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Disneyland charter bus bursts into flames

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Disneyland Resort charter bus bursts into flames on freeway


Disney bus bursts into flames in Cerritos


Long Beach Press-Telegram

A charter tour bus from Disneyland caught fire on the eastbound Artesia (91) Freeway in Cerritos Monday, causing traffic jams and forcing the passengers to walk to the next freeway exit, authorities said. The fire was reported at 4:08 p.m. A witness said passengers complained of smoke, and when the driver pulled over to investigate, the bus burst into flames.


Almost two hours later, two lanes of the freeway were still blocked while towing equipment was called to take the disabled vehicle off the freeway, said California Highway Patrol Officer Jose Nunez. He said Disney arranged for another bus to pick up the passengers, and sent a representative to the scene.


Disney sure knows how to heat things up. I mean that bus driver must been really burnin' rubber. It just goes to show that Disney can really light up any occasion.


Seriously though, I hope everybody's alright.

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Sounds like Disney transit is the hottest thing going...




You're too good at making these kind of jokes. Honestly, its gotta be a sin.


Buses are buses, one reason I don't ride them.


Cerritos on the 91, that's like...exactly where I live. 91 and Orangethorpe is where I'm at, it's basically 1 exit away. Surprised I didn't hear about this till now.

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Disney sure knows how to heat things up. I mean that bus driver must been really burnin' rubber. It just goes to show that Disney can really light up any occasion.



Dude, that was punny!!! Really punny!!

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^ Hey, dude, can you maybe tone down the obnoxiousness of your posts? Thanks.




I wasn't actually kidding. I've seen it on cops twice (the tv show- Yes, two car were burnt up!), and I definitely see cars that have smoke coming out of them too much. When smoke comes out of them, they become dangerous to drive. We are talking about the smoke that smells bad.


It might have been this month I've seen one. It's a fact of life. Cars have problems, and buses have problems. They both breakdown. They are machines created by human beings. I was commenting on the person that said they will never ride buses because buses do things like this.


Sorry, you thought I was joking around. I won't post anymore more about cars and buses in this topic.

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Sounds like Disney transit is the hottest thing going...




Was this actually a "Disney" bus, or just a charter that the resort happened to set up with an outside bus service?

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