ginzo Posted September 9, 2007 Share Posted September 9, 2007 I have to say, I almost completely agree with these awards. I think they got it right this year. Nie job Golden Tickets Awards!!! Keep up the good work. Troll. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
darklingscribe Posted September 9, 2007 Share Posted September 9, 2007 Alright, after a quick read through of this thread nobody seems to have a problem with these amusement parks: Best Children’s Park Legoland California, Carlsbad, Calif. Never been to the California one, so I can't really argue. Best Marine Life Park SeaWorld Orlando, Orlando, Fla. Again, never been so can't argue. Best Seaside Park Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk, Santa Cruz, Calif. No argument here, though I've never been to an east coast seaside park. If this were for best boardwalk Indiana beach would give it a run for it's money. But including parks outside of the United states I'm sure Blackpool PB would win this if more voters had been there. I'll give SCBB some credit, though, as being the cleanest and least grungy out of all the boardwalk/seaside parks I've been to. If only the actual beach were cleaner... Best Kids’ Area Kings Island, Kings Mills, Ohio A nice kids area definitely, but Disney should of had this one, and maybe they will once the Tom Sawyer Island remodel is done. Best Landscaping - Amusement Park Busch Gardens Europe, Williamsburg, Va. Again you'd think Disney would get this one, never been to BGE though so I can't really comment. Friendliest Staff Holiday World & Splashin’ Safari, Santa Claus, Ind. They were nice enough, thought I'm pretty sure I've experienced better, I just can't remember where at the moment... Oh that's right, Liseberg. I won't get into the whole what rides are better arguement, because I think that is more of a matter of opinion aka exaggerated memory than actual experience. Though, I'll throw in my own two cents on the most contested ride category, my favorite woodie. Thundercoaster at TusenFryd in the rain. It was more insane and out of control than Voyage and yet beat me up less. Balder was great too, but it didn't seem all that out of control... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Philrad71 Posted September 10, 2007 Share Posted September 10, 2007 I am really surprised that so many people bash CP for winning this award! I guess that is like saying New England sucks for winning so many Super Bowl’s and maybe the Yankees might come back and win the World Series this year...almost predictably eerie (or Erie), isn't it?? Guess what folks?? CP is a world class amusement park and NE is a good football team (even though I have the b*lls to admit I like the Bills) and (gulp) the NY Yankees also have a good team again this get over it already!!!! Bottom line is that CP has a pleasantly good variety of amusements for every family member, no matter what age. They are not the prettiest park, but I think that is the most beautiful part of Ohio , being on the peninsula on Southern Lake Erie (BGE - #1 in my opinion for prettiest park, just for the records). Yep, they do not have the best shows (like the Red Garter Rockers and $8 Molson drafts don't count?? C'mon on!!), all of their coasters are not #1 worthy (yeah, Millenium Force really does suck in the front seat - pffffft!!!!), they have bird poop in the parking lot, the food is not thoroughly and masterly prepared by Emeril, and they lack those darn kick ass dark rides we all love!!! I have been to a ton of amusement parks and the bottom line is that no park is picture perfect and no park ever will be picture perfect!!! While people have the right to say that they don't think that CP doesn't deserve top honor, I personally don't see the reasoning behind bashing them, nor do I see any valid reasons behind why they shouldn't be #1 in this poll. I have a friend that took his family to CP two weeks ago and he was extremely satisfied at the fun that he and his family had while they were there. He has two young girls and they were elated over all the kiddy rides, even though he and his family never even rode the bigger thrill rides. It was a good family experience and they said that they would definitely go back next year. I also have another friend that took his family there last week (they had never been), and guess what?? They loved it and had a wonderful time and said that they can't wait to go back again! Isn't that what makes a theme park good is when everyone can leave with a smile on their face and then they go home and busily plan on when they can go back next year??? I have been to CP almost every year since I was twelve and ya know what?? I'm going out there next weekend for my B-day and Halloweekends and I am pretty frickin' psyched (Maverick, baby)!!! I went to CP last year for this event and I thought that it was greatly themed and I enjoyed every minute that I was there, even though the lines were a bit long. Again, it is a theme park, folks…long lines (like sh*t) are gonna happen, especially with a new ride like Maverick. Guess that you have to expect those things unless you’re a Q-bot king, eh??? I always feel like a kid when I go back to CP and I have a slew of memories of going there with my family and friends and we have NEVER, EVER left disappointed! If you go to any amusement park and come away disappointed, then you are obviously way to fussy and nothing will ever be good enough for you… Even though I was somewhat discouraged during my West Coast trip last year to SFMM, I still enjoyed myself...even though I never got to ride X because it was a four-hour wait. I was also at SFGA last year and Kingda Ka was down (El Toro made up for that, though). I have not had the greatest of luck at SF parks, but I would still go to one if the opportunity arose....even though I thought that all of the SF parks that I have been to have not been anywhere near CP's caliber. I just worry about CF becoming too much of a Corporate monger and ruining the CP moniker that we all know and love. Call me a 36 year old fan boy, but I still love CP and at least have the b*lls to admit that it is a wonderful park...and it is still my #1!!!!! There, I said it…hate me if you wish, my friends!!!!! Long live Ween and CP beeeeyotches!