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PTR Tusenfryd trip 20080620

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A few weeks ago when we got confirmation that Tusenfryd had re-tracked more of Thundercoaster to this season, we decided that we should head up there and see how it had evolved.

So we went there on a day that we know is a good day crowd wise, the vacations haven't really started in neither Sweden or Norway and all Swedes are caught up in a holiday that comes from the norse day.


To sum up the day:

* The park was empty

* Speed Monster is as good as ever

* Norwegian traffic sucks

* And Thundercoaster is destroyed.




To go to Tusenfryd we have to drive by Liseberg


Entering Norway, everyone was forced to drive through the customs, and they stopped all Norwegian cars to check for "cheap" Swedish booze


The Norwegian way to make a tunnel through a mountain:

First build tunnel.

Then add mountain...


We could either head back home or go to Tusenfryd, but we couldn't be arsed to turn around just yet...


So we went to Tusenfryd


OMG, through the trees


Thanks to ECC we had an awesome deal to get into the park!!!


Mmmm, twisty Intamin.....


Even more...


We headed for Speed Monster first and this is what greeted us... NO QUEUE... it stayed like this the whole day


Cooler train the TTD


Geek shot


(Geek shot)²




I love this shot of the N-loop


We decided to skip Loopen for now, since we didn't want to have a headache this early


So we headed towards the other end of the park


Thundercoaster through the trees...


There used to be an awesome ride at the end of this queue


No queue here as well


This is a completely redesigned part of Thundercoaster


WTF, I must be on drugs or something


Ahh, that's better, Thundercoaster through sawed pieces of wood!!




They were only running one train, but it was still like a ERT session


W00t!! lift-hill from the other side...


One of the parts where the Vekoma skip is still exist <3


The best part of Thundercoaster, but it's still worse then it were before GCI chopped it


Onride of hill


You can clearly see where GCI have ruined the ride


An image for the shed enthusiasts.


Bye for now...


Since it was still pretty early on the day and the weather was really nice, we decided to head for Super Splash


It's a pretty hard walk to get there, steep hills and they way is unnecessary long


The drop have a strange kink into it


Over a small hill and then it's time far the water


To soak unsuspecting bystanders


But this fella doesn't care about the water






There are Vikings inside, I promise...


Then there was time to head up the giant hill again...


Hi Jahan!!


We wanted to ride Teeny Weeny, but the Op. wouldn't let us. Too big she said, too mush weight, but we had ridden it on the previous trips along with several other adults, we officially hate her and the bad part was that she were there all day so we couldn't try another Op.


We started to get hungry, so we decided to eat by this table


We had a fancy table partner


On the top of the mountain there is a few flat rides, we broke and got evacuated from this one


This thing was new for the year, but swinging ships sucks, unless they are tiny


The tower had the longest queue in the park


Where can I fill up?? I wish that the gas prices were at this level again


Then there was the long walk down again


Now we decided to get on Loopen, and we survived without any bruises, headaches, broken bones or anything... and, hmm i think I know those waiting for the front of the train...


Going back towards the Speed Monster area...


This is a must ride at Tusenfryd, this is the only dodgems (that I know of) where you can drift, you can get really sweat powerslides


Dodgem car upskirt


Since Thundercoaster now sucks, here are a bunch of pictures of Speed Monster:



After multiple rerides we started to head home


By N-loop I love you!!




We'll be back


See you next time


Yay, we are soon back in Sweden


That's our exit


We still love Liseberg more then Tusenfryd


Thanks for reading this PTR!!

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Fantastic pics!!! I really hope to visit this park someday, it looks great, and one of, if not Norway's only good park.


I didn't know GCI was doing anything to Thundercoaster. I had heard nothing but great things about it, so this is very unfortunate news. I'm assuming the trains haven't changed, is that correct?

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^^ They are keeping the original trains, but they have been negotiating with GCI to add Millennium Flyers.


About the ride:

The thing that made Thundercoaster so great and unique, was it's crazy ride.

Sure it was a bit rough, it just gave it a lot of character, but it also had massive airtime, loads of speeds, parts that was just plain wrong, etc. That was why we all loved it.


The first re-tracking they made 2006-2007, they made the airtime hill taller and also made the turn after it smoother (+ an added tunnel). It reduced the amount of air over the hill but it improved the ride by reducing the vibration in the turn. But the ride was still very good, overall since it was still very insane and had loads of speed.


