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Canada's Wonderland Discussion Thread

p. 433: AlpenFury launched coaster announced for 2025!

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Went to Canada's Wonderland 10/26 for the Haunt. Got the Fright Line package and they were out of the Skeleton Key keychains that came with the lanyard. My girlfriend and I would each like one as a memory of the trip to the park. If anyone has a couple of the 2014 Skeleton Keys they would be willing to give up, please message me..



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Last day of operation, and it was a snowy one! Note the real snow atop Wonder Mountain:




The park staff did a great job of trying to get all the coasters running. None of the woodies opened, though, although I did see Wild Beast try a test run or two. Once Behemoth opened (with one train), our group was ready for the weather:



Here is the current state of SkyRider. The parts are all neatly arranged in the parking lot, ready to be shipped overseas:



All in all, a great day - walk-ons for everything other than the two B&Ms (due to one-train operation) and Guardian (due to capacity and the fact that it was the warmest ride in the park on a very cold day!). So ends a great year at the park!

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Sorry for such a amateur question.



1. Was anything added to the Waterslide area of wonderland?


2. Are there plans for this year to add any new slides?


Splashworks is finally getting an expansion in 2015. A new slide and splash pad are on their way. Well..."new" since they're from Ontario Place. Though I don't think they ever got used there.

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Sorry for such a amateur question.



1. Was anything added to the Waterslide area of wonderland?


2. Are there plans for this year to add any new slides?


Splashworks is finally getting an expansion in 2015. A new slide and splash pad are on their way. Well..."new" since they're from Ontario Place. Though I don't think they ever got used there.


The splash pad was used....the slide never opened.

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Random question because I was thinking about it...did anyone see the Halloween themed version of Dimensions during Haunt?


I did. I was able to get footage of the entire show as well. It was good.


Some of the acts from Dimensions came back for example the Lazer Man, The swinging Bar guys, and I believe some of the tumblers. The bike act came back from Ambiente with a modified routine that included audience participation well.


It was a pretty good show.

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So here are some photos that I took from a park trip on Nov 1 (last day of the season). I also spotted some grey supports of various sizes in the waterpark consistent with the new (old) slide from Ontario Place - no construction yet there though


Sorry about the bad quality on some of the pictures. Also a note on the markers - is there any way it could be just maintenance stuff? Maybe everyone is over thinking a new water main


Marker from the clearing around Vortex


Other marker nearby


As you can (sort of) see, no work has been done on the area for the waterslide - just some flags/markers


Close up of the first marker


I don't think anybody has posted these before...three new markers near Minebuster between Skyrider and the Waterpark

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I do not think that the new coaster will go by the river because it would ruin the appearance. Those markers could also be for maintenance, but I am still waiting for them to announce the new coaster(possibly next August).

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I do not think that the new coaster will go by the river because it would ruin the appearance. Those markers could also be for maintenance, but I am still waiting for them to announce the new coaster(possibly next August).


Could be.....but I'm thinking otherwise.....the fact that the markers have "C21", "C20", etc, are suspicious to me (aka Levi's markers)

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I hope not!


Wait....you don't want it to be a coaster???


No, of course I want it to be a coaster, I just do not want the coaster to go by the lake because it would ruin the appearance. But I would still be okay with it going by the lake, just not my preference. I still cannot wait till they announce the new coaster!

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