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The NHL Discussion Thread

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Going to the Red Wings/ Sens game on the 12th. Both are tops teams, but Detroit has 10 more points.

But what I find funny is that when I went to the Buf/Ott game on the 10th, there were about 10 leafs fans all 4 rows from the ice, cheering when Buffalo scored and pouting when Ottawa scored. I can see that for the battle of Ontario but for a Buf/Ott game?? It was funny when Ottawa's mascot sprayed them with water.

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^ Leafs fans need to cheer for something. It sure the hell hasn't been the Leafs lately.


That said, Leafs need to tank this year, trade everyone, fire everyone, and start from scratch. This franchise has clearly run as far as it's going to go on this management, this team President, and this roster. There's no way to fix it except to gut it like a damned wild animal.


Let's tank for Stamkos! Let's get some bright future mixed in with this drab present!

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Stamkos, Tavares, and new management and we'd actually be a good team. In a few years at least.


The games have been almost to painful to watch recently. The 3rd period collapses are just expected now.


When the worst team in the league totally embarrasses you, that tells you there's a problem.

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I had went to a Pens vs Panthers game in FL and a Pens Vs Ottowa game in Pittsburgh because a friend of mine who worked at disney with me is from there, and a huge fan. I am from Atlanta, and he got alot of hell a few nights ago haha when Atlanta beat the Pens. That was a awesome game though. I still like both teams. Hopefully Atlanta can keep it up. I am going to the fanfest thing they are having in Atlanta for the All Star game. I have to listen to the Jonas Brothers, but oh well it should be fun anyways.

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Leafs need to tank this year, trade everyone, fire everyone, and start from scratch. This franchise has clearly run as far as it's going to go on this management, this team President, and this roster. There's no way to fix it except to gut it like a damned wild animal.


What he said. (I said something close to that effect this morning to one of my teachers, also a fan, and he agreed.)


Like Paul said as well, it's a bloody miracle these days if the Leafs can hold on to win in the shootout, let alone win in overtime, let alone WIN. I shut off the games now after Satellite Hotstove (eh, the Canabians might know) because I can magically predict the outcome of the next 20 minutes of play.

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The funny thing is that they're only like 6 points out of a playoff spot. So techically a hot steak could get that right back into the race.


Or at least that's what some delusional fans will tell themselves.


In reality those 6 points are a mountain to get over.


I'm really curious what the fallout is going to be at MLSE. It's not like the teachers pension fund has been supportive of the drastic front office overhaul that is needed.

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^My teacher (OK, a different one) is a major Habs fan; basically he supports the Habs but would like to see the Leafs win solely for the pension investment.


Your first two points are pretty much what I realized Sunday morning, after dropping ANOTHER 3rd period the night before...

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The problem is that 6 or 8 points means that you have to win 3-5 more games then the people you're trying to chase. So they would have to win a few more games then a handful of teams that they're chasing.


They need to go something like 25-12 from here out to end up with 90 points. Which probably wouldn't even get them into the playoffs.


Just seems highly unlikely. They were closer the last two seasons, and still fell just short. This is just too much of a hole.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Alright so did anyone watch the Penguin/Panther game? That ending goal by Malone was insane! I mean, scoring those 3 goals in the third was probably the most intense hockey that I've scene all season.


Oh, here are the highlights from the game... http://penguins.nhl.tv/team/console?type=fvod&id=849&tab=1


You just have to click on Game Highlights when you get there and it should play the last game automatically.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

It's so nice to actually REALLY look forward to a hockey game again. Come Monday night, it's me, a pizza, a six pack, and hopefully the B's whooping the crap out of the Habs.



EDIT: Well, the beer and pizza were still good. Close to 34 years on this earth without my boys winning the Cup. Great job, guys.

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Come Monday night, it's me, a pizza, a six pack, and hopefully the B's whooping the crap out of the Habs.


Still sounds like a good night, though. Been a Caps fan for years (Pete Peters, Don Beaupre era with some potentially decent guy named Koltzig on the SkipJacks) despite their record.


Hmmm...seen this thread a few times and never really stuck my head in the door so-to-speak.

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Lets go Flyers! Lets go lets go! Lets go Flyers! Lets go lets go! Lets go Flyers! Lets go lets go! Lets go Flyers! Lets go lets go! Lets go Flyers! Lets go lets go! Lets go Flyers! Lets go lets go! Lets go Flyers! Lets go lets go! Lets go Flyers! Lets go lets go! Lets go Flyers! Lets go lets go! Lets go Flyers! Lets go lets go! Lets go Flyers! Lets go lets go! Lets go Flyers! Lets go lets go! Lets go Flyers! Lets go lets go! Lets go Flyers! Lets go lets go! Lets go Flyers! Lets go lets go! Lets go Flyers! Lets go lets go! Lets go Flyers! Lets go lets go! Lets go Flyers! Lets go lets go! Lets go Flyers! Lets go lets go! Lets go Flyers! Lets go lets go! Lets go Flyers! Lets go lets go! Lets go Flyers! Lets go lets go! Lets go Flyers! Lets go lets go! Lets go Flyers! Lets go lets go!


Just so you know I am a Flyers fan

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It's so nice to actually REALLY look forward to a hockey game again. Come Monday night, it's me, a pizza, a six pack, and hopefully the B's whooping the crap out of the Habs.



EDIT: Well, the beer and pizza were still good. Close to 34 years on this earth without my boys winning the Cup. Great job, guys.

Habs are going all the way this year. Well, to the Cup finals. Then it's a crapshoot. No shame in losing to them


Habs regular season record against their first two play-off opponents: 12-0. Habs play-off record against their first two play-off opponents [after seven games]: 4-3.


Regular season means what again?


I was cheering for eight teams this play-off season: Caps, Habs, Sens, Preds, Sharks, Wild. I had predicted for about a month that a Habs/Sharks final was inevitable. The only two of the six teams left in the play-offs? That's right! It ain't no coincidence.

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  • 7 months later...

Motivated by the NBA thread I thought I would bring this one back to life. Not sure how many of you out there are watching, but how are your favorite teams doing?


In LA things are finally starting to look up. I don't think the team is going to make the playoffs this year, but next year should be a good year for them. They've shown tremendous improvement on defense this year, and as soon as the situation in goal is figured out I think things are bound to get a lot better.

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