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Man Stabbed at Six Flags America.

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I feel rappers like M&M also bring hate, and than you have songs like the Dixie Chicks with hurting someone which is just not right. To some people they are just a song, but other people try to live by them, and they are hurting society.


Damn Dixie Chicks. They should be hanged for causing this stabbing.

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Understood, thanks! I trust the Firefox spell check way to much .


And today i tuned into one of the Baltimore news stations and they had a short story on it, but it said nothing more then we know already. I'm guessing that the situation has to go to court and charges are being filed which is why we wouldn't know anything yet.

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^And candy. Can't forget about those damn M&Ms.


It's the M&M's (w)rappers that are spreading all that hate. Remember the last time you opened a delicious bag of M&M's and the inside of the package said "Bitches ain't shit. I gots my gat. Kill whitey. Ima stab you at Six Flags with my knive." That delicious candy is the #1 threat to America.

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^My last M&M (w)rapper must have been a bit more ghetto. I believe the exact words were "Ima cut you at Six Flags"...


I don't blame the weapons for these problems, I blame the selfish dumbass people that feel like they have a right to do whatever they want in rectification for how they feel about a situation.


If punishments for these types of actions were more harsh, they might be less frequent. For example, if you stab someone, you lose a finger. Or something to that justification. Call me crazy I just have no sympathy for these types of people.

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I think we just live in an increasingly intolerant, fractured & violent society where peoples reasoning skills seem to be at an all time low. If anyone disagrees with me I'll kick your ass, alright.


Maybe the Mike Judge film Idiocracy will prove to be quite prophetic.


They should start up Fight Clubs at some selected parks, not mentioning any names.

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As observed already in the thread, I don't think we can starting bagging out SF security until it is established it actually happened inside the park.


I think metal detectors are a good thing, it means I can brawl at my favourite park safe in the knowledge that I won't have to worry about any of my opponents pulling out a gun, a knife, or a small chainsaw...though I'm a bit worried about those porcelain guns like in Die Hard 2.


Cedar Point seems to have a very strong security presence, I think they are considered a police force, and have guns to boot if I remember correctly. Though they don't have metal detectors or at least didn't last year.


As quite a few people have indicated it seems that the incident may have taken place in the parking lot rather than inside the park itself...still the lot is park property however.


A couple years ago they had a shooting occur in the lot during FF right around closing from what I'd heard on the local news.This is getting bad because as these thugs become aware that they're not gonna be able to get their weapons past the metal detectors they end up taking their fights to the parking lot where just as many innocent bystanders could be injured.


What's next? are the parks gonna have to resort to a vehicle search at the toll booth prior to allowing guests to enter the lots now?

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^ "Ima cut you at Six Flags" just sounds like you're gonna line jump.


Funny that you say that, last week I was in line for Deja Vu and you-know-who taps me on the shoulder:


M&M (W)rapper: Hey, member that cuttin I toll chu bow?


Me: Yeah, hey Mr. M&M man look, I don't want no trouble.


M&M (W)rapper: So back when you were eatin my brothaz, guess you din't think bout the cons-quences den, didcha?


Me: I told you (W)rapper, If I would have known polishing off a perfectly good bag of M&M's would have been such a problem, I never would ha--


M&M (W)rapper: TOO LATE for apologies, kid. Now I'm gon give you the cuttin' of a lifetime.


*M&M (W)rapper reaches behind back, I panic*


Me: Wait! Please! No knife! This isn't worth it! What about if I let you go ahead of me in line? This line takes forever, its a real advantage getting up a couple heads!


M&M (W)rapper *gives look of disbelief*: A Knife? I got no knife, kid.


*M&M (W)rapper pulls iPod out of back pocket*


Me: I thought you said you were gonna cut me!?


M&M (W)rapper: All I meant was getting a couple spots ahead of you when you got in line for Deja Vu. Waiting in line for these Giant Inverted Boomerangs with their Shuttle design and all is a real b*tch.


So as you can see, it was all just one big misunderstanding!


^Maybe instead of dimly lit parking lots with minimum security they could drop a few dollars on adding a couple of those "security huts" that sit 20 feet above the lot to keep an eye on guests below. As far as I know, there's only 1 at MM, and after the park closes, the guards are usually gone. That with a combined badly lit huge lot does not make it hard for criminals to do stuff they're not supposed to.


Its just a matter of time for these incidents to happen. Yeah this happens then they beef it up for 2 years or so, then it goes back to how it was. And then time goes by and then it'll happen again. Its a vicious cycle and it happens because the parks cheap. I'm surprised not more goes on in the MM lot...

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^ Except that it isn't limited to just theme park lots. So, is it really any worse than anywhere else?


Security or no security, if someone wants to really do something, they will.


I've had my own car stolen in front of my house. It is what is.

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