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TR-Kings Island 6-12-07

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So me and a couple of friends decided to go to KI for the day. I hadn't been since they added Delirium and wanted to check out the new additions. The day started out bad before I got out of my car.


I had just pulled in to my parking spot and rolled up my windows and was getting things together before I went in when a twinkie little security guard on a bike approached my car. He asked me to roll my window down, I did, he than asked why I was sitting in my car with the windows up. We told him we had just pulled in and was getting ready to go in, he than rode off. So we got out of the car and started walking towards the gate, he came back and asked me if he could "sniff" the inside of my car, OK but why, said he had received a complaint about TWO people sitting in a car smoking pot, "Two people there was THREE of us". So I unlocked the doors he proceeded to "sniff" and check my ashtray and look around, told me it was OK and to have a good day.


Started walking to the front gate and he followed us to the gate, buy the time we reached the gate he was behind us as well as two more guards in a truck, good way to impress me right off the bat. Bought our tickets and went in, first ride of the day was Face Off, line wasn't too long but took forever to get on because the operator and the front of the line apparently wasn't checking heights because they kept having to unlock the harnesses and recheck heights and refuse rides to kids that were too short, what should have been a 30 minute wait turned into an hour.


Next up was the "Racer" which they wasn't racing, wouldn't hold a train for an extra minute to race, then we rode Adventure Express, and express was the word, didn't even give me and my buddy time to get on with our other friend. The seat we were going to sit in, the two girls restraints wouldn't open, mind you there was SEVEN employees up there and not 1 noticed these two girls hollering they wanted off til they came along in "Express mode" checking seats. The girls told them they couldn't get out, so they manually unlocked their seats and let them off, I told the operator we was supposed to get in their with our friend and he just looked at me like he didn't care and cleared the ride. Didn't get to ride with my friend.


I was getting thirsty so I decided to get a bottle of water, which was 3.65, took at least 10 minutes after I ordered because the attendant was to busy talking to her girlfriend about her boyfriend.


Went to ride IJST, because it was new since I was there last, only waited about 15 minutes to get to the front of the line. Operator asked how many in my group told him 3 he asked us to step to the side and proceeded to let at least 10 people to go ahead and board ahead of us, he didn't know how to group apparently.


After about 5 hours in the park I was through and decided to leave.


From the start of my day I felt like I had been "flagged" to make my visit the worst I have ever had at a park, felt like I was being watched the whole time. The employees are not friendly, like to talk to much and don't pay attention to the guest in their park.


I say that because as I was walking down through Coney Mall, I noticed a young girl walking down through their in her bikini top with one of her *ipples hanging right out there for everyone to see, while employee after employee passed her and didn't say a word. They had to have noticed, like me, because it was just "out there" like a target.


I have to say I wasn't impressed with the park at all. Sent an e-mail to Cedar Fair about my visit to let them know about my visit and how horrible their employees are.



Side note- The beast has really went down hill, the helix at the end was like being drug down a gravel road behind a pick-up, I actually cracked a rib from all the bouncing and beating it does now.

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You have some legitimate complaints here, but you need to remember one thing: paragraphs are your friend. Breaking up that block of text will make your story easier to follow, and you'll reach more people that way.

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Other than the formatting, I feel for ya man.. Unfortunately, it seems to be a trend at other Cedar Fair parks as well.. rude or uncaring ride attendants that cannot get a job done. I've recently had problems at VF and WoF... Seems it's spreading..


Though at least none of them followed me around for possibly smoking pot.

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I had seen those security guards checking some car wayyyy back in the lot when I left one time. Sorry to hear about such a bad day. When I was there a few weeks ago, they were checking every kid who looked around the hight restrictment. I do think you should give the park a second chance, but I understand one bad trip after not being at the park since 2004 can influence a bad look on the park. How did you like the rides?

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So we got out of the car and started walking towards the gate, he came back and asked me if he could "sniff" the inside of my car, OK but why, said he had received a complaint about TWO people sitting in a car smoking pot, "Two people there was THREE of us". So I unlocked the doors he proceeded to "sniff" and check my ashtray and look around, told me it was OK and to have a good day.


FYI, you should never let any security guard search your car. They don't have the right to do that. Never let the police do it either without a warrant.

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You know, I feel for you, but this is one of the few bad reports we've heard about KI for a while. To me it seems that your day started on a bad note so throughout the rest of your day all you did was notice anything annoying or bad that happened.


The Adventure express thing sounds like the norm. I know at KI they usually have music blaring in the stations so the op may not have heard the girls until they were really close. Who knows.


