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Canada's Wonderland Discussion Thread

p. 433: AlpenFury launched coaster announced for 2025!

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Regarding the 1995 B&M invert fallout, there are two sides to every story and we have only heard the park's side of the story so they can say whatever they want. There is something the park isn't telling us. B&M is a professional company that if they did make a deal with Cedar Point that no other inverts could be built in a 200 mile radius, they would let the park know immediately instead of wasting their time and resources on a layout.

So this is my wild conspiracy theory:

Cedar Point did make a deal with B&M that no inverts could be built within 200 miles of the park, and B&M informed CW of this. CW then pays CP for an exception which Cedar Point agrees to since Wonderland isn't really in competition with CP. Plans for an invert at CW get underway, but the park and B&M have a falling out, the plans fall through and an SLC goes in instead. CW gets their money back from CP, and the park swore never to reveal this secret, and instead puts all the blame on CP.

Disclaimer: I don't think this is serious, nor what actually happened, though the park definitely is holding something back. Plus I'm sure B&M would have built a giga for any park that asked for one, not just because they felt bad for Wonderland.


Why would Cedar Point do this. Now I do not like Cedar Point even more than I already do. I really do not like competition between theme parks epically like this were no B & M inverts could be made within 200 miles. Now all the parks close to Cedar Point can not enjoy an awesome B & M invert.


I guess I was wrong about Canada's Wonderland being neglected. I realized that ever since Cedar Fair bought it, the park got huge rides. So it was just Paramount that was neglecting it.

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Cedar Point did that so Raptor wouldn't have any direct competition. Other parks have done deals just like it. For example, Disney has the rights for S&S upward launched towers in southern California (even though they removed their ride years ago). It's to get people to go to their park instead of their competition.

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I asked Canada's wonderland if they were going to do anything with the restrains on Flight Deck, and this is what they said:

The Flight deck restraints will remain the same as the current design for the 2015 season.


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Why would you bother the park with a question like that?


I was just curious, especially because I hate that ride so much and I was hoping maybe they had plans or something for 2015 or 2016 or maybe even 2017.

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I asked Canada's wonderland if they were going to do anything with the restrains on Flight Deck, and this is what they said:

The Flight deck restraints will remain the same as the current design for the 2015 season.



Even if the park was planning to change the restraints next season....they won't just release that info to a random person through an email/on the phone.

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Most of those 16 coasters are rough and boring, only Leviathan, Behemoth and Vortex are good.

Really? I mean, this comment....


You guys have Thunder Run, a decent family powered-coaster. You also have Back-Lot Stunt Coaster, another decent family coaster. Not to mention the several, unique flat rides CW has. Then you have trees and great landscaping, something most modern North American parks lack. Don't talk about CW being neglected. Heck, Cedar Fair pays more attention to CW than Six Flags does to Magic Mountain, which gets negative reviews from enthusiasts for bad operations and a messy park.


Also, let's not forget that CW is due for a new coaster in 2016. I'd like to see you still complaining that your park gets neglected.


I was wrong, I was just comparing it to parks like Six Flags Great America which have a lot of B & M's and even an RMC. The only rides worth riding are Leviathan, Behemoth and maybe Vortex or Wonder Mountains Guardian.

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So...Halloween Haunt 2014 has come and gone (yeah yeah, there's still Friday...whatever). Here's a breakdown of what I thought of this year's Haunt.


First, I need to preface this by saying I only went once and that was this past Saturday when the park was suuuuuuuuuuuper packed. Actually, I don't think I've ever seen the park this busy. Every queue was in overflow, it was insane.


Anyways...Fight Lane is absolutely worth the money. Not just for skipping the multiple hour waits for the mazes, but for the mostly awesome skeleton key rooms. I think next year, even if I do Haunt a bit earlier, I'll still spring for Fright Lane because of how much I enjoyed the bonus rooms.


We didn't get a chance to ride Zombies since the line was wrapped around Victoria Falls about half way to Thunder Run. So...that wasn't going to happen.


As for the mazes, the usually good ones (i.e., Cornstalkers, Terror of London, Asylum, Blood Shed) were good and the usually bad ones (i.e., Clowns at Midnight, Club Blood) sucked. Sci-Fi House remains a solid "meh". New (to me) mazes this year were Streets of the Undead, The Ruins and Louisiana Scream (though that's just a renamed Blood on the Bayou, so I don't know if that counts). I enjoyed The Ruins and Streets of the Undead, but Louisiana Scream was a bit lacking. Mainly because they went overkill on the moss effect, which really distracted and annoyed me during my walkthrough.


So...skeleton key rooms.




In order of how much I enjoyed them, I would rank them thusly:


1. Terror of London

2. Louisiana Scream

3. Blood Shed

4. Streets of the Undead

5. Clowns at Midnight


So, let's work our way backwards through this list. Clowns at Midnight was exceptionally lame. It could have been cool with the large jack in the box, but just to have the same scare actor that walked into the room with us do a jump scare from behind us was just...weak.


I liked how Streets of the Undead started, with the disinfectant room. That was pretty neat. Also, when our group was told to take the zombie blood, everyone said "um...no?" and didn't know what to do next. That was actually kind of funny. I really liked what they did with the lights while in the room and the quick "escape" of the captive zombie. Good stuff.


There is only one word that can describe the skeleton key room at Blood Shed: messy. Reaching through the goop (for lack of a better word) to find the key was actually pretty fun and nerve wracking, especially not knowing what was going to come next. The only downside was that my hand and coat were covered in corn starch for the better part of the night. Though it did give me this humourous exchange:


Scare actor: "Reach in and find the key to escape!"

