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Canada's Wonderland Discussion Thread

p. 433: AlpenFury launched coaster announced for 2025!

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1. There is no need to make double and triple posts....just edit your posts if needed.


2. We have no idea if Fury 325 is "amazing". I know I'm getting technically, but the coaster hasn't even been built so we cannot start making assumptions of an animation.


3. B&M's are nothing like they used to be. After Stengel left, things changed a bit....but they seem to be finding their groove again.


Sorry I just have a lot to say and I like to respond to other peoples posts. Is there anything wrong with double posting?


I find the new B & M's are better than the old. When did Stengel leave?

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1. There is no need to make double and triple posts....just edit your posts if needed.


2. We have no idea if Fury 325 is "amazing". I know I'm getting technically, but the coaster hasn't even been built so we cannot start making assumptions of an animation.


3. B&M's are nothing like they used to be. After Stengel left, things changed a bit....but they seem to be finding their groove again.


Sorry I just have a lot to say and I like to respond to other peoples posts. Is there anything wrong with double posting?


I find the new B & M's are better than the old. When did Stengel leave?


Sorry I double posted I was just trying to edit my post than it made two post.

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1. There is no need to make double and triple posts....just edit your posts if needed.


2. We have no idea if Fury 325 is "amazing". I know I'm getting technically, but the coaster hasn't even been built so we cannot start making assumptions of an animation.


3. B&M's are nothing like they used to be. After Stengel left, things changed a bit....but they seem to be finding their groove again.


Sorry I just like to say a lot and respond to other peoples posts. Is there anything wrong with double posting?


I find the new B & M's are better than the old. When did Stengel leave?


Werner's been in semi-retirement since around 2007 or so. I think Maverick (his 500th installation) was his swan song (anyone feel free to correct me if I'm wrong). Stengel Engineering still works on rides though.

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I have not been on any old B & M's. What is the difference between the new ones and the old ones?

Do you think if Canada's Wonderland got a new B & M it would be as good as the old ones? They said it was going to be a very big project.

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I have not been on any old B & M's. What is the difference between the new ones and the old ones?

Do you think if Canada's Wonderland got a new B & M it would be as good as the old ones? They said it was going to be a very big project.


The new ones (except Banshee) are really "forceless" while the old ones are really intense and forceful.

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I have not been on any old B & M's. What is the difference between the new ones and the old ones?

Do you think if Canada's Wonderland got a new B & M it would be as good as the old ones? They said it was going to be a very big project.


The new ones (except Banshee) are really "forceless" while the old ones are really intense and forceful.


By forceful do you mean G-forces? If yes I agree that B & M's have more "airtime" than positive G's.

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^Eh...I would Leviathan actually does....especially with lots of floater on the first drop....if you are able to get away with a loose restraint.

Almost always been stapled when I've rode leviathan. The time or 2 I wasn't was amazing, but I can't really compare as I haven't done it enough times unstapled.


As for drop tower, it's consistsntly given great airtime for me, and it's the only ride in the park with a good enough drop to give me the "heart in your throat" feeling on the way down. I remember riding it for the first time (immediately after riding Behemoth), and being shocked it delivered so much more airtime than the B&M I rode earlier that day.


In regards to project Ziz, I really don't care what we get, as long as it's intense and forceful. Something that does justice to the wildly intense ride that it'll be replacing (minus the rough spots & occasional head banging ).

Edited by canadianparkfan
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I have not been on any old B & M's. What is the difference between the new ones and the old ones?

Do you think if Canada's Wonderland got a new B & M it would be as good as the old ones? They said it was going to be a very big project.


The new ones (except Banshee) are really "forceless" while the old ones are really intense and forceful.


By forceful do you mean G-forces? If yes I agree that B & M's have more "airtime" than positive G's.



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I have not been on any old B & M's. What is the difference between the new ones and the old ones?

Do you think if Canada's Wonderland got a new B & M it would be as good as the old ones? They said it was going to be a very big project.


The new ones (except Banshee) are really "forceless" while the old ones are really intense and forceful.


By forceful do you mean G-forces? If yes I agree that B & M's have more "airtime" than positive G's.

And it's not just about the positive Gs. You can have a ride with huge Gs and still be not very interesting (for instance, if you have a really long forceful helix it may get a little boring). It was about a combination of those Gs with fast/snappy elements, quick transitions and overall an intense ride. Quick changes in G forces also make it feel more intense.

With some coasters it is easy to tell (compare Patriot's zero g roll (1:10) to batman's (0:47) and you can also see just how fast the two corkscrews on batman are) while others it's harder to see from POVs and you have to ride them to know.

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I have not been on any old B & M's. What is the difference between the new ones and the old ones?

Do you think if Canada's Wonderland got a new B & M it would be as good as the old ones? They said it was going to be a very big project.


The new ones (except Banshee) are really "forceless" while the old ones are really intense and forceful.


By forceful do you mean G-forces? If yes I agree that B & M's have more "airtime" than positive G's.

And it's not just about the positive Gs. You can have a ride with huge Gs and still be not very interesting (for instance, if you have a really long forceful helix it may get a little boring). It was about a combination of those Gs with fast/snappy elements, quick transitions and overall an intense ride. Quick changes in G forces also make it feel more intense.

With some coasters it is easy to tell (compare Patriot's zero g roll (1:10) to batman's (0:47) and you can also see just how fast the two corkscrews on batman are) while others it's harder to see from POVs and you have to ride them to know.


I hope Canada's Wonderland will get a superior B & M. Since the making of Banshee, they will probably deliver a more forceful ride.

