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Olsor's Amusement Shoebox

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Great footage! Fascinating stuff. Those National Georgraphic clips used a little too much footage of Revolution while talking about Arrow Dynamics for my liking...


Does anyone know why the Arrow pipeline never caught on? Was it simply too costly - or no park look an interest?

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Is there any reason that it didn't make it into any parks?


Don't quote me on this, but from what I have heard I believe there were problems with the boarding and unloading the trains.


This is from Wikipedia:

"Some of the the drawbacks of these coasters included the need for large, uncomfortable over-the-shoulder restraints as well as poor wheel-to-track construction"



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On page two's Entertainment Tonight video, at the very end, the host is shown talking with a very light picture of a wooden coaster in the background. Is that the American Eagle?


Also, I'd like to say that those National Geographic videos were great!

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"Is it called "The Colossus" or just "Colossus"?" (montezooma)


Colossus. No "The" in it, like most newer rides. But it really bugs me when people say "The Colossus," "The Ninja," "The Viper," etc.



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More from the archives. This one's a short segment from a show called Fantastic Facts from 1991. There's the obligatory piece on coaster history, then it launches into a montage of the coasters debuting in the early '90s. It also has some footage of both the scale and full-size Arrow pipeline prototypes. The scale model looks NUTS.


Be on the lookout for: Merlin Olsen. If you're between 40 and 50, you'll say, "Oh, the football player." If you're between 30 and 40, you'll say, "Oh, the guy from Little House on the Prairie." And if you're under 30, you'll say, "Who???"


The video quality is particularly poor on this one. This is what I get for buying cheap blank tapes from Walgreens.


Fantastic Facts segment on roller coasters

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I have two questions:

1. How would those Top Hat coasters get loaded and unloaded without the trains colliding?


2. How do you manage to get a video from VHS to the internet? (Olsor mentioned buying cheap blank tapes at Walgreens)

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^ I don't know when they reprofiled it, but comepare it to this drop on youtube.



Notice how there is no snap at the bottom. I just know there was a bunch of work they have done on Viper since it opened. They re-profiled the first drop, added the bracing on the vertical loops, added extra supporting to the banked curve after the 1st loop. I beleive they added brakes after the 1st loop. I think they aslo added brakes after the boomerang.

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Can you imagine how cool it would be to ride that Pipeline prototype? I've even debated hauling my butt to Kuwait just to ride the Intamin spiral coaster! I think I just find that concept fascinating because it was always touted as the "Coaster of the Future" on the specials I watched as a kid. Plus they look so friggin' cool.


I didn't know about a Viper reprofile either.

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I have never heard of a Viper re-profile somone please enlighten us?


Poor old Viper, it barely makes it through those corkscrews after the MCBR now. The memories - Viper was the first coaster I ever rode in the United States.

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The Viper originally had an 'underbanked' twisting pullout to that huge drop. There is a video somewhere of the train going through it (off ride) and the SNAP is very visible. I think they must have just put track that was banked more on the existing footers.


Another re-profile that some don't know about is the Demon at CGAmerica. When the Turn of the Century coasters were converted into the Demon, the first drop was steeper. We still have our SNAP (a vertical one, compared to the lateral one that was on Viper) here in Gurnee. The California model was converted to a more TOCentury type of drop - just not as steep and w/o the SNAP.


As a matter of fact, you can see spots in our Demons drop track where the 12" tube spine is 'offset'. So obviously, they had problems during installation

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I have two questions:

1. How would those Top Hat coasters get loaded and unloaded without the trains colliding?


2. How do you manage to get a video from VHS to the internet? (Olsor mentioned buying cheap blank tapes at Walgreens)


What do you mean by Top Hat coasters?


And I'm getting my videos onto YouTube in the least efficient way possible. This started when I bought a VCR/DVD recorder so I could record all of my old videotapes onto DVD. Once I got them onto DVD, I ripped the DVDs to .avi files using freeware (this is so I can also put them on my Creative Zen Vision). After that, I used Windows Movie Maker to reduce the file size to something usable on YouTube.


There are much easier ways to get video onto the Internet, though.

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I have two questions:

1. How would those Top Hat coasters get loaded and unloaded without the trains colliding?


2. How do you manage to get a video from VHS to the internet? (Olsor mentioned buying cheap blank tapes at Walgreens)


What do you mean by Top Hat coasters?


I think he means Mr. Freeze.



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