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Elissa's Random Thought of the Day!

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Ok, so 12 Weeks post KidTums I decided to go back to gymnastics to try to get rid of the rest of my 'baby weight'.




I mean, I knew I would be out of shape and torn apart and stuff, but I was surprised and disheartened by how much I sucked! I have a feeling that when I wake up in the middle of the night to feed KT I won't be able to make it to the kitchen! I can already feel the soreness and pulled muscles everywhere. WOW!!!


As suckfestish as it was, it still felt great to be back in the gym and doing stuff and trying to get back in shape.


No bathing suit for the Spain Trip, but hopefully by the Midwest I'll be ready!

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Good luck with the weight loss and getting back in shape! It's going to be painful at first, but you are young and she's your first, so you'll bounce back quickly.


I, on the other hand, will be 39 next month, and this baby is my third - my body is not very happy with me, at all, and I'm terrified of the wreckage I'll be left with, come November!


We put a bazillion miles on our stroller. Sadly, we're going to have to retire it and get a new one, this go 'round.


BTW, just found out last week that we're having another girl! My son is ok with that, but my daughter is a little put out, being the diva that she is.


Sorry to go off on a me tangent, there. Keep working out, daily, but slow it down a little, until your muscles adjust. In six weeks or so, you should be back in good shape!

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^It's great to hear from someone else in this situation! There are very few of us here and we need to stick together!


BTW, if it's been too long between your diva and this new one, I've got some never worn, or worn once cute little girl outfits!

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Oh yeah, anytime you want to talk baby stuff, I'm your girl!


After my first, I was able to stuff myself uncomfortably back into my jeans around 12 weeks, but I had to start working out to get my abs back in line, and that took another 6-8 weeks.


After the second, it took me over a year to get my shape back, but I could never find the time to work out because she was an extremely difficult baby - we called her the screamapillar (after the Simpsons episode!)


Rhiannon is 4 1/2 - she'll be almost 5 by the time the baby arrives, and I have almost nothing left from when she was a baby (she was supposed to be the last - oops!) I would love to have some of those adorable KT outfits!


BTW, it can't be stated enough how adorable she is! Are you seeing any of yourself in her? In the photos you've posted, she looks so much like Robb! I can sympathize, because Rhiannon is a miniature, female version of my husband. She does have my hair, though!


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So I have my random thought early in the day today...


I found out this morning that the 2nd of the awesome Ralph and Norton Whale Shark duo died at the Atlanta Aquarium.


This really bums me out. They were really fascinating animals, and I nearly went out of my way to go visit them last year since it's so rare to be able to see Whale Sharks in the US. At the same time, I find myself siding with some of the Animal Activists who have a problem with the Atlanta Aquarium. As much as I'd love to see the fish, maybe they really shouldn't be kept in captivity. And on top of that, these two die, other animals die, they're doing autopsies to find out why, yet before they even have results they ship in more whale sharks and animals? To me, that just doesn't seem very responsible.


Apparently the Beluga Whale that was 'saved' from one of the Mexican Theme Parks also died recently. Now that one I won't blame on the Atlanta Aquarium since it was in such bad shape beforehand, but still...maybe we should just leave all these animals on their own...they seem to do better without us.

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This is sad. Was there a reason given for the deaths?


I agree these animals seem to do better on their own, but I also understand why people want to study them. Someone needs to find a happy medium where the animals can be studied safely in a natural environment.

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We're going to visit friends in Atlanta, the end of July. We're planning on doing the CityPass, and my son is really excited about going to the Georgia Aquarium.


I've been following the whale shark saga, and am feeling a little icky about going, now.

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You got to know something frirst. (I work in a Zoo BTW), that all the anaimal trade is controlled by the AZA. And almost all of those animals are born in captivity, and for some of them, it's the better than the wild for them. So at the same time, I feel it's wrong, but if you are born in captivity, chances are, you wouldn't survive the wild, so for them, it's the ebst they got.


-Dainan "Just found this thread today" Rafferty

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Did you ever consider to visit the Galapagos Islands ? I think you will enjoy it so much. My friend been there and took a sailing tour and just infront of his eyes a giant tail went out of the water. I saw the video and this is amazing.

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The Galapagos Islands are on my list of things to do in my lifetime. I've always wanted to go there.


What does living in New England have to do with seeing whales? It's not like they hang out around the Mass Pike. I grew up in MA, and I never saw a whale, outside of captivity. Big deal.

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This actually has more to do with yesterday!


GRRRR!!! It took 2 hours to drive 72 miles. I HATE LA!!! Seriously, I think I would be a lot more social and do a lot more stuff if traffic didn't suck so much. I mean it was Saturday at 7pm, there should have been no traffic at all!


Oh well, it was still pretty worth it to celebrate Chris' 21st birthday!

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