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- This is not a US park. It's a Chinese park.

- It has an amusement park and a waterpark.


Please read the hints first.


Sorry, but I was just making a joke about how the author tagged the image name in the properties as "Cedar-Point".

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Sorry, but I was just making a joke about how the author tagged the image name in the properties as "Cedar-Point".


1. I did that on purpose wondering if I could catch somebody actually guessing Cedar Point.


2. In my reply, I added an emoticon to show that I was aware that you might've been acting sarcastically...

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Sorry for the double post, but I feel like doing the next one...



- This is an American park.

- The park is defunct.

- This park was part of a major park chain.

- It didn't really last very long.


Any other hints would probably give it away...


Can you guess?

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Being the unofficial mod of this game(thanks Eric ) I am semi bumping this/saying that maybe a day(like a full 24 hour day) is better until the next person who is not the winner can vote. These are extremely active forums, and no response after three days will mean ridicoulas constant bumping of this thread, especially considering this could really go in the games thread area. I am not saying it should, but with the summer people will have a lot more time and TR's so this thread will go down fairly quickly.


To summarize everything said above: Dont just randomly guess and never check this thread again, cause if it takes you more than 24 hours to post a pic then anyone reading this forum can post. Also, only one pic at a time please.


The That was a long ass post, but I rule this thread(well, except for the other mods of course) Ghost

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