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Has anyone ridden both X and Eejanaika?

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I really don't understand how the hell the park came up with 14 inversions, and I really don't get how Guinness gave it the record. Anywho, it does look better than X, even though it's close to almost being the same. I probably wouldn't fly out just for this ride.


After riding it I don't think it's fair to say it's almost the same to X, in fact I think they're completely different. Goliath and Titan, now those are almost the same ride but this is more like comparing B:TR to Silver Bullet or any other inverted coaster in my book.


Oh and does anyone know what that console inbetween the two seats is for?

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Just got back to the states and let me say Eejanaika is X on steroids. Great ride and like others have said, it left me with the same speechless reaction I had after I rode X for the first time. Totally worth the 84 bucks I paid to get into the park and the 2+ hours it took (by bus) to get to the park. Thank goodness I had a rail pass otherwise I would have paid hundreds for the 1+ hour train ride on a bullet train from Tokyo to Mishima.


BTW, Eejanaika has the worst que song ever (it just repeats the ride's name over and over again).


Dude.. WTF? Take the Chou line to the end of the rail, hop on the private rail and to Fuji and it's only like $20.


Anyway... Eejanaika is the shizznit!!!


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Just to let you guys know, Eejanaika is translated wrong on rcdb.com. There it says that Eejanaika translates into, "Aint it great", but it roughly translates into, "Fuhgedaboutit" (In non Brooklyn term of spelling: Forget about it).


-Dainan "Just thought you'd find it interesting" Raffertyy

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I just got in my fourth Eejanaika ride ever last Thursday. I just love this coaster. I don't think I've ever waited more than 45 minutes to board it, so perhaps I've managed to avoid the pre-ride annoyances more than other folks.


Speaking of which, I don't suppose anyone in Internet-land managed has an audio file of the Eejanaika chant? I want it for a cell phone ringtone.


I have not ridden X.

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How did I miss this thread?


I rode them both in the same week last febuary or something...when did we go Wally?


Anyway, while it still wasn't glass Eejan was much more plesent than X. I actually didn't mind my last X ride, but Eejan was much more fun. I know it doesn't seem like there is much more that X offers but you really feel it! The full/full was just awesome!


Also, what's up with the $84 park admission? General admission is only $40.29 us and $45.68 canadian. Plus all throughout the winter admission has been discounted to only $31.05 us. I checked 5 other dollar currencies from new zealand to hong kong and couldn't find your $84 figure. Did you accidently buy a two day ticket?


And yeah, JR Chou line all the way to the end then jump on the fuji train all the way to the park. It takes about the same time as the bus and it's like $25 us.


Is there a bullet train or something that I don't know about?

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How did I miss this thread?


I rode them both in the same week last febuary or something...when did we go Wally?


Anyway, while it still wasn't glass Eejan was much more plesent than X. I actually didn't mind my last X ride, but Eejan was much more fun. I know it doesn't seem like there is much more that X offers but you really feel it! The full/full was just awesome!


Also, what's up with the $84 park admission? General admission is only $40.29 us and $45.68 canadian. Plus all throughout the winter admission has been discounted to only $31.05 us. I checked 5 other dollar currencies from new zealand to hong kong and couldn't find your $84 figure. Did you accidently buy a two day ticket?


And yeah, JR Chou line all the way to the end then jump on the fuji train all the way to the park. It takes about the same time as the bus and it's like $25 us.


Is there a bullet train or something that I don't know about?


Nah you guys are misunderstanding me. Admission was 48 for unlimited rides on all the rides, but it also cost me 21 bucks to get to the park by bus and another 15 to get lost and end up in Kofu. My friends were totally turned off by all the costs, so I had to go solo but it was totally worth it just to ride Eejan.


As for the train, originally I was going to Fuji-Q from Kyoto, so the best way to get to the park was to take the shinkansen, get off at Mishima station, and then take the bus all the way to the park. However, due to the park's 9-5 hours, we all left fo Tokyo after getting to Mishima around 1pm. The next day I went rouge & figured I'd just retrace my route not knowing about the Chou line.

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Speaking of which, I don't suppose anyone in Internet-land managed has an audio file of the Eejanaika chant? I want it for a cell phone ringtone.


Actually I did capture it while I was at the park. It's not great, but send me a PM and I'll get the audio file to you.


Thanks Phishy. I sent you a PM earlier.

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  • 9 months later...

X and Eejanaika are much more alike than different, but here are all the differences that I have observed:


During the turn to the lift hill, Eejanaika does a near half back flip of the seats, X does not.


During the 1st raven turn after the first drop, X does a half rotation of the seats to basically keep riders upright. Eejanaika does that, but then does a full back flip of the seats.


Contrary to popular belief, the "full/full" on Eejanaika does not replace a "half/half" on X. The corresponding part on X is a full flip of the seats while the track does not invert at all.


During the brake run, Eejanaika rotates riders forward slightly so they are facing down, X does not.


Other than the differences mentioned above and slight dimensional and directional variations (X turns left out of the station, Eejanaika turns right), the layouts are pretty much the same.

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Either way, Eejanaika beat the crap out of me whereas in the exact same seat on X two weeks later it was by FAR much smoother.


Oddly enough I found X to be running the best it's run since opening year the last 4 months prior to them making changes!


Hopefully it's still running as good as it was in December when it re-opens!



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I've only ever been on X but from watching the POV footage it looks like Eejan is pretty rough. Not that X hasn't been rough in the past. I'd totally love to take a trip to get on Eejan though, rough or not. 4D is by far my favorite type of coaster.


^^Which is why I never understood why they've been called that, besides the names sounding cool. I guess if you consider the name refers to what the track is doing, not what the riders are doing, it makes a little more sense. The movement of the riders on a half/half is known as a misty flip to rollers.


Someone earlier in this thread compared the two like Batman and Silver Bullet, and for some reason that sounds like it'd be an accurate description.


I thought during the rehab it'd be cool if they could re-weld the X rails at the top of the first raven to make the seats rotate a front flip, to a fly like it already does, to a catch (how the seats flip right before the photo). Imagine the air time holy crap.

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Other than the differences mentioned above and slight dimensional and directional variations (X turns left out of the station, Eejanaika turns right), the layouts are pretty much the same.

One thing I forgot to mention in my post was, even though I know there are differences between the track layout of X and Eejanaika, I honestly didn't feel like they were that different.


IMO, if you weren't a geeky coaster enthusiast and "in the know" that the rides has some changes, it would feel like a clone.


I had completely forgotten about the full/full and other different elements and when the ride was over...and after my concussion went away, I really couldn't tell the difference between that ride and X.



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