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Pinball themed water ride..

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A friend saw these guys at iaapa ... Looks great, although I skeptical that it could actually work.



What's odd is that there was a similar design of this nature (Without water) back in the 80's/90's, it's in one of the back issues of ACE news I believe. The concept was never built back then, and I don't see this one going anywhere either.

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What's odd is that there was a similar design of this nature (Without water) back in the 80's/90's, it's in one of the back issues of ACE news I believe. The concept was never built back then, and I don't see this one going anywhere either.

I have seen photos of the artwork for that as well. It was like a big darkride kinda thing. I think it was in NYC?
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Looks like a lawsuit waiting to happen. I mean your feet would hang out the end of the tube, you get them caught between a flipper, and bam.


It's a large raft,multiple people get in and you sit with you feet in the middle of the raft.



This looks like a neat concept,I think they went a little too far with making it look like a huge Pinball game though.The pirate one looks the best IMO.All of them would look better without the building at the start.

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I have seen photos of the artwork for that as well. It was like a big darkride kinda thing. I think it was in NYC?


One thing I do remember, the original concept had cars shaped like pool balls, which eventually ended up on cuddle-up type rides. Wondering if this water concept is braking a patent somewhere.

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some parts here id oubt iwllw ork

WTF?? I understood it once I got out my crackerjack box Scooby Doo decoder ring!



This looks really cool. I also do think it can work! But may be a maintenance nightmare with the flippers. Because those things will need a lot of torque to push the rafts around and I can see them breaking all the time.

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This thing looks really awesome. I really hope Sega Joypolis or Pallette town sees this, it would really suit them! I also like the Lego designs, and the pirate ones look pretty cool also.


This also sort of reminded me of a company i saw photos of from Iaapa 2002, on some website i can't quite remember. Then i found it a few days ago on screamscape


Hafema is a newish company, and has some very cool looking rides! I'm not really why it reminded me, but still.

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This ride would be very difficult to build and maintain, as always mentioned.


To build it right, you would have to take into account every single object on the "table" and how it would effect the flow of the water. If certain objects change the current too much, areas of the table would be nearly impossible to access. There are too many places for the design to go wrong.

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I think this would be an INSANE amount of fun, but there are so many difficulties with it, as have been mentioned... I'm sure it'll happen at some point, but I reckon there are a whole lot of simpler ideas to be exhausted first.


LOL at the starter of this topic.... Pinball + theme parks = Happy Cameron!!

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I think it would be a blast to ride at a park. I could see it at a park Water Country USA, it could compliment Hubba Hubba Highway very nicely. I love the concept of the "Bonus Round" chute.


If they can afford it another place that could benifit from this company might be the Beach Waterpark, (in Mason, OH next to PKI). That park is in need of serious updating. I've frequented the place since I was young, and it sucks to see it like it is. I know they couldn't afford to remodel the entire park, but just a few of this companies offerings could give it new life.


I would love to to see some some park take a gamble on that pinball/pirate water ride though.

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