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Hersheypark 2008 - 'Lost meets the Maverick thread'

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A little birdie with a Nantimi jacket landed on my shoulder today and whispered a little secret. He told me that if someone cracks the code/ reveals the coaster before the official announcement, then the new project magically becomes 1000 times better than Hershey planned...automatically vaulting it to "Mitch's #1 Most Awesomest Golden Ticket No Headbanging, Airtime filled, Perfect Trains/Color/Layout Coaster EVER!"




Oh, and it'd be built by oompa loompas over the winter. So keep working on it guys!

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It can't be a Top Hat... why would Hershey need two freaking Top Hats!! That'd be nice though! haha.. I'm saying its a vertical lift with a vertical/beyond vertical drop.. and its a Eurofighter.. or Intamins version of one anyways. Hmmmm...


I adjusted some contrast to get a little better view.. It looks like vertical lift, first drop, huge airtime hill, cobra roll, and then.. I lose track of it. Lots of hills and the layout looks pretty long.


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For everyone who is saying that they can't see a relation to the 'perfect 10' saying, it's simple. In my opinion, it has nothing to do with inversions, lift hills (I know that was a joke), or whatever. It means that it will be their 11th coaster, simple as that. You people are reading into the 'perfect 10' a bit too much.


^^I think you can rule out 400 ft. There just simply isn't enough space. The 2nd airtime hill would have to be well over 250 feet, and the cobra roll would have to be pretty tall as well. You never know, though.

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I just redid an earlier possible layout and came up with this.. I tried to connect some of the lines and came up with this.. if they wanted to do 11 inversions Im sure that I missed some elements and they could do all those dizzying Intamin twist things on the flat section.. but I could be entirely wrong!


Maybe the thing on the bottom left is a duel load station?


Any thoughts?


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I'm putting my money on a Euro-Fiughter, and have almost completely ruled out Intamin, unless it's an Aquatrax.


In the past, Hershy's been good about building coasters that are unique of anything else in the park. Some parks have several rides that could potentialy be grouped into the same category. Hershypark just isn't that way, unless Wildcat and Lightning Racers are considered too much like one another. Just about any Intamin launch coaster would just be too much like Storm Runner, and would rival its uniqueness.


Not only are Euro-Fighters compact enough to fit in the proposed location, and could easily match the rough blueprint, but they've proven to be quite a good ride, with the reviews I've read on Speed and Mystery Mine. Hershypark has a history of unveiling coasters that are bound to be unique and fun; this should be no exception.

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