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ParkTrips Posted September 10, 2007 Share Posted September 10, 2007 I know people keep saying EPCOT should win, but I dunno... its almost not fair to compare it. I mean you've got all those awesome $20+ meal places that are sit-down and everything, but I don't remember the walk-up places being anything beyond "ok" or "good"... that's why I like Dollywood more, because you can grab a huge helping of great food for $10, and not need reservations and an hour and a half. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Carnage Posted September 10, 2007 Share Posted September 10, 2007 I am really surprised that so many people bash CP for winning this award! I guess that is like saying New England sucks for winning so many Super Bowl’s and maybe the Yankees might come back and win the World Series this year...almost predictably eerie (or Erie), isn't it?? It's not really bashing CP, as much as it is bashing the golden ticket awards. There's nothing wrong with the parks that won. But it's kind of bad when the same parks win every year. Kind of defeats the point of the awards. How exciting would the Oscars be if the same 10 actors won every single year? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
coaster05 Posted September 10, 2007 Share Posted September 10, 2007 Philrad I am glad you have an amazing time at CP and you go back every year. I am also glad you have TWO first hand encounters of people who also loved it. that must have been hard to find as they only draw 3 million plus every year. CP is what it is and it does that very well. However I just don't see it being the most complete park. I agree no park is perfect but there are so many who are so much more well rounded then CP. I am not going to list the parks that Ifeel that way about, but let me say there is easily 10. Of that list none of them beat CP in coasters, but they do dominate CP in many other areas. BTW I go there every year also and almost always have fun, course I also had fun at Strickers grove, Zaragosa, and Lakemont. the ability to have fun does nat make it the best park. It just makes it fun. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Electerik Posted September 10, 2007 Share Posted September 10, 2007 There's nothing wrong with the parks that won. But it's kind of bad when the same parks win every year. Kind of defeats the point of the awards. How exciting would the Oscars be if the same 10 actors won every single year? I'm not so sure that's an apt comparison. The Oscars are (supposedly) rewarding the best films and performances of that particular year. Whereas the Golden Tickets are (mostly) about the current best--which could very reasonably be the same parks and rides year after year. I'm not so sure that a "well, they won last year, so let's give it to someone else" mentality gets you any better results. Here's a fun thought, though: Considering how much we tend to second guess the decision-makers in regards to the way they run their businesses, is it any surprise that we object to their judgement come awards time? Electerik So Smart, I Don't Own An Amusement Park Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Philrad71 Posted September 10, 2007 Share Posted September 10, 2007 I can certainly relate to a kind of pessimism when it is the same parks that win every year. I imagine that it would make for a boring, predictable awards event. I know that there are a lot of things that can make for a more pleasant experience for folks at parks. For some it is the coasters, others the flats, some the shows. and others the food. Sometimes it is the long lines, or rude employees that can sour a visit. I can certainly say that my visit to SFMM last year was not the most pleasant experience, but I would still go back as I know that I just hit it at a bad time. Maybe the fact that it was 98 degrees that day may have had the park employees and the visitors on edge a bit?? Who knows? But I do know that a lot of people on this site might vote it as their favorite park, even though my only visit was not really as good as what I had originally expected... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jamesdillaman Posted September 10, 2007 Share Posted September 10, 2007 Wait, I'm confused. Shouldn't Ober Gatlinburg be on this list? Isn't it one of the best amusement parks outside of Orlando? -James Dillaman Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kewlcoasterdude Posted September 11, 2007 Share Posted September 11, 2007 I am glad people are finally coming around to agreeing that these awards are going to the correct parks. These are the most respectable awards in the business unlike those awful Mitch awards, whoever that kat is! LOL I am glad they dont just give them to different parks just because they feel like everyone should get a golden ticket. They should go to the park that deserves it and they did that this year. Nice job Golden Tickets. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
