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Photo TR: Gold Reef City, Johannesburg, SA

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Thanks for this TR!


Shame you missed out on Ratanga Junction and a couple of the credits, but still you got to ride Anaconda which just looks and sounds awesome!


I'm sure I'll get to South Africa some day. maybe I'll time my trip to coincide with the 2010 World Cup.


Now that's not a bad idea. And talking of good ideas, I'll buy a Scotland shirt well in advance, because I don't think England will qualify to the next one!

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Well you never know because it was announced today that Scotland are sixteenth in the world! How the hell do Fifa come up with these rankings? Scotland haven't qualified for a mjor tournament in ten years!


But yeah on topic I imagine South Africa would be looking pretty cool come 2010 when the eyes of the world are on them - not that it doesn't look pretty cool already of course!

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Thanks for all your comments Guys. It was a shame about Ratanga, especially being right next to the park and not going in. Id have liked to have seen Gold Reef Busier too, I didn't actually ride that much due to the wait times, especially Anaconda. 15-25 minutes was the average for 10 riders to appear. I did manage 4 rides in a row when the large group of 20 ish in the park came over for a ride. It was either ride or take photo's, so I decided on the former!


The only downside not shown in the pics was that they don't disguise construction very well, and some areas of the park were being worked on (or were obviously half completed), whilst I was there. Seems odd when the finished article is so nice.


Living in Europe (and travelling to the US) I have been lucky to have ridden a fair number of Schwartzkopf shuttle loops, so missing out on it wasn't really a disappointment. It has been closed for months too, and was all ready to reopen - its just things happen very slowly out in Africa. Deadlines there are generally "when its done" - hence why the ToT reopening has slipped so much!


Anyway, there are a number of flights from Cape Town to Joburg, so anyone in Cape Town can get to the park relatively easily. It cost me £55 for the return flight with Kulula (SA Budget airline owned by British Airways), £25 each way in a Taxi and £8 to get into the park and buy a ride wristband. Well worth taking a day out for...

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Well you never know because it was announced today that Scotland are sixteenth in the world! How the hell do Fifa come up with these rankings? Scotland haven't qualified for a mjor tournament in ten years!


I know how crazy is that??!!


Anyway.... The park looks awesome!! I soooooooooo wanna go on tower of terror. Im thinking of doing some volunteering in South Africa next Summer, so maybe I'll get the chance to go there.

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I went to gold reef city on valentines day of 2007 when i was on holiday and i also missed out on TOT and golden loop but anaconda was amazing and im sure there was half the amount of people there on my visit than yours, i mean a ride op pretty much walked round with my girlfriend and i and just ran the rides we wanted to go on if we could get anough people to ride.

But the parks theming is beautiful and it is quite a small park but the railway was open on my visit and also the powered mine which has a surprising amount of negatives.

Great trip report south africa is great.

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Very nice pictures.what kind of cameria do you use?


I've got a Nikon D70 and only had my Nikkor 18-200 VR lens with me for the trip. It was a very bright day, so not ideal conditions really. The biggest challenge was catching rides when they ran.

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Wow, I always wondered what that park must look like. It looks OK. Nice pictures. Negative q-ing times. The ride has to wait for riders in stead of the other way around. Cool that you sacrificed a ride on Anaconda to make that picture.


I guess I won't be going to South Africa soon, but if I'm around, I will visit Gold Reef City. That ToT looks so scary. I guess that's one of those "WTF OMG I'm gonna die today" kinda rides. Is there anyone who rode it in the good old days?

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Wow, I had never seen pics of this place before (besides Anaconda and Golden Loop), it looks very nice. The landscaping and theming look great, and it looks very clean as well. I'd love to check it out some time...

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Yes, it was called that at Carowinds. It was actually called White Lightnin. That coaster holds a lot of memories for me. It was torn down to expand the water park. It used to sit in front of the wave pool but was torn down not to long after those people were shot at the wave pool. I can't remember what year that was but it was not long after the shooting. It had nothing to do with the shooting but it was around the same time if memory serves.

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Those are some really beautiful pictures of some really hard to reach parks. If ever I get to South Africa, I so hope all the coasters are operating, though from the looks of it Anaconda is worth the price alone. Thank you for sharing!

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Thanks for the great TR!!! It is awesome seeing reports of parks this rare. If you have any other photos of the rest of the park please feel free to post them!


Thanks, I have no other pictures worth posting though, as I captured most of the park with those posted. The Children's area (next to ToT) was closed off completely for a refurbishment and that, other than the powered mine train, was really the only thing I didn't capture.



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