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At least we don't live in Denmark...then Danish kids were telling us about the fees they have to pay!


The Commission said 10 of the EU's 15 states tax new and used cars when they are purchased, ranging from a modest 267 euros in Italy to an astronomical 15,659 in Denmark. It suggested phasing out the fees over five to 10 years.


The Commission said all states except France, which has high charges for toll roads, levy an annual road tax. This ranges from 30 euros a year in Italy to 463 euros a year in Denmark.


And there are more! Poor Denmark!


Elissa "$20,000 fees on buying a new car!" Alvey

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well that puts it in perspective


i just remember al the goverment people who were bitching in Cali cause Gov arnold repealed the tripling of the registration fee's


so instead of $187


it would be $561, a year

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What are you talking about?!


California Rules!!!


I live in Orange County, and I have the Beach 10 minutes down the road, during the winter the ski resorts are only hour and a half away.


The theme parks are open all year long! (None of this closed during the winter garbage)


The weather is pretty good for most of the year.


We have a great Governor who wants to make some positive changes for California.


Overall I love it! I'm staying here!!!

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Interesting corrollation to FL:


The theme parks are open all year long! (None of this closed during the winter garbage) - same in FL.


The weather is pretty good for most of the year. - same in FL


We have a great Governor who wants to make some positive changes for California. - ok fine, you win on this one!

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^ Besides California, the ONLY other state I could live in other than Hawaii (To expensive/Far away) would be Florida.


I have a friend who moved from CA to Jacksonville FL many years ago, and he loves it there!


I personally, have been to Islands of Adventure more times (Three) than Disneys CA Adventure. (Which even with the Tower of Terror still disappoints)


By the way, Robb Fanatic has Elissa E-mailed you about your attraction to the man in her life? Wives can be so protective of their husbands.

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Ugh...don't get me started about how much I hate California!!!


The best years of my life were the ones I spent on the east coast. If it wasn't for my job in the entertainment busienss, I'd be back on the east coast in a heartbeat!


--Robb "The only thing good about California is the weather...but even still I miss the first snow of winter..." Alvey

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Robb has a job in the entertainment business?


I am one step closer to a major breakthrough: Robb is a stand in for John Cleese.




Anyways, California sucks (and so does the govenor...although, he is pretty funny, if anybody has been on T2 at Universal).


What I would consider the best part of Cali, is that I am 35 minutes from hollywood, 1 hour from the beach, 1 hour from snowy mountains, 20 minutes from a lake, 45 minutes from the high desert (you can do model rocket testing and gokart/quad riding), etc.

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^Yes AllisonY2K Ellisa has nothing to worry about?


It always starts so innocently....A mild flirtation, and innocent comment.


But the next thing you know you have a plane ticket to LA and a rendezous at Disney's Grand California Hotel and well...It looks like Elissa should have been worried after all!

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We have a great Governor who wants to make some positive changes for California. - ok fine, you win on this one!


LMAO!!!! Good call!


As for the topic, try living in Lancaster CA. That was the suckiest place on earth!

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yeah, spent a weekend in Lancaster, and I agree


The only redeemable qaulity about Cali is the mild weather



The advantage to New Mexico, is Mild weather (hottest its ever been in recorded history in Albuquerque is 107), no "set in" major disasters, ca-earthquakes, east coast- snow and noreasters, south- hurricains, midwest- tornado's


we just don't really get any of that here, it snows a tiny amount, in summer it will stay about 85-95 degrees, and the worst thing you deal with is 35mph wind blowing sand in your eyes, thats about it


It really suprises me that they were saying they neede the tripling of the registration fee to fully fund the Fire Dept, uh there is over 30,000,000 people in Cali, is has like the 5th best economy in the world, where is all that money


California really is horribly mismanaged, and its not a Republican (pete wilson), or democrat (gray davis) thing, both those goveners did suck, and did horrible jobs, they should both be publicly executed, I've seen a little good fron the govenator, but we wil see.


another thing that is cheaper, just to let you know what a great job grey davis did with the energy crisis, our energy bill(gas&electric) went from over $200 a month to about $70,


Gasoline is cheaper, cause the smarties in the goverment there require a custom gasoline mix, we have ethonol in the gas here, but its a standard mix, not good enough for Cali, so you guys pay extra


Don't get me started on housing, Our 85,000 home would be about 700,000 in Sanat Cruz


UGGGGHHHHHH, I'm glad I'm gone


Cali is a big huge money pit of a state

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Well there is no emissions check at all, well where I live, in the actual city of Albuquerque there is and I think its about $20, but in Rio Rancho, no emmisions



California had all there emmision centers redone, so emmisions there are a bit expensive, last one I got was around $50

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i can't remember the cost to register the plates or what for my car. All I know is I believe is is under 100, and even for emissions, that's only 20 bucks. We also don't use emission stickers anymore, the state gave up on operating emission facilities and let the garages do the emissions. I dunno if Connecticut has a two plate law, but I know you are given two plates. Connecticut is a nice state to live in and the taxes aren't that bad.

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