For this season they changed a lot more of the ride. from the crazy turn under the lift, all the way to after the CCI turnaround, and this have greatly improved the ride comfort of the ride. Removed almost all of the vibrations and strange transitions.

BUT these changes have removed all of the things that makes this ride so special, and it's now "just another" woodie.

The speeds have been significantly lowered and the train crawls through the last turns and hills, so you don't get any airtime on the last little hill into the brakes, the transtions are a lot better but the inaneness and airtime is lost.


This is really a disgrace to the coaster, and they should have just re-tracked the ride as it were instead of changing the whole layout.

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^ Yep, it was made by Vekoma, after a design of Allott and Lomax.


I have no idea why they use GCI to rebuild it. But it would probably have something with that they have a good reputation of a smooth and solid rides.

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^^ They are keeping the original trains, but they have been negotiating with GCI to add Millennium Flyers.


About the ride:

The thing that made Thundercoaster so great and unique, was it's crazy ride.

Sure it was a bit rough, it just gave it a lot of character, but it also had massive airtime, loads of speeds, parts that was just plain wrong, etc. That was why we all loved it.


The first re-tracking they made 2006-2007, they made the airtime hill taller and also made the turn after it smoother (+ an added tunnel). It reduced the amount of air over the hill but it improved the ride by reducing the vibration in the turn. But the ride was still very good, overall since it was still very insane and had loads of speed.


For this season they changed a lot more of the ride. from the crazy turn under the lift, all the way to after the CCI turnaround, and this have greatly improved the ride comfort of the ride. Removed almost all of the vibrations and strange transitions.

BUT these changes have removed all of the things that makes this ride so special, and it's now "just another" woodie.

The speeds have been significantly lowered and the train crawls through the last turns and hills, so you don't get any airtime on the last little hill into the brakes, the transtions are a lot better but the inaneness and airtime is lost.


This is really a disgrace to the coaster, and they should have just re-tracked the ride as it were instead of changing the whole layout.


So basically they saved the ride from tearing itself up and having to be dismantled?

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^^ They are keeping the original trains, but they have been negotiating with GCI to add Millennium Flyers.


About the ride:

The thing that made Thundercoaster so great and unique, was it's crazy ride.

Sure it was a bit rough, it just gave it a lot of character, but it also had massive airtime, loads of speeds, parts that was just plain wrong, etc. That was why we all loved it.


The first re-tracking they made 2006-2007, they made the airtime hill taller and also made the turn after it smoother (+ an added tunnel). It reduced the amount of air over the hill but it improved the ride by reducing the vibration in the turn. But the ride was still very good, overall since it was still very insane and had loads of speed.


For this season they changed a lot more of the ride. from the crazy turn under the lift, all the way to after the CCI turnaround, and this have greatly improved the ride comfort of the ride. Removed almost all of the vibrations and strange transitions.

BUT these changes have removed all of the things that makes this ride so special, and it's now "just another" woodie.

The speeds have been significantly lowered and the train crawls through the last turns and hills, so you don't get any airtime on the last little hill into the brakes, the transtions are a lot better but the inaneness and airtime is lost.


This is really a disgrace to the coaster, and they should have just re-tracked the ride as it were instead of changing the whole layout


Thanks a lot for the response Loefet!


I will assume from that statement, that you are a lot like me, in that you would prefer a smooth ride, but certainly don't mind a little "airtime with a price" every now and then.


The GP probably isn't like us in many ways, and neither are a lot of coaster enthusiasts for that matter. Parks I guess are smart for doing this sometimes, although it makes me cringe a bit at least.


So, would you say that the improvements have smoothed the ride out, making it more "bearable" and enjoyable for all those wimps who like their body to remain in one place throughout the entire ride?


Also, is there still ANY airtime to be had at all on it? I see you mentioned one hill is now airtimeless, but is there still a little at least??

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^ Smooth ride or not.


Sure I like a good smooth ride, but then again, I have nothing against a rough ride either. As long as it makes "use" of it.

Thundercoaster was far from smooth before the major retracking was done, I still loved every bit of it.

Now it's smooth and I don't like it any more since it was part of the character that made the ride so good.


I would still think that people that haven't ridden the old version of Thundercoaster still will enjoy the ride, but it's a huge disappointment to me now.

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