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Head Rush and Greyouts - Getting Old?

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Someone already mentioned staying hydrated, and that is good advice. No single thing can improve your general feeling of well being at a park more than that.

Both times I have either greyed out or saw purple spots was on Millennium Force, it's pretty well known for it. Which brings me to this point: Do we really want coasters to get that much bigger or faster?


I am with you there...as mentioned, my favorite, #1 coaster right now is Powder Keg at SDC. Great launch, awesome airtime, has that runaway train feel to it...and I don't black out! I don't need the fastest, tallest, most loops or G's...I want an overall good experience and that's Powder Keg right now.

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I get tunnel vision a lot and have certainly blacked out. I've figured out that my low blood pressure is to blame.


Straining yourself to force blood into your head during high intensity elements helps. I always hate phrasing it this way (but I think everyone can picture it easily): act like you're trying to force a bowel movement, but obviously adjust the muscles you tense so the focus is on your upper body.


I've done a lot of experimenting with it, and it has definitely helped me.


Even though I wont ride it anymore, the last time I rode Titan, I took a deep breath and held it during the 2 helix elements and I made it through OK.

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The only ride I have ever blacked out on is Dragon Fire at Canada's Wonderland. I belive that this is just because it is an old Arrow-Huss double loop, and the transition into the loops are very tight, causing the train to snap upwards instead of gliding smoothly into the element.


I black out every time I ride it, even when I have ate in line. I think each person is different when it comes to this topic.


Oh, and Italian Job is pretty bad for blacking out on too.

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It pretty much started while riding Kumba last October and I have been battling it ever since.


And I thought you were just a wuss that day!


I have issues on Batman's first loop. Usually if it's the first ride of the day, and I haven't eaten. I'm fine on just about anything else.


I find it funny that as roller coaster nerds were all talking about how we've skipped breakfast. TPR members are definitely not ACEr's!

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Coasters, for the most part, I'm fine on. Although a night ride on El Toro in the backseat left me with a two day headache once. What I've noticed more is that I can't seem to take spinning flatrides nearly as much as I used to. I used to be able to chain Gravitron rides, but now once is enough. I went on a ride at the NJ State Fair called Storm, and afterwards I thought I was going to pass out (then again it was hot and I didn't eat much.)


However the one ride I cannot ride anymore at all is the swinging ship; I will get nauseous no matter what the circumstances are. I used to be fine on those things! Interestingly enough, I don't get nearly as nausous on the looping versions. lol

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10 seconds in Goliath's helix of death, and I'm fine.


2 seconds into a "backlot stunt coaster"'s first helix, and I'm seeing spots. By the top, I can barely see anything!





I think it's simply per coaster, per rider. It happens. As long as it doesn't hurt your enjoyment of the ride itself, or is too uncomfortable, I'm sure it's fine.


Though I'm no doctor.



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^Same with me, Goliath I'm fine. But come Batman loops, I start to gray out and don't really "recover" until after the zero-g roll. This used to not happen to me, but it has recently for some reason. Maybe I need to eat fattier food!


The technique I use to prevent this is tightening all my lower muscles. Lots of pilots do that and it keeps the blood flowing to your head.

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10 seconds in Goliath's helix of death, and I'm fine.


2 seconds into a "backlot stunt coaster"'s first helix, and I'm seeing spots. By the top, I can barely see anything!


I had the same problem with Italian Job/Backlot Stunt Coaster at KI. That first helix really got to me!

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I get tunnel vision a lot and have certainly blacked out. I've figured out that my low blood pressure is to blame.


I have low blood pressure too and have noticed the black out feeling occasionally. Lately the one that's bothered me the most has been the helix on Nitro.

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I guess I'm blessed- I've only had 'grey-outs' on the WCM Mindbender- and that was after the third ride of the day.


But then again, I must be sick/twisted. I LIKE the feeling- I'm a PosG whore- give me Gs!


The only time I've gotten them was when I was dehydrated and hungry at the same time- which caused me to get very VERY nauseus.


Either way- if that's becoming a problem- check out what's affecting you at the time- I.E. whether or not you ate right, are drinking enough fluids etc. If all else fails, a trip to the Drs might help as well-

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I had my first grey-out experience on Laser last year at Dorney during the first and second loops (felt it more on the 2nd). I thought it may be just this ride but have also felt similar on the Immelmans on Griffon and the loop on Dominator. I was thinking it might be my age catching up to me but we'll see. During my most recent trip to BGE and SFGAdv I was grey-out free.

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