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Photo TR: Montu has a new coat of paint! (Completed)

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^ Personally, I think they should add a couple of more flat rides, like that Intamin Drop Tower someone mentioned earlier, and some more family attractions, like a Huss Condor, which can kind of fit in with the whole "African Vulture" theme. Come to think of it, Vulture does sound like a cool name. As long as they don't give Gwazi a re - track in April, I'm happy, as I'm going to BGA for the first time then. I already lost Python; I don't want to miss out on Gwazi.

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"Hey Wes!, How is it going?"


DIE DIE DIE!!! Hahahaha...


When we were at BGT last year, I noticed some of their shirts were actually cool and well designed...not the usual coaster shirt lameness. These new ones on the other hand, fugly as sin. I don't understand what's so hard about getting a good graphic designer to make some kick ass stuff.


Montu is looking good, next time I go I won't have to color correct the crap out of my pics to make it look nice.

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Great pics Erik!


I can't believe how busy the park was though! (Or how bad the operations were!)


Seriously, I don't understand how parks can just let coasters rot away with no paint when they look so amazing with a fresh coat. Good for Busch, their coasters all look awesome now!


Overall operations were pretty good. I never had more than a 2 train wait for Montu (they were running 3 trains). Gwazi was a walk on. Cheetah Chase was about a 5 minute wait. SheiKra was at most, 10 minutes. When I went back to Scorpion I only had to wait 2 trains until I gotto ride. Kumba was an average of about 15 minutes (thank God for Platnium passes for re-rides), which is, as you know, very slow for Kumba.

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And on a Saturday, I can see it being quite crowded (beside the fact that it was chilly, and the Ren. Fair nearby looked quite crowded too). Usually when it is crowded, BGT's operations are quite good. It's the mid-week slow days where they seem to be really lazy and run nowhere near capacity.

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Great photos Erik! Montu was looking quite dull last year, good to see it spruced up. But I'm surprised Kumba is aleady looking a bit faded! And yeah it did look quite busy, but I'd still rather go to Busch Gardens on a Saturday than Wild Adventures.

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But I'm surprised Kumba is aleady looking a bit faded!


It's that damn Florida Sunshine!!!


Ahh yes! I almost forgot what that was like out there.


Come to think we had some sunshine for what might just be the first time this year in Manchester today!

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Great pics, Erik. Montu looks great.


Yeah, as much as I love Euroburg and Tramprica, their shirts haven't been much to write home about. Their best ones use park maps. BGE's big "logo" shirt even features, for some reason, what looks like Cinderella's Castle from the Magic Kingdom in the center.


Euroburg did have one cool Howl-o-Scream souvenir--a very detailed "Jack" bobblehead. What was odd is that these bobbleheads were nowhere to be seen until the last night of Howl-o-Scream, when there were stacks of them in a few stores (price a suprisingly low $4.99 each). It's like on the last day somebody realized, "Oh, crap! We have a whole warehouse of these damn things, and we never put 'em out!" Either that or they were delayed in manufacturing.

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I was there today! Yeah, Scorpion's line is still like that past lunch, and Shiekra's line had the bulk of it's switch backs open today, they were running three trains. The line was thirty to forty minutes all day. Gwazi had the same amount of wait time as well, they were stacking so hard today for Gwazi. Towards five Kumba was about a couple dozen people away from opening it's switch backs. and Montu still had a short line, thank god. Pheonix had a full car towards lunch and Cheetah Chase's line was almost flowing out of the station.

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