I agree taking that long to get a water is ridiculous, but 10 mins?? Come on, there's no way that happened. I think you were just nit-picking everything that happened that day.


There's always been a problem across the "amusement park" community with some ride-ops letting people who were really close to the height limits to slip through, while otherops are hard-nosed about it.


Not defending KI, but let's be a little realistic about what really happened that day, don't blow things out of proportion. Plus, many reps of parks read these boards so they will see what you said and take actions themselves.


And to second, third or fourth what everyone else said.....take some time, format your response see it's legible. I lost my place at least 20 times and had to keep rereading the same sentence 6 times in order to get through it!! (See, easy to blow things out of proportion, really only took me about 5 mins to read the whole thing, but now my eyes hurt)

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i was there last week, on a thursday, and didnt notice any of the attendants acting like that. they do hire a lot of teenagers who think it is a meeting place for their next date, but overall, i had a very pleasant experience.



i agree about the beast though. ruined a one of the best woodies ever! i expect violent turns, and it didnt disappoint. all the turns and direction changes hurt my ribs also.



i still think it is a lot better than any of the six flaggers i have been to.

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So we got out of the car and started walking towards the gate, he came back and asked me if he could "sniff" the inside of my car, OK but why, said he had received a complaint about TWO people sitting in a car smoking pot, "Two people there was THREE of us". So I unlocked the doors he proceeded to "sniff" and check my ashtray and look around, told me it was OK and to have a good day.


FYI, you should never let any security guard search your car. They don't have the right to do that. Never let the police do it either without a warrant.

I learned in Goverment that police can search your car without a search warrant upon suspicion.
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I was just at the park last night and things have already got better. Well I did see a lot of girls in bikini tops but I was told the water park just closed for the day. Also it was very hot in the lines a nice employee was passing out free water for those who waited in the FireHawk line.

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I learned in Goverment that police can search your car without a search warrant upon suspicion.


I doubt that "Pot Smoking" would be any justification for such a search. Maybe if the cops believed a rape or homicide took place, but not on suspicion of marijuana use.


OP -

Sorry to hear that your visit went so bad. It happens from time to time, and it is a real disappointment when everything seems to go wrong. You did what anyone else should do in the same circumstances. Write a letter through the proper outlets and cut your day short.


Better luck next time.

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Sorry Rob, and everyone else who tried to read that, I made some corrections.


That's better--much easier to follow. Sorry you had such a bad day--an "off" day for the park, perhaps? I haven't been to KI in years.


I agree taking that long to get a water is ridiculous, but 10 mins?? Come on, there's no way that happened. I think you were just nit-picking everything that happened that day.


Skramp, no offense meant here, but unless you were there that day and know otherwise, I would avoid statements like "there's no way that happened" and "I think you were just nit-picking." After all, enough "nits" can leave one feeling very uncomfortable.

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FYI, you should never let any security guard search your car. They don't have the right to do that. Never let the police do it either without a warrant.



Generally, yes, that's true.



However, upon paying $10 and entering the parking lot (which is Cedar Fair property), you forfeit the right to refuse a search of your car without a warrant. Once you have consented to enter their property (read: paid the parking fee), they have the right to search whoever they want. It's the same way with corporations and private schools, which can search your car at random if they so choose.


The owners/operators of private properties don't operate under normal search and seizure laws.

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I'm not saying the whole day was bad, I did have a good time for the most part, but I did experience several things that put a damper on my day, "it was a sunny day afterall" , lol !


I did encounter mostly friendly and efficient employees, but I did come across several that was very bad at their jobs. I worked for Opryland 2 seasons and SFKK for 5 seasons, and one of the main things at both parks was paying attention to your area and surroundings, and several wasn't.


The incident that up-set me the most was the young girl walking around the park with her " $ipple" hanging out. I didn't have any young children with me but if I had I certaintly wouldn't want them to see that, and several I walked past, walked past her and didn't say a word. If they were paying attention, like they should be, they would have asked her to cover up.


I'm not saying I won't go back, because, like I said we did have a good time for a good part of the day. A few of the rides need some work and some re-programming. " Tomb Raider" hangs you upside down for to long of a period at times, gave me a headache and the "Beast" needs some major help, IMO.

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By the way, the "security" guard incident upset me, but I chalked it up as a teenage boy with " authority, and a look at me I'm a security guard" attitude and shouldn't hold it against him because he couldn't count.


As far as the "pot " thing, I had nothing to hide, I don't smoke the #hit, so I let him "sniff" my car.

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