Me: "For reals?"

Scare actor: "Do it!"


We've all heard of the Bloody Mary legend and doing it as a kid to freak your friends out. The Louisiana Scream room is pretty much the same thing. We were told to walk into the room and see what fate Bloody Mary has in store for us. This room was fantastic. It's a small octagonal room covered in mirrors which flash an image of Bloody Mary's face. The lights go out and suddenly, there she is! It gave me a legitimate scare when she popped up right in front of me, even though I was pretty sure what was going to happen.


So...Terror of London. Holy. Crap. This one was actually legitimately terrifying. Walking doubled over, blindly feeling around in the darkness only to come to a dead end with a voice saying "you're going to die, you know" was both the best and the worst. When I came to the dead end, I had a mini panic attack, not knowing what to do next. When we were let out, all I could do was laugh and be dumbfounded by what just happened. This one could actually trigger some serious phobias in people and I'm surprised there was no warning or disclaimer before going in.


In all, it was an enjoyable night, but only because of Fright Lane. Let this be a lesson though, do Haunt early and avoid the lines.

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[quote name='"nicman

Why would Cedar Point do this. Now I do not like Cedar Point even more than I already do. I really do not like competition between theme parks epically like this were no B & M inverts could be made within 200 miles. Now all the parks close to Cedar Point can not enjoy an awesome B & M invert.

I guess I was wrong about Canada's Wonderland being neglected. I realized that ever since Cedar Fair bought it' date=' the park got huge rides. So it was just Paramount that was neglecting it.[/quote']



What are you talking about? Banshee is literally in the same state as Cedar Point!

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[quote name='"nicman

Why would Cedar Point do this. Now I do not like Cedar Point even more than I already do. I really do not like competition between theme parks epically like this were no B & M inverts could be made within 200 miles. Now all the parks close to Cedar Point can not enjoy an awesome B & M invert.

I guess I was wrong about Canada's Wonderland being neglected. I realized that ever since Cedar Fair bought it' date=' the park got huge rides. So it was just Paramount that was neglecting it.[/quote']



What are you talking about? Banshee is literally in the same state as Cedar Point!


I read this:


Regarding the 1995 B&M invert fallout, there are two sides to every story and we have only heard the park's side of the story so they can say whatever they want. There is something the park isn't telling us. B&M is a professional company that if they did make a deal with Cedar Point that no other inverts could be built in a 200 mile radius, they would let the park know immediately instead of wasting their time and resources on a layout.

So this is my wild conspiracy theory:

Cedar Point did make a deal with B&M that no inverts could be built within 200 miles of the park, and B&M informed CW of this. CW then pays CP for an exception which Cedar Point agrees to since Wonderland isn't really in competition with CP. Plans for an invert at CW get underway, but the park and B&M have a falling out, the plans fall through and an SLC goes in instead. CW gets their money back from CP, and the park swore never to reveal this secret, and instead puts all the blame on CP.

Disclaimer: I don't think this is serious, nor what actually happened, though the park definitely is holding something back. Plus I'm sure B&M would have built a giga for any park that asked for one, not just because they felt bad for Wonderland.


Edited by nicman
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I asked Canada's wonderland if they were going to do anything with the restrains on Flight Deck, and this is what they said:

The Flight deck restraints will remain the same as the current design for the 2015 season.



Please do not bother the park with questions like this. And especially do not post here that you are asking them. We do not condone our members bothering parks with pointless questions.

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^Wow. B&M doesn't decide what to build, the purchaser does! Your posts are getting more and more asinine every time you touch the keyboard.


I did not make that paragraph someone else did!


Sorry for asking the park, I was very curious, I thought they might say a few ideas of what they had without giving away too much info.

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Did anyone ride Zombies 4D yet?


Also I have a new idea for a 2016 new coaster. A double roller coaster were one side is a flying coaster and the other is either an inverted coaster or a wing coaster. Both of those roller coasters would break records for height and length. Also they would crossover each other and go in a insane layout like the old B & M's. Even though this would be awesome, I really do not think that Canada's Wonderland would instal one like it.

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Both of those roller coasters would break records for height and length.


It would also break records for the worst suggestion in the history of the Canada's Wonderland thread. You must have this confused with the Darien Lake thread.


What is wrong with it? I know it is unrealistic but I like it.




You wrote this loop-de-loop

Re: Canada's Wonderland Discussion Thread


Postby loop-de-loop » Mon Oct 27, 2014 5:00 pm

Regarding the 1995 B&M invert fallout, there are two sides to every story and we have only heard the park's side of the story so they can say whatever they want. There is something the park isn't telling us. B&M is a professional company that if they did make a deal with Cedar Point that no other inverts could be built in a 200 mile radius, they would let the park know immediately instead of wasting their time and resources on a layout.

So this is my wild conspiracy theory:

Cedar Point did make a deal with B&M that no inverts could be built within 200 miles of the park, and B&M informed CW of this. CW then pays CP for an exception which Cedar Point agrees to since Wonderland isn't really in competition with CP. Plans for an invert at CW get underway, but the park and B&M have a falling out, the plans fall through and an SLC goes in instead. CW gets their money back from CP, and the park swore never to reveal this secret, and instead puts all the blame on CP.

Disclaimer: I don't think this is serious, nor what actually happened, though the park definitely is holding something back. Plus I'm sure B&M would have built a giga for any park that asked for one, not just because they felt bad for Wonderland.

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Both of those roller coasters would break records for height and length.


It would also break records for the worst suggestion in the history of the Canada's Wonderland thread. You must have this confused with the Darien Lake thread.


Am I crazy, or did that post just win this thread?

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