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Hersheypark (HP) Discussion Thread

p. 438: Twizzlers Twisted Gravity announced for 2025!

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R1_C3 for me- and guess what?


It's a launch coaster.


I wouldn't take anything said in one of these studies literally. If we did, we would be looking at a launched Wing Rider that ends by slamming you into a net.

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For what it's worth.

This aircraft is a testbed platform for a missile defense system. If said missile was in route this aircraft could find and track it. Once locked on it would fire a high powered laser and destroy the missile.


Not sure how this relates at all to the project, just thought I would somewhat sum this up so you dont need to read the entire page.



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Attached is what we have so far.


This picture looks like something to do with the H-R graph maybe? The carbon percentage is how old the stars are, because as stars get older they start burning carbon instead of hydrogen and helium. Then the white dwarf is a type of star, except it wouldn't be on that part of the graph it this was the H-R graph. Just thought I'd share this.


Whatever the case, this clue seems to be all about stars.

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Attached is what we have so far.


This picture looks like something to do with the H-R graph maybe? The carbon percentage is how old the stars are, because as stars get older they start burning carbon instead of hydrogen and helium. Then the white dwarf is a type of star, except it wouldn't be on that part of the graph it this was the H-R graph. Just thought I'd share this.


As an engineer, I can tell you that it's not an H-R graph. It's a phase diagram, similar to the one below for steel. The %carbon refers to the amount of carbon in the steel.


Some materials, such as iron and steel, can exist with different crystalline structures. These different crystalline structures cause the same material to have different physical properties (e.g. different hardness, elasticity etc.). These different crystal structures are called "phases". Examples of such phases are: ferritic phase, austenitic phase, martensitic phase, ledeburite phase, pearlite phase etc. Both iron and steel can be switched from one phase to another by heating to different temperatures and adding other elements and cooling at different rates to change the crystalline structure of the product. The diagram above illustrates the temperatures and carbon content % that cause steel to change from one phase to another.
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I may be taking some liberties in assuming this, but I was reading back through the research studies on the RIT site, and have built the following assumptions:

From the Propulsion Study:

Looks like the coaster is launched towards the creek...white dwarfs have some of the fastest moving particles of all the stars, and it also looks like from the diagram that we will have at least one footer in the creek. From the star chart in the lower corner of page one...The name is going to be something along the lines of dipper.

From the Gravity Manipulation Study:

More references to launching. The equations in the picture deal with the ability to achieve max weightlessness while still using gravity to propel an object, so I'm going to project that they are going to build large hills for max hang time, and few if no inversions.

From the Materials and Design Study:

The keys are the two numbers, 212 and -195. I think this means a 212 foot high first climb, followed by a 195 foot drop. Also, minimal supports to the maximum track length. Maybe a clue as to who could be building/designed the coaster?


I'm new to these boards so I'm not sure how much is known, but those are just my guesses. From working in planning departments I have heard rumblings of Hershey exceeding the height limit, not just now but for the future too. Other than that I have not heard much, which is a surprise since the municipalities here in south central PA work very close. Even when Fahrenheit went up we heard more ahead of time.


Anyways, hopefully the rest of the puzzle for the fourth study is completed soon and we learn more.

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Anyone think that all the numbers we are getting mean something? 212 and 195 being the height and drop. Maybe in the new study maybe the 5,500 is a reference to track length? But then whatever the 24 ends with baffles me as to what it could represent....possibly if it is just 24 then it is the number riders per train?

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I apologize that I've not posted up my 'piece' of the puzzle- I'll try to get that uploaded soon; I'm in California on holiday for now- but if I get two minutes to my other machine, I'll do so.



"Married now 24 hours, and we've not had the first fight yet!"

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I apologize that I've not posted up my 'piece' of the puzzle- I'll try to get that uploaded soon; I'm in California on holiday for now- but if I get two minutes to my other machine, I'll do so.



"Married now 24 hours, and we've not had the first fight yet!"

No problem. Congrats by the way.


Some footers are done. Here's a construction update from Keystone Thrills:


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