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While I did find your top 10 list to be rather funny, this one is just grasping at straws to come up with a top 10 list.


How is an abundance of avian feces not a valid complaint? They could spray wash that stuff.


^ Which takes time and money. I would rather see money spent on something different than a parking lot.


That is like saying Disney sucks because Florida is too hot in the summer. Given the area CP is in, it is just one of those things that need to be accepted.


But now on HB they do have the "birdy barb wire" around most of the edges, so there is at least an attempt to reduce the amount of sea gull poo there.


On the whole scale of things, how does seagull crap in a parking lot ruin from your day at the park?


It really is JUST a parking lot.

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Which takes time and money. I would rather see money spent on something different than a parking lot.


Give me a break. It doesn't cost that much to have one of their relatively low wage workers run through the parking lot every day with a power washer.


You should step back and consider how ridiculous you sound in saying that it's not worth it for them to spray the parking lot down to remove disgusting, disease-riddled bird feces. It's called "sanitation". You know, one of the reasons we humans live so long these days.


That is like saying Disney sucks because Florida is too hot in the summer. Given the area CP is in, it is just one of those things that need to be accepted.


Not a salient comparison. Weather, to date, can't be controlled. The cleanliness of the parking area *can* be controlled, and with relative ease.


On the whole scale of things, how does seagull crap in a parking lot ruin from your day at the park?


It doesn't. But my list was of reasons why CP is not #1. The #1 park, to me, has to go the extra mile and nail *every* detail. And they don't. You might have a point if parking was free.

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I would have to agree that Cedar Point really isn't the best park because of what they lack. I say this even though it is my favorite park simply because there are things they could definatly do better. Comparing it to my next favorite park, Busch Gardens Europe:


- They don't have any dark rides while BGE has DarKastle and Corkscrew Hill

- The food at Busch is miles and miles better than the food at CP and a better value

- Better shows at BGE (Which could appeal to those who maybe don't want to or can't go on coasters like Millennium Force or Maverick).

- Many rides at BGE have sufficent shade for their lines (Apollo and Big Bad Wolf come to mind as their entire regular queues are completly covered).


So for the most part, I would say that BGE is a better park, and that isn't even looking into the aspect of theming, landscaping, or overuse of trash cans. I also think that Griffon was a better ride than Maverick, but I have had 4 great rides on Griffon and only 1 so-so ride on Maverick because the restraint kept bashing my neck. Maybe when I get another chance to ride Maverick I will change my mind, but as it stands right now, I was dissapointed with Maverick, and Griffon was AWESOME!


Edit: Both parks don't have a fastpass or q-bot system, which I along with others here do not care for, but that is also something I have never used before, so maybe I would change my mind on that as well

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Are these peoples taste buds gone knoebels best food? I can see they have the best prices on food but as far as taste goes I beg to differ. I know alot of people here like their pizza but the last 3 times I have had it it has been horrible. is it because I go when theres no lines or do I just have bad luck or am I the one with bad taste buds? The catered food is OK the BBQ Chicken is probably the best out of all of it. Hershey has good food but its very expensive and you have to be careful which place you get from theres bad along with the good.

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While it's true that Knoebels doesn't have a gourmet signature food attraction like some of the places that were on the Food Network program recently, the diversity of food there is incredible. If you're judging them on just the pizza and the picnic catering (which I didn't like the one time I had it, but I heard it changed), you need to check out more of the restaurants! Have a look at the menus: http://www.knoebels.com/food.asp

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^ But as far as diversity, EPCOT has eleven international pavillions, each with unique restaurants. Plus, the Garden Grill (food made with stuff grown there!) in the Land, and the Coral Reef (seafood restaurant in an aquarium) at Living Seas. And don't forget the Food & Wine festival!


A park with teppanyaki or a park with a big food court...yeah...

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Not a salient comparison. Weather, to date, can't be controlled. The cleanliness of the parking area *can* be controlled, and with relative ease.


So wild animals, birds in this case, can be controlled? Like the weather, it's called nature.


Fight the battles that can be won. Clean up the bathrooms. Clean up the midways. Put a fresh coat of paint on a wall that has been graffitied.


Complaining where a bird takes a dump is rather petty. And then expecting someone to walk around the parking lot with a powerwasher to clean it up is laughable.


When I finally hear about someone getting sick from any parking lot due to bird feces, then I will be more than happy to agree with you. Until that time, find a different axe to grind against CP. They have enough of them!

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So wild animals, birds in this case, can be controlled? Like the weather, it's called nature.


Fight the battles that can be won. Clean up the bathrooms. Clean up the midways. Put a fresh coat of paint on a wall that has been graffitied.


Complaining where a bird takes a dump is rather petty. And then expecting someone to walk around the parking lot with a powerwasher to clean it up is laughable.


I'd hate to see what what your house or car looked like inside.


I don't see how it's petty. Parking is $10. I think they can afford to have an $8/hr employee spray the parking lot down. What's petty is them being too cheap to clean that mess up. Do you think that a Disney parking lot would ever be that filthy for long? I work in a downtown area with a huge pigeon population, and I've never seen anywhere near that amount of bird mess. Why? Because they actually clean the streets at night.


I wish I had pictures of my recent trip to CP. The parking area is more bird poo white than it is black.


It's not a major disaster, but I do think that when you add up several things like this it excludes CP from being #1.

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I work in a downtown area with a huge pigeon population, and I've never seen anywhere near that amount of bird mess. Why? Because they actually clean the streets at night.


I don't know what kind of downtown you work in, but I have never seen pigeons hang out on a street.


In a park, yeah. But the street? The pigeons would get killed by moving cars.