coaster05 Posted September 11, 2007 Share Posted September 11, 2007 I am glad people are finally coming around to agreeing that these awards are going to the correct parks. These are the most respectable awards in the business unlike those awful Mitch awards, whoever that kat is! LOLI am glad they dont just give them to different parks just because they feel like everyone should get a golden ticket. They should go to the park that deserves it and they did that this year. Nice job Golden Tickets. Nothing like trying to look for a fight on a coaster site. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Carnage Posted September 11, 2007 Share Posted September 11, 2007 I'm not so sure that's an apt comparison. The Oscars are (supposedly) rewarding the best films and performances of that particular year. Whereas the Golden Tickets are (mostly) about the current best--which could very reasonably be the same parks and rides year after year. I'm not so sure that a "well, they won last year, so let's give it to someone else" mentality gets you any better results. I wouldn't really put it as "well they won last year, so give it to someone else now". All I'm saying is that the awards are obviously biased. There are parks that are doing amazing things, but never get mentioned. And yet other parks that do win, seem to continue winning regardless of how much they improve. I just have a hard time swallowing the fact that CP has out done every other park for 10 straight years. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ginzo Posted September 11, 2007 Share Posted September 11, 2007 I am glad people are finally coming around to agreeing that these awards are going to the correct parks. These are the most respectable awards in the business unlike those awful Mitch awards, whoever that kat is! LOLI am glad they dont just give them to different parks just because they feel like everyone should get a golden ticket. They should go to the park that deserves it and they did that this year. Nice job Golden Tickets. Has anyone else noticed that CP fanboys usually have literacy problems? Maybe we can start a fund to help Cedar Point's fans out. "Give to Kinzel's Kids", or something to that effect. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kewlcoasterdude Posted September 11, 2007 Share Posted September 11, 2007 I am glad people are finally coming around to agreeing that these awards are going to the correct parks. These are the most respectable awards in the business unlike those awful Mitch awards, whoever that kat is! LOLI am glad they dont just give them to different parks just because they feel like everyone should get a golden ticket. They should go to the park that deserves it and they did that this year. Nice job Golden Tickets. Has anyone else noticed that CP fanboys usually have literacy problems? Maybe we can start a fund to help Cedar Point's fans out. "Give to Kinzel's Kids", or something to that effect. First off, dork, I am not a CP fan boy. I explained that to another one of your goofy grammar buddies. Secondly, I just agree with the awards. Why is that so hard to believe? So why don't you go get an grammar teaching job somewhere an quit acting like you know something. I recieved a mean message from Robb for correcting his grammar. So if you want to trash talk my grammar, then you are also attacking his. And we all know what a kiss ass you are to him, so maybe you should take it back. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Wes Posted September 11, 2007 Share Posted September 11, 2007 Settle down, children. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Electerik Posted September 12, 2007 Share Posted September 12, 2007 There are parks that are doing amazing things, but never get mentioned. And yet other parks that do win, seem to continue winning regardless of how much they improve. I just have a hard time swallowing the fact that CP has out done every other park for 10 straight years. I don't think this particular accolade implies that at all. It's not a "most improved" award, it's "best." Subjectivity aside, if a bad park suddenly became the second best park anywhere in the span of one year, it still wouldn't be the "best" park, know would it? It's actually very simple: A bunch of people who thought Cedar Point was the best park 10 years ago still think that. I happen to think they're a bunch of nutjobs, but there you go. Electerik Defender of the Deluded Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
coaster05 Posted September 12, 2007 Share Posted September 12, 2007 I definately believe a TPR award show should be in the works. Especially for the members who have been to a certain amount of parks, so they have a better basis. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ginzo Posted September 12, 2007 Share Posted September 12, 2007 I definately believe a TPR award show should be in the works. Especially for the members who have been to a certain amount of parks, so they have a better basis. But why should I have to go to several parks to vote? Everyone knows that Cedar Point is #1. The Golden Ticket Awards say so. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
coaster05 Posted September 12, 2007 Share Posted September 12, 2007 ^well played. I am not sure why I even travel to other parks, since none of them could be better. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mcjaco Posted September 12, 2007 Share Posted September 12, 2007 I happen to think they're a bunch of nutjobs, but there you go. Electerik Defender of the Deluded Quoted for truth. EIther that, or they've yet to leave the state of Ohio. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ginzo Posted September 12, 2007 Share Posted September 12, 2007 I happen to think they're a bunch of nutjobs, but there you go. Electerik Defender of the Deluded Quoted for truth. EIther that, or they've yet to leave the state of Ohio. They have parks outside of Ohio? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
natatomic Posted September 12, 2007 Share Posted September 12, 2007 ^Just the one or two in Florida. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BeemerBoy Posted September 12, 2007 Share Posted September 12, 2007 ^ Yes, but Cypress Gardens and Uncle Bernie's aren't really that great. EDIT: Come to think of it, still miles ahead of King's Island though. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ParkTrips Posted September 12, 2007 Share Posted September 12, 2007 um, excuse me? The flea market was amazing Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BeemerBoy Posted September 12, 2007 Share Posted September 12, 2007 ^ I go by what the Golden Tickets say. And they say Uncle Bernie's isn't worthy. End of story. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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