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Im Moving to Texas


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My day just got brought down. It started all happy with snow and no school! But now this evening my parents told me that we were moving. It had been talked about for a while but I never thought we ever really would. They told me that it was 99.9% certain.


We are moving to Texas. Just north of Dallas to Frisco, TX. We are going to move this summer about June or July. I really like where I live and am very sad to leave it. I like my school and the whole area. Im going to miss all the great things here on the east coast. Ive lived here for 6 years and I am really going to miss it.


Just telling everyone and hope you guys can help me make the best of it.


Do any of you guys live in TX and near Dallas? Whats it like?


Are the Six Flags any good? A big one that could make this move good? How about SeaWorld? What else is there to do?


Im going to make the best of it but now its hard because im going to have to tell all my good friends and just have to get used to the thought. O well theres nothing I can do its just going to happen.

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Moving is hard, especially when you made friends, but it is part of life. My suggestion on the moving part, get everyone's mypsace, facebook, or instanst messenger you can to stay in touch.


As for the Six Flags Parks, I think are the good ones because Synder likes them. Plus when TPR goes down to Texas, all you have to do is drive a short distance and you won't have to fly into Texas like the rest of us who want to go on it, (if they do it).

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I really enjoy Frisco! It's a very nice, new, and developing area. There's an IKEA, and many great places for entertainment. My dad lives there, and I really like it. The Six Flags' are two of the best in the entire chain (IMHO), and I really love the Sea World, it is HUGE! I am sure you'll enjoy the area, I wish you good luck with the move, I have moved many times and I know how hard it can be.

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I saw this thread and I had to write in. I'm from Ft. Worth (20 or so minutes from Frisco) and Its a nice place to live. Our weather is nice

with a few storms from the March to August range, And yes it does get blazing hot in the summers, but other then that the weather is good.

Themepark wise, I haven't herd any flack against SFOT or SFFT. I've heard some say it the greatest SF park ever. Anyway the main thing I hate here is the Right wing close minded republicans. But if you are one, You should fit right in. Anyways, Good luck on that move, Weathers nice here now, so it shouldn't be too hard to move. And most of all Welcome to Texas!


- Dave

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There's Schlitterbahn in a couple places around Texas (New Brunfels and Galveston Island?).


Hey, hang in there. Everyone's right. It's tough to pull up stakes and leave friends, etc., but, you could be going to far worse places where there's jack to do. Besides, look at it as a chance to grow and learn something new. You get to check out all those parks close by. Texas girls. You'll get to see Kemah and Boardwalk Bullet. Texas Girls. Somewhere within a few hours is Wonderland(?) Texas Girls. There are also some good looking girls in Texas. (laughing yet? Texas Girls)


This could be cool once you get settled in. Plus, several of us will be on trips nearby at some point, so there's chances for meet ups. It'll be alright.

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Thanks for all the replys! Its goignt o be hard tomarrow going to school and telling everyone im moving. I have some friends ive been with for 6 years in school. Im really going to miss my school band the most. We rock this year we are going to the Kennedy Center. Atleast I still get to do that before I move!


I am looking forward to riding Bordwalk Bullet!

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I live in Plano (West Plano) which is literally just less than five minutes away from Frisco. I love Frisco and like CD said, it's a great developing area with many things to do. The suburbs North of Dallas are a great place to live, and I think you will enjoy it.


Since you are moving to Frisco, you will be 25-30 minutes away from downtown Dallas and 50 minutes to an hour away from SFOT. SFFT is about 5 hours away and the same goes for Sea World. You will be proud to have SFOT your new home park.


Good luck with your move, and I hope you like Texas.

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So I guess I'll merge my question into this thread, what is Dallas like in comparison with Lubbock?


I'm hoping that in 2 1/2 years I'll get out of Lubbock and head east to Dallas for my first job, and am really really hoping that Dallas has a bit more to offer then I've got out here.

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I'm sure you'll love Frisco, it's a big up and coming suburb. There is a huge mall with tons of restaurants, a Dave and Busters, and ice skating rink, and a movie theater. Frisco has its own AAA baseball team with a really nice baseball park, an IKEA (!) and all kinds of other stuff.


People have mentioned "right wing republicans" and "Yes Ma'am/Yes Sir", I'm sure you won't find more of that here than in North Carolina.


SFOT is a great park. It may not have all the unique charm of Dollywood, but it's still a great place. You will be 5 hours from the San Antonio parks and from Kemah, but those make good weekend trips.


Of course, I grew up in North Dallas and now live in the suburbs myself, so I'm biased, but I think you'll learn to love it.

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We are going in April to look for a house. We are going to get ar Six Flags tickets then too.

Im really going to miss my favorite woodie Thunderhead.

There is still a small chance we might not move but my parents said it was very small. Im still not very happy about it right now. Atleast it will be worth it my Dad is going to get a 30% pay increase!

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So I guess I'll merge my question into this thread, what is Dallas like in comparison with Lubbock?


I'm hoping that in 2 1/2 years I'll get out of Lubbock and head east to Dallas for my first job, and am really really hoping that Dallas has a bit more to offer then I've got out here.


Dallas has way more to offer than Lubbock. It's nicer, bigger, and has more things to do. When your in Lubbock, there's almost nothing around for miles except cotton fields. In comparison, Lubbock has a population of about 250,000, while the DFW Metroplex has a population of about 6 million people, so there's more things to do.

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Im not a big football person. I dont really play any sports in school.

Ah it's nothing. Only up in Lubbock is were you get all the Football crap.

Sports isnt a big deal in Tarrant County area. And yes Ikea is in Frisco!

Yeah for cheap Italian stuff!

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^ He's already in the south. I believe they come standard at birth. Or at least they're the proper gift at any baby shower.


Man, if wasn't busy skinnin possum and peelin taters, I'd come up with a better retort (that there's fancy talk for a zinger).


As for IKEA, I always thought they were Italian because the boxes all say FRAGILE on the side. Frajeelee is Italian right?

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Im a bigger baseball person and they have a team which is nice!


You can go to the Rangers Stadium and if the game ever sucks you can walk to Six Flags! But Arlington is going to be hell with the cowboys stadium coming in. Arlington was already crowded. What if IKEA is PIKEA?

Would they sell pies? Hey Kraken change the thread name to Ikea superthread!

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