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The Simpsons Ride Universal Orlando Soft Opens!

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What's really strange is that Disney is usually the most lenient when it comes to video cameras on rides.


Most videos I've taken weren't met with any objection from the CM's, some actually interacted (HM and ToT especially).


The only time I hit a wall was when I was on the launch track for RnRC, the loading CM told me to hold my camera at chest height because of the launch. Naturally I complied but another CM wouldn't launch the ride until I put my camera away, the soundtrack had already finished before the ride ended and the last half of the ride was silent.


Well, I guess that's just how it goes sometimes.

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Thanks Universal!!! Now the vids are completely gone. I understand their reasoning, but damn, do they have to move so fast to take them down!!


It's copyrighted material. I think that also influenced their decision to flag the videos.


Universal is really strict about people video tapping their rides. I remember a few Revenge of the Mummy videos flagged down. Luckily they haven't taken my recording of it down yet


Part of being a member on TPR is abiding by all the park rules. You should never break park rules to begin with, let alone brag about it on here.


I wasn't trying to brag about it, but I will in fact respect that rule. I did however film it previous to me being a member to TPR.

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I went there wednesday when they opened the ride and i waited for about an hour and a half, although the line felt like it moved fast thanks to Krusty's Favorite Moments playing on the amazing tv screens. It was nice to watch and hear everyone bust out laughing, however the video segment only last for about an hour then replays


The preshow was quite amazing, I went on the second level and i thought the preshow video was a perfect set-up.


The ride itself was amazing! When u are lifted up to the screen level you keep going, and going, and going. I won't give anything away but i have to say the most surprising part of the ride is when we are sucked on by a giant baby and we could actually smell the baby!


Overall the ride was amazing, i personally think its better than bttf and I'm glad they built it.

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I went and rode it on Wednesday and wasn't a huge fan of it. I think that queue video was a bit to short. I talked to some team members and I was informed that the second dome wasn't open yet but they were hoping to open it around their grand opening. Opening that dome will cut down the wait time tremendously. I think that one reason I don't like it is that I really like bttf. I think that they could have put a bit more money into it and made it a decent ride. I wasn't a huge fan of the ride animation. I am by no means a "huge" Simpson's watcher but I expected the animation similar to the tv show. I rode on level one all the way against the side wall so maybe I had a bad seat. Unfortunately there just hasn't been any advancements in motion simulators except for digital projectors. I just didn't "WOW" me in any way.

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Thanks Universal!!! Now the vids are completely gone. I understand their reasoning, but damn, do they have to move so fast to take them down!!

Honestly...GOOD! I'm glad they took them down. If a park has a "no camera on a ride" policy then they SHOULD be going after people who sneak cameras on ride and post them on YouTube.


I can't tell you how many times I've been told by Six Flags or Cedar Fair to make sure no one at any of our events takes a camera on a coaster, but yet they don't go after the THOUSANDS of non-enthusaists that took their camera on a coaster and posted it to YouTube.




I wasn't complaining about Universal. I completely agree, understand and like that they go after people who post their stuff. I'm just mad I didn't get to check it out before they took it down. I completely respect any group that goes after YouTube vids and users. It's ridiculous the amount of crap that's on there and that's what makes it so hard to find and remove all the illegal ones.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi, all.


Universal Orlando has distributed some official video from the Simpsons Ride. There's a welcome from Krusty the Clown, followed by some of the actual cartoon video from the ride itself. Enjoy!




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Any word on Universal Hollywood soft opening? I'm done with school this week and going back to Nor cal on the 18th, and I'm getting jipped on all these new ride openings(x2 and this). Hopefully if I go next week it will be open.

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