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Hersheypark 2008 - 'Lost meets the Maverick thread'

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Someone on another forum checked the IP of one of the nantimi emails and found (claimed) that it did in fact belong to Hershey. I lack the know-how to do this myself, can anyone else on here try that and see what they come up with? I am sold that this is a marketing campaign by Hershey, yet I have no concrete evidence to back it up with myself...I still haven't seen any solid proof that it is Hershey. But that doesn't mean that it isn't...


Well, that someone was wrong. Hershey Park's website (hersheypa.com and hersheypark.com) is located at, which is an IP address owned by Interland. Nantimi.com is located at, which is an IP address owned by Cyberverse. I don't see any possible connection.

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I don't know is this has been discovered or not but I was reading one of the press releases for Storm Runner and part of it says..


HERSHEY, PA – The world’s first hydraulic launch coaster, featuring inversions, will race into HERSHEYPARK for the 2004 season, bringing the Park’s herd of roller coasters to a perfect ten.


So maybe the 'what's better than a perfect 10' is really saying, 'what's better than Storm Runner?'


Just a thought... two weeks to go!

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Hey guys, I'm sure that some of you still doubt the legitimacy of Nantimi. I was able to interview a reliable source from nantimi last night and the interview has since been posted on Coasterdom. Hopefully this will prove to you all that Nantimi is definitely legit.







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I looks like a Mack Water Coaster/Intamin Aquatrax!


(Aquatrax Fanboys, commense sh1ting yourselves now)


dont be so sure...I thought it looked a little Vekoma-esque in parts...It's really too early to say since no one has solved the puzzle


However, if it is an Aquatrax, and I am infact wrong, feel free to hurl sharp, explosive, and otherwise dangerous items at me

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Ok I got a response. More Binary, The response reads.


ckret@nantimi.com has the answers you seek. All will be known soon...you will know sooner.



I am gonna send them an email now I will let you know.



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- Brian Inary

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