I would also love to see your pictures of the more white than black parking lot. Perhaps then you can see on how you are over exaggerating something rather petty.


And how you question if I live a clean life because I believe a man using a pressure washer to clean a parking lot is pointless is beyond me.

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I don't know what kind of downtown you work in, but I have never seen pigeons hang out on a street.


In a park, yeah. But the street? The pigeons would get killed by moving cars.


Without getting too heavy into the mechanics of it, you get pigeon mess everywhere. The sidewalks, the street, on buildings, etc. In case you haven't noticed birds have no problem letting loose as they fly.


Nice try though.

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Quality over quantity.


Alton Towers, Blackpool, Liseburg, Kennywood, any Disney park, Indiana Beach,etc. I'd consider all of those parks much better parks then Cedar Point, and all of them have only a handful of coasters.


Um... Blackpool has a "handful" of coasters that most parks would kill for.


Twelve coasters, five of them are wood, and a couple of them (Steeplechase, for instance) are hard to find anywhere else.

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Without getting too heavy into the mechanics of it, you get pigeon mess everywhere. The sidewalks, the street, on buildings, etc. In case you haven't noticed birds have no problem letting loose as they fly.


Nice try though.


Please do get into the heavy mechanics of it.


Pigeons are not exactly known for flying.


So having pigeons fly by and relieving themselves, only on your downtown streets, to the point where a city actually has to have a "Pigeon Poo Clean-up Crew" would be a sight to see!

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^ ARGH .. stop it!


Fine, you're right. There isn't a single drop of bird crap anywhere in Cedar Point. In fact it's so clean that when I need to clean my dishes, I just rub them all over Cedar Point. It's the best park ever .. there's nothing wrong with Cedar Point .. I heard that a little girl had cancer, went to Cedar Point, and how she's well. Jesus was born there. At Cedar Point, Britney Spears is actually a good singer, and you get air-time just by standing on the midway .. they have technology there that can reduce gravity. All Worship "The Point" from where everything good has, and for ever more, will come.





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I think maybe you exagerrated a tad, it was not cancer, it was smallpox and Jesus was not born there, but did move there when he was a kid.


And actually at Cedar Point, Brittney Spears is not only a good singer, BUT she is also a good parent.

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^ ARGH .. stop it!


Fine, you're right. There isn't a single drop of bird crap anywhere in Cedar Point. In fact it's so clean that when I need to clean my dishes, I just rub them all over Cedar Point. It's the best park ever .. there's nothing wrong with Cedar Point .. I heard that a little girl had cancer, went to Cedar Point, and how she's well. Jesus was born there. At Cedar Point, Britney Spears is actually a good singer, and you get air-time just by standing on the midway .. they have technology there that can reduce gravity. All Worship "The Point" from where everything good has, and for ever more, will come.






I you Cameron.



That was brillant on so many levels I had to read it twice just to savor the flavor. God I hate CP fanboys.

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^ ARGH .. stop it!


Fine, you're right. There isn't a single drop of bird crap anywhere in Cedar Point. In fact it's so clean that when I need to clean my dishes, I just rub them all over Cedar Point. It's the best park ever .. there's nothing wrong with Cedar Point .. I heard that a little girl had cancer, went to Cedar Point, and how she's well. Jesus was born there. At Cedar Point, Britney Spears is actually a good singer, and you get air-time just by standing on the midway .. they have technology there that can reduce gravity. All Worship "The Point" from where everything good has, and for ever more, will come.







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10 Reasons why CP is not #1:

7- Bird poop all over the parking lot.


While I did find your top 10 list to be rather funny, this one is just grasping at straws to come up with a top 10 list.



I have to disagree here. First, do you enjoy walking in bird excrement? Do you enjoy it splattered on your car? Do you enjoy dodging flying rats that may drop a pile on you at any moment? Do you think it's a cheap substitute for the lack of theming at the park? (These are rhetorical questions, so don't feel obliged to respond.)


You can't really play the "well, all parks have that problem" card when CP is surrounded by water, therefore attracting seagulls that are the culprits of this problem.


If you don't mind this, e-mail Larry. He'll come crap in your backpack for you.


EDIT: Ok, so I read all this a bit later, so YES, I'm beating the dead horse.

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That was brillant on so many levels I had to read it twice just to savor the flavor. God I hate CP fanboys.


Why is it when someone actually defends anything they are then considered a "fanboy"? I am just trting to state the facts.


And the whole truth of it is, I criticize CP to the -nth degree. Only because there are parks like Hershey, Kennywood or BGE that are really much better than CP. But I just don't believe over- exaggerating to the point of where people will opt not going (to any park) because someone wants to blow something out of proportion is not right.


And if the parking lot was really THAT bad, there would have been at least one picture of it from all the numerous photo trip reports that people have done.


And no, walking in puddles of anytype of feces is disgusting, but that is not the case. Sure, on some of the rides is is quite gross as has been seen by numerous pictures. But the parking lot is nowhere near those pics.


If some believe that defending over-exaggerated issues is the definition of being a "fanboy" so be it. I am just trying to have conversations with other park enthusiasts. Lets just have some fun at TPR!

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Well this is nothing that I didn't expect. The Golden

I'm surprised that Nitro is number 3. Also, is there that much of a difference between TTD #9 and KK #31?


For me, there are three big differences between TTD and King Da Kucky:

1. Theming - the TTD dragster x-mas tree lights and sound effects are great and build trhe anticipation and anxiety. KK - you roll out and sit there and suddenly get launched.

2. Efficiency - TTD launches a train about every 30 seconds. KK - about every two minutes.

3. The restrainsts - TTD - lap only. KK - uncomfortable OTSR.

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