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If you could take any 5 coasters and mold them into one what would they be?




They all sound cool but can we stick with all inverted or all normal(sit-down and stand-up). Not 2 inverted and 3 normal please. Something that would seem you could build.


Seems to me that you're contradicting yourself. You did say ANY five coasters in your first post. If you wanted realistic coasters and NOT creativity, maybe you should've asked for it? Personally I think most of the ideas are pretty damn good. The fact that they're mostly impossible and maybe a little insane actually makes them that much better.

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Uhh... I don't understand this.


How can you have five coasters run together even in makebelieve? Are we saying that the trains magically change from El Toro's, to an inverted one for Batman and so on? Are we sitting through five lifthills or are all these rides joined at the tops of the first drops? Anywho...


Here's my version/twist of this:


All on a Nitro Train:

1. Start with Nitro's lift and drop and to the top of the first hill...

2. Which turns immediately into El Toro's drop over Rolling Thunder and through the infield track section...

3. Which leads to Top Thrill Dragsters launch...

4. Which leads to and rockets you over Expedition GeForce's lift hill and through the entire ride at an ungodly fast pace...

5. Then you end up on Kingda Ka's launch which is not set to a powerful enough thrust to push you over the top-hat so you get repeated roll backs to the station till you can't take it anymore... or die.

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Mine would have to be Millennium Force (the 310 ft lift hill), Maverick (the layout), Voyage (the airtime), Goliath -SFMM- (the helixs and the tunnel at the end of the first drop), and Riddlers Revenge (for all the inversions). And since I am only fifteen, this is the best that I can do.

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Is it possible to combine cetrain characeristics from different manufacturers/designers instead of combining coasters?


I'd use Intamin's speed, B&M's "smooothness", KumBak's cars (themed and smooth), Stengel's design and Efteling's theming. That would be an ultimate coaster...

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Farmer Ryan's Recipe for Awesome Cookies


Take 3 cups of Gravity Max (Discovery World),

Sift 300 grams of some Boulder Dash (Lake Compounce) and make a well,

Take a pinch of Rock'n'Roller Coaster (WDW) for extra zest,

Get the yolk from a Dueling Dragons (IOA) and put in in the well. Then stir for 5 minutes and put in oven for 10 minutes.


Add some Diadasaurus (Expoland) to the finished cookies if you want the taste to last.

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