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^Eh...I would Leviathan actually does....especially with lots of floater on the first drop....if you are able to get away with a loose restraint.

Almost always been stapled when I've rode leviathan. The time or 2 I wasn't was amazing, but I can't really compare as I haven't done it enough times unstapled.


It's not much of a secret but there is a way that they can staple you as hard as they want and you'll still get a loose restraint.


Nicman, "big project" can mean almost anything. It could refer to cost, number of attractions, time to construct, length of the ride (roller coaster), uniqueness, etc.

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I'm thinking that the 2016 coaster will be a B&M wing coaster because, as others have said, they'll probably name it Ziz to complete the Behemoth-Leviathan-Ziz trio. Ziz was apparently a giant bird in mythology, and "giant bird" hints at nothing other than a wingrider. My only problem with it is that Ziz sounds like a really awkward name for a roller coaster, but then again, there are plenty of strange coaster names out there.

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They will probably use Ziz to tease just like they did with the bat at Kings Islande. Ever since Behemoth they made a roller coaster every 4 years. When they said it was a very big project 2 months ago it would probably mean a new coaster because the only thing missing at Canada's Wonderland are quality rides like B & M, RMC and Intamin. I was wachting a video on youtube, Canada's Wonderland vs Six Flags Great America and I was thinking how much better Six Flags Great America was than Canada's Wonderland ride whise. Like Six Flags Great America had a RMC Hybrid, a B & M Invert, a Wing coaster, a Hyper-Twister, an great racing woodie and a Flying coaster. Canada's Wonderland has a ok woodie, a Hyper coaster, a dark ride and a B & M Giga. But other than the roller coasters, Canada's Wonderland is a great park.

Edited by nicman
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If theyre going for the Behemoth-Leviathan-Ziz trio they really should have switched the names of Behemoth and Leviathan. Leviathan makes more sense for a coasted by the water and Behemoth makes more sense for the larger of the two coasters. The trio could be really cool if the names fit the rides theyre describing better IMO.

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If theyre going for the Behemoth-Leviathan-Ziz trio they really should have switched the names of Behemoth and Leviathan. Leviathan makes more sense for a coasted by the water and Behemoth makes more sense for the larger of the two coasters. The trio could be really cool if the names fit the rides theyre describing better IMO.


I agree but I think they will probably just use Ziz to tease because if they did have the three beast people will probably complain of the Jewish Mythology.

Honestly I like the theming it goes really good with the park so far especially having Behemoth and Leviathan.

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^i really feel that Ziz is too obvious of a name. I think it might be a Wing coaster, but I don't think that CW will use it.

Besides the fact of it being obvious, the naming scheme's already been messed up. I've previously read that Leviathan was supposed to be Behemoth's name, and once the second B&M was built, leviathan was more of a recycled name.

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I am little bit disappointed that they removed Skyrider before Flight Deck or Time warp. Skyrider was an okay ride but Flight Deck and time warp are horrible. I would be happy if they removed Flight Deck and Time Warp for a new coaster than Skyrider. These amusement parks have roller coasters for fun not for a Headache, like who likes Vekom SLC's with the old restrains. Same problem with time warp: a headbanger.


At least Skyrider was not that rough just a little boring.


Hope the new Coaster will be awesome. I am still hoping for a forceful wing coaster, flying coaster, a B & M invert or even a RMC Hybrid.

Edited by nicman
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^Agreed. Many people say that flight deck is too popular to remove, however, stand outside the entrance/exit and whatch as people go in and out. People will look at it, think it'll be fun, and come off holding their heads and necks in pain. RARELY does anyone ride twice (at least from what Ive seen).


Rides tend to be removed when they are at the end of their life cycle. That combined with the placement of the coaster probably made SkyRider the obvious choice to go in the minds of management.

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^Agreed. Many people say that flight deck is too popular to remove, however, stand outside the entrance/exit and whatch as people go in and out. People will look at it, think it'll be fun, and come off holding their heads and necks in pain. RARELY does anyone ride twice (at least from what Ive seen).


Rides tend to be removed when they are at the end of their life cycle. That combined with the placement of the coaster probably made SkyRider the obvious choice to go in the minds of management.


What about Mantis turning into Rougarou. Mantis is rough and got changed to a floorless coaster. Cedair Fair is just trying to make Cedair Point perfect. They should try to make Canada's Wonderland perfect.

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^Agreed. Many people say that flight deck is too popular to remove, however, stand outside the entrance/exit and whatch as people go in and out. People will look at it, think it'll be fun, and come off holding their heads and necks in pain. RARELY does anyone ride twice (at least from what Ive seen).


Rides tend to be removed when they are at the end of their life cycle. That combined with the placement of the coaster probably made SkyRider the obvious choice to go in the minds of management.

Makes sense. Flight deck is right next to the front gate, so I'd imagine it was receiving much higher traffic than Skyrider.


That being said, I can't wait to see what is placed in Skyrider's location. It'll hopefully look great from the highway/while on Windseeker, and balance out the park's skyline.

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^Agreed. Many people say that flight deck is too popular to remove, however, stand outside the entrance/exit and whatch as people go in and out. People will look at it, think it'll be fun, and come off holding their heads and necks in pain. RARELY does anyone ride twice (at least from what Ive seen).


Rides tend to be removed when they are at the end of their life cycle. That combined with the placement of the coaster probably made SkyRider the obvious choice to go in the minds of management.


What about Mantis turning into Rougarou. Mantis is rough and got changed to a floorless coaster. Cedair Fair is just trying to make Cedair Point perfect. They should try to make Canada's Wonderland perfect.


What's your point? Cedar Fair is not removing a coaster, the park is modifying a coaster.

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