so we only rode once.


Overview of the beachside park


Special Pepsi Wristband


Mr. Bebe: “I heard that I can turn in a Pepsi can and get an all-day ride pass for $10”

Attendant: “ Where did you hear that?”

Mr. Bebe: “It’s printed right here. On the Pepsi can.


The Bebes are looking for three new credits here!


About an hour and a half after leaving Gilroy Gardens, we arrived at Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk


Welcome to Santa Cruz!

Edited by The Bebes
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This is the update I've been waiting for! This is my home park - great pictures you took. The park is definitley my favorite by a long shot. It has wonderful rides and good food - the Giant Dipper too!


Thanks for the update, and I posted an update to my SCBB NEW Haunted Castle thread, if you're interested!



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The more I go back and re-'look' at your trip reports and photos the more enjoyable they become. I like the perspective you have and some of the pics and comments are really funny. I look forward to a photo trip report from Disneyland or Cedar Point, and you have to bring back the find the ducky game in them too- make it harder and maybe offer some kind of crappy prize or something...lol.


Thanks again Bebes

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What an amazing time this weekend at West Coast bash!!!!


I wanted to thank everybody who had a shout-out to the Bebes! It's always great to meet the people behind the screen names (even if you mis-pronounce it!


Some people we met, we didn't even get names (The couple from Milwaukee that we talked with on Sierra Sidewinder during ERT). Or we got their name "Martin", "Jim & Austin" but not their screen name to put it with.


SO, if anybody met the Bebes this weekend, let us know who you are!!!! And don't be too shy to come say "hi" at the next event (Austin T.!!!) and get a ride and/or a pic with the Bebes!!!!


I'll be posting the WCB trip report this week so keep an eye out for it!!!!!!

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  The Bebes said:
SO, if anybody met the Bebes this weekend, let us know who you are!!!! And don't be too shy to come say "hi" at the next event (Austin T.!!!) and get a ride and/or a pic with the Bebes!!!!


Hey!! If I recall correctly, we shared a high-five during Terminator ERT! You know, right before we "took the silence!" Hahaha.

But yeah, I'll definitely actually come up to you guys next time and say hey and get pics, etc.

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^^Thanks William! Ours too!!!! The Bebes took 12 laps on Terminator (3 or 4 sans audio) and couldn't get enough of it! Lady Bebe still keeps saying "That's how we roll at WCB. We take the tunnel".


^Jeremy, I remember talking with you on x2! Great meeting you and maybe we can share a ride again at the next one!


-Corey "Mr. Bebe"

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