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WDW Tips, Secrets?


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I have been to WDW before, but not as a theme park enthusiast. I haven't even ridden "Rock 'N' Rollercoaster" Any way do you have any reccomendations, I.e The seat on so and so ride is better then the rest. I have reservations to WDW for 8 days 7 nights in the Pop Centurery Resort. The reservations are set for May 3-11. Is it crowded in the time frame im there? Someone also reccomended the better slide for the "Crush 'N' Gusher", He said something about the middle slide... More airtime or somthing . Anyway, thanks in advance


- David "Sooo Excited" Gaston

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Some restaurants you need reservations way more than a day in advance. Several months for Le Cellier!


Sci-Fin Diner was a huge disappointment. We ate in the evening (the lunch menu is different and hopefully better), but all the food on the menu was pasta in white wine sauce and duck gently caressed in Mexican spice. You get the point it wasn't hamburgers. Which as afar as I'm concerned is a problem if you go to a 50's dine-in themed restaurant and the waitresses are on rollerblades. I wanted foods like the Atomic Hotdog or the Artery Clogger Cheeseburger. If I'd wanted to eat decent food I could have done it in any number of restaurants there.


Hmm, let's see. Front row for EE is well worth the wait, but if you don't want to wait in line the single riders line is a godsend.

Soarin you either need to be the first rider of the day or get fast passes for it before 11 as it i that popular.


It shouldn't be too busy, last year the lines were very nice. Actually now that I think about it I walked onto Soarin' so you should be ok.

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If you want to do something really neat...take the Keys to the Kingdom Tour. Its a 4 hour tour of the Magic Kingdom and you will go into the Utilidor (sp?)....they will take you backstage in various places in the park.


It is a little pricey...but it includes lunch (ya!) a personal tour guide that you can ask virtually any question (I suggest staying away from The Little Mermaid cover "art"). If you go into guest services, they have a brochure on it. Its worth the money for a once in a lifetime type thing.

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There is a tour of the WDW Railroad Roundhouse, I believe. I've never done it, but as a railfan, it's on my list of things to do. A few people I know have taken it and enjoyed it.


Unfortunately, I don't have any info, but you can certainly do a search and find it. (Of course, so should I... )



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At the time you're going you need to do this:


EPCOT - head directly to Soarin'. Do NOT wait, get that ride in first. Then I'd head towards Test Track. The rest of the day will be easy.


MK - I typically go straight to Big Thunder and Splash Mountain, then I head to Peter Pan. After that, you'll only have to wait for Space Mountain.


Hollywood Studios - Go right to Rockin' Rollercoaster, then Tower. Again, the rest of the day will be a piece of cake.


AK - Go right to Everest. You can cut through Dinoland USA if necessary.


As for meals, you're probably too late to get reservations for a lot of the places, since the meal plan participants fill those slots way in advance. I typically go right to Guest Relations the minute I enter the park, and see what's available that day. You can get into most places, because people cancel that day, you just may not get a time slot you like.

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I don't think they make exceptions. Most of the Disney tour age limits are set by scary corporate lawyers!


I figured since Disney doesn't seem to question their guests...such as: when I went for my B-day and got my pin..nobody asked to see my ID.


Not that I would lie about that, but I'm sure there are some people that would to get the perks of spending your birthday on a Disney property.

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Pick this book up at your local Barnes & Noble...




It's truly a wealth of information. It has everything from detailed ratings for the rides - for every age group - to itineraries for every possible 'trip scenario'. It includes tips on the best seats for most attractions, personal testimonies, and it highlights the little things most people miss. It also covers in-depth the Universal parks and Sea World. The book is nearly 900 pages long. It's detailed to say the least. It's even fun to read! I'm using it to plan my own trip.

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Thanks for all the tips. I got my tickets today, came with some luggage tags and coupons. They also pick up your luggage at the airport and bring it to your hotel room! Also, one of the coupons is for 90 for the price of 60 Minutes on a Sea Raycer (Those tiny boats on the lake) Should I try one out?

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sfotkid My only suggestion is if you plan on riding Rockin' Roller Coaster either get to the park before it opens, wait in line at the entrance and the RUN straight to Rockin' Roller Coaster. Otherwise go in later in the day and get a fastpass. Fastpasses will become your best friend during your Disney stay! Good luck on your trip and you know I expect to see a photo TR


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Since RnRC and TOT are next to each other a good strategy is to get fastpasses for one and queue for the other in standby...RnRC has single rider dont forget, so you can save a bit of time with that.

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