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Guitar Hero World tour Vs. Rock Band 2


Rock Band 2 or Guitar hero World Tour  

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  1. 1. Rock Band 2 or Guitar hero World Tour

    • guitar hero world tour
    • rock band 2

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Let's see. I have Rock Band 2, and I jumped right into it on Expert. I've only beaten London (my first town) in career, but I went ahead and unlocked all the songs so I could play a few of my favorites. So far, I'm up to:


Hungry Like the Wolf - 99%

One Step Closer - 100%

Almost Easy - 97%

Give it All - 98%

Everlong - 93%


A have a few other hundreds and five-gold-stars scattered around, but those are my favorite ones to play. So much fun...I love these games.

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^ It's all about precision. Depending on your timing etc. But if you feel you're hitting the notes then there may be something wrong with your controller, I don't know. What difficulty are you playing on?


I'm playing on Medium, which until the last few sets was extremely easier, than in GHIII.


I'd like to think it was the controller or me, but I was hitting much more difficult combos after many beers, than I was sober. So maybe I just need to be hammered to do hammer ons.

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RB2 is releasing a cymbal pack on 11/16 at Best Buy. Some lucky folks got them earlier and put up screen shots and videos of the new addon. It's a double pack for $30 or a triple pack for $40.


Here's a video of it in action:




Looks pretty nifty, love the fact that each cymbal makes a new sound (Crash, Ride, and Hi-Hat) so now you can play the songs more accurately if you wish.

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While those cymbals certainly look cooler than the GH ones, I'm not a fan of them.


I don't like how all they do is replace one of the pads. Just seems you can play a blue note on the pad or on the cymbal. Going by that, you can play a song 75-100% cymbals if you feel like it.


I know that the game is already programmed to only have 4 pads and a bass pedal, but what they could have done is wait for the next RockBand (Beatles edition, I believe) and have the game programmed to have them all in.

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Almost Easy - 97%

As in Avenged Sevenfold - Almost Easy?


You would be correct.


^^I'm sorry but those look pretty crappy. I agree chemical_echo, they should have waited for the next installment and program it in instead of replacing all but one pad.



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It's mostly for the electronic drum feature.


If you have a drum program on your computer, you can have 3 cymbals and the other drum pads as well.


I'll probably get them so I don't rely so much on sight-reading the songs, and will be paying more attention to the beat.

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While those cymbals certainly look cooler than the GH ones, I'm not a fan of them.


I don't like how all they do is replace one of the pads. Just seems you can play a blue note on the pad or on the cymbal. Going by that, you can play a song 75-100% cymbals if you feel like it.


I know that the game is already programmed to only have 4 pads and a bass pedal, but what they could have done is wait for the next RockBand (Beatles edition, I believe) and have the game programmed to have them all in.


I agree but I'm still going to get them. I'm a bigger fan of RB than GH.

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I really like RB2. Sure, it's Rock Band 1.3 w/more songs, but 60 bucks for 84 songs...worth it. Even if 1/2 of them suck.


Though I'll eventually get GHWT. Maybe. Though with VideoGameAttack Wave2008, it might get passed.

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I hate guitar hero now


Rant about Guitar hero and Wii.


If they really wanted to they could make it so that all the controlers would be compatible with all the games but no, we have make them have to buy a new controler with each game because we hate the Wii.

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^ See, and I thought the same thing with all the Hendrix downloads for GHWT on Friday. I just hope they don't let us down with DLC like they did with GHIII.


I finished the last set on GHWT Saturday. "Hot for Teacher" = Mmmmmm.


Doesn't look like they will. According to Wikipedia, there is a lot of DLC already announced for GHWT. Next full album for the game looks like Oasis - Dig Out Your Soul (Which is an awesome album, by the way). Kinda bummed that it's not releasing for RB2, especially after all the Oasis DLC that's out so far.


Though, it doesn't matter. RB2 got Rush - Moving Pictures, Stevie Ray Vaughan - Texas Flood, Megadeath - Peace Sells, but who's buyin?, Red Hot Chili Peppers - Blood Sugar Sex Magik, The Pixies - Doolittle, and a whole slew of tracks from The Who.


I'm content

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Ok, so I got the Rock Band 2 double cymbal pack yesterday. They're the $30 pack. It took a little while to figure out how to put it together and tighten so it wouldn't fall while playing. After I finally got all that figured out it's been working great so far!!


Pro's= 1. much more realistic drumming!

2. Adds a "cool" feature to the drums

3. Looks alot more realistic


Cons= 1. Louder than the regular drums but not by much

2. The tightening is kind of confusing and tough at 1st

3. Makes the drums alot heavier


Overall if your at all serious about drumming in Rock band I suggest getting these. They work great and are an amazing add on to the drums!


Proof that it's really me! =) haha


They even added the RB2 name on the cymbals.


Top view. Sorry for the blurryness


Overall view

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I played the GHWT demo at my local Walmart and I thought it was pretty much GH3 with other instruments. The drums seem pretty good but you have to hit them really hard for it to read it, I heard there making a patch to fix it but i don't know when it